Posts Tagged ‘sotw’

Song of the Week – Love Is Growing

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

From the .

Love Is Growing (mp3, 5.9M)

Another perfect song by the current greatest musician on Earth, Kanno Youko. Lyrics below.


Song of the Week

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

Scooters by Kanno Yoko, sung by James Wendt.

I swear, this is the last media post using WP. I need to spend a day abstracting media processing / serving out of other projects and into my replacement blog software.


Song of the Week

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Heaven on a Bird, by Bryan Scary & The Shredding Tears.

Song of the Week, 18th August 2009

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

As you may have noticed, things have been in a state of flux around here. Another server move is in progress, DNS is up and down, and all told I have more important things to juggle than the state of this damn blog. It’s a pretty low priority at the moment.

I’ve disliked it for a while, actually. I don’t like Wordpress and have intended for some while to move this blog over to my own custom software, ready for some time now. Perhaps this server move is the time to do that, although it might take a while.

Anyway, why not have one last hurrah, while keeping to the theme of “the future”! Here’s Tomorrow, by Tsunematsu Ayumi.

Songs of the Week – Christmas Special

Sunday, December 21st, 2008

Christmas! I love Christmas. The best part of Christmas is being able to play all the christmas songs I love, which by culture I can’t really play the rest of the year.

What is Christmas Music? Christmas Music equals:

1. Trans Siberian Orchestra
2. Home Alone theme
3. The Red Army Choir, which is a little too “in your face” normally so I substitute the “Hunt For Red October” soundtrack, but I’ll include a bonus track here for purists

I need a playlist, I hear you ask? Your wish is my command, dearest reader. After you hear this playlist, you won’t care about any other presents. You’ve already reached the top. You may as well kill yourself after listening to this, actually, ‘cos it’s all downhill from here. Don’t tell anyone I said that.

All right. Let’s go! This christmas is gonna ROCK!!!!

Part 1 – Trans Siberian Orchestra

Track 1: What Child is This? (MP3, 13.6M)

A great starting track which will let the relatives know what they’re in for. Sets the scene with pensive, edgy piano, then kicks ass (in the service of the Lord) when the chorus finally arrives. Perfect beginning to your Christmas lunch!!

Track 2: O Come All Ye Faithful / O Holy Night (MP3, 9.9M)

Another great track which will get feet tapping around the table. Hey, is this Christmas, or ROCKmas? Hint: Both.

Track 3: A Star To Follow (MP3, 8.8M)

Controversial choice, this one. You see, I hate the beginning. Goes for way too long, and in the past I’ve gone so far as to edit that whole beginning out. However, maybe we can get away with it .. the crowd has been lulled into a trance by the first two all-winner-no-filler anthem classics, so maybe they can tolerate 1:08 of annoying chants. Gets good after that. I might post the edited version if anyone wants it, I got it right here.

That’s the thing with Trans Siberian Orchestra. I love their sound, and their concept, but sometimes I can’t stand their arrangements. Ah well, can’t have it all.

Track 4: Faith Noel (MP3, 10.4M)

God I’m sick of hearing stupid little kids. Let’s get back to what we’re all here for: AXE SOLO!!!!! Oh come let us adore him…

Track 5a: Christmas Canon Rock (MP3, 11.6M)
Track 5b: Queen Of The Winter Night (MP3, 7.3M)

Kind of filler but everyone loves these songs.

Track 6: Boughs Of Holly (MP3, 7.1M)

Oh yeah, back into it. Deck the Halls with Boughs of AWESOME! By now everyone should be nice and drunk and not paying much attention anyway. All they know is that this is the best christmas EVAR. This is the time to make a move on your cousin, if you haven’t already! (of course you have!)

Track 7: The March of the Kings/Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (MP3, 6.2M)

More of the same, really. Feel free to skip it if you think it’s a bit noisy.

Track 8: Joy/Angels We Have Heard on High (MP3, 6.3M)

Jesu, joy of man’s desiring. Nice slow wrap-up to the TSO.

Part 2: Japanese section

Free free to ignore this if you hate Japan. Godless heathens, who do they think they are making Christmas music, anyway?

Track 9: 山下達郎: CHRISTMAS EVE (MP3, 5.9M)
Track 9: 山下達郎: CHRISTMAS EVE (english version) (MP3, 5.9M)

English and Japanese versions of this classic. The Japanese is better, but if it gives you jungle flashbacks you might want to stick with the Queen’s Tongue.

Part 3: Soundtracks

Track 10: Home Alone Main Title (”Somewhere In My Memory”) (MP3, 6.7M)

What could evoke more Christmas cheer than the thought of young McCauley Culkin evading bumbling home invaders? That’s right, nothing.

Track 11: O Holy Night (Home Alone) (MP3, 3.8M)

A nice arrangement of this classic.

Track 12: Hymn to the Red October (MP3, 7.1M)

In 1984, the USSR’s best submarine captain in their newest sub violates orders and heads for the USA. Is he trying to defect, or to start a war?

Another Christmas classic.

Part 4: Bonus

Track 13: The Red Army Choir – National Anthem Of The USSR (MP3, 8.6M)

Self explanatory. The very essence of Christmas, distilled.


That’s all, folks. After that lot’s played through – you won’t have any choice but to hit START OVER. This never gets old. Trust me.

Any requests, tell santa to put your comment in my little comment stocking below! Ho, ho, ho!

Song of the Week – I thought about it first

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Song of the Week is “I thought about it first” by Josh Fix, cementing the end of my multi-month Nightwish binge. I particularly love the occasional “advance downbeat” (I’m sure there’s a proper name for that), which is really effective and leaves you waiting for the next one.

The album, Free At Last, is in first place for my Album of the Year 2008.

Download (MP3, 10.8M)

Lyrics after the break (transcribed by me – I guess someone has to do it first).


Song of the Week – The Siren

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Since I’m obviously just posting every song from Nightwish’s 2004 album Once one by one, why not continue with another favourite from that brilliant album.

Today’s is Nightwish – The Siren (M4A, 34.4M)

This is Nightwish at their theatrical best – some might find the lengthy instrumentals offputting, but to me the strong imagery carries the song, and the story, forward perfectly. I personally find the chorus of this song, especially the second time around, to be incredibly aurally pleasing – a complex, evocative, multi-layered progression of sound.

Lyrics after the jump, although knowing them is unnecessary and, if anything, detracts from this kind of song.


Song of the Week – Amaranth

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

Apologies to those whose throats I’ve already forced this song down, but I really love it. Perhaps Nightwish’s most accessible song yet.

Amaranth – Nightwish (M4A, 28.4M)

Lyrics after the jump.


Song of the week – My Interpretation

Saturday, October 4th, 2008

Moving to England, and a more poppy (and well-produced) sound. This is a perfect 3 1/2 minute pop song, distinguishing itself with excellent lyrics (which I personally really like – rare for me!) and musical sequences innovative for the genre. Sometimes, the charts do get it right, and MIKA’s solo debut album was deservedly popular.

My Interpretation – MIKA

Lyrics after the break.


Song of the week – The Quickening

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

Continuing my run of one-man American power pop auteurs, here’s Roger Joseph Manning Jr. with The Quickening, the killer first track from his surprisingly excellent album Catnip Dynamite. Which is only available in Japan, a fact I am not sure what to make of.

Anyway, it’s another Queen-meets-ELO blast from the future past, and has a fucking synth solo, which basically guarantees I like it. Hope you do too.

The Quickening (mp3, 7MB)

No lyrics for this one – we’ve now dug so deep into obscurity that I cannot find them anywhere.

No kidding on the “excellent” comment, either – barring any surprises this album is a strong (top 3) contender for Album of the Year.

Song of the Week – Whiskey & Speed

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

Running about 6 months late with the new music here, but this one has to go up, better late than never. From Josh Fix, who basically sounds exactly like Freddie Mercury, comes yet another bombastic rock production – I can’t tell whether I like the actual song, or I’m just ecstatic that someone, somewhere, is still making music like this.

As anyone who knows me could attest, I’ve been incredibly down on American music for the last .. well, decade. After a brief explosion of creativity in the early 90s, the mainstream sound has degenerated into endless derivative Creed/Maroon 5 sound-alikes; not my taste at all. Some of the hiphop has been good, but that too started to sound awfully formulaic and most of the innovation has been in the production. There’s no dance output worth the space on one’s iPod and the “alternative” is anything but. Local bands might sound great to the drunken punters at a bar in Boston but don’t cut it compared to the global and historical corpus.

So I’m still down on American music, but like all things American, the average is low but the peaks are high, and one thing that America does seem to do well is produce these “auteur” types who get all depressed, get hepped up on goofballs, go hide in their house for a few years and then come out with some self-produced opus which happens to be fucking amazing. These albums are inevitably one-offs and the artists never live up to their debut. I’m thinking Bryan Scary, Jonny Polonsky, and now Josh Fix. There are probably more; they’re hard to find. My tastes seem to be so dissimilar to the US “music media” that they’re useless for finding new music; I have to rely on “carpet bombing”, serendipity and “guided randomness” in locating new music in an opaque market. Anyway.

This song starts like Radiohead circa “Iron Lung” (ie the last time I liked them), turns into Queen meets ELO, all made in LA in 2008. Awesome. Lyrics after the jump.

Josh Fix – Whiskey & Speed (mp3, 14.5M)


Song of the Week

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

To celebrate Nightwish’s promotion to a probation A-list band, I’ll celebrate by uploading their 14-minute track The Poet and the Pendulum, the bombastic, overblown, teen-poetry-esque but very enjoyable first track from their most recent album.

The Poet and the Pendulum – mp3, 32M

If 14-minute Finnish symphonic power metal rock operas aren’t your thing, I recommend this previous post of a 15-minute Japanese symphonic power metal rock opera, still available.

Lyrics after the break for those who love to sing along!


Bryan Scary, Imitation of the Sky

Thursday, August 7th, 2008

Song of the week is from the “new” Bryan Scary album, Flight of the Knife.

Imitation of the Sky

I’ve been on a bit of a new music spree recently, having gotten sick of everything I had, so expect a mini-flood of “songs of the week/day/hour”.

Song of the Week: Darkness and Starlight

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

By the Black Mages, from their newest album, The Black Mages 3, and is an adaptation of The Opera of Maria and Draco from Final Fantasy 6.

If you are a fan of 15-minute Japanese Rock Opera, click here for heaven. (35M) Also you can find some translated lyrics here.

The rest of the album, unfortunately, is not up the standard of The Skies Above to my ears. Maybe it’s just because I don’t personally like the songs chosen but I feel the ones that were are patchier and less suited to straight rock playthrough than those on TSA. Strange, because there’s a huge wealth of material to choose from – Uematsu can, of course, use whatever FF music he likes, and there’s a *lot* of that. 3 albums and no Chocobo theme? What’s going on!!

Sorry Lonely

Thursday, June 19th, 2008

My feelings about the KCO album O-Crazy Luv changed dramatically, and now I love it. Favourite track of the moment is Sorry Lonely but most of them are good. Anyway that’s my “song of the day”.

What a sleeper of an album. I hated it at first – especially after listing to “mobile emotion” first, and only the first part .. which is admittedly pretty hard to swallow even when I like the rest of the album. But it really grew on me, and now seems basically like an unofficial globe album, sans le rappeur français.

And, I managed to find the lyrics, after the break. Entire album’s lyrics are here.