Posts Tagged ‘site’

Song of the Week, 18th August 2009

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

As you may have noticed, things have been in a state of flux around here. Another server move is in progress, DNS is up and down, and all told I have more important things to juggle than the state of this damn blog. It’s a pretty low priority at the moment.

I’ve disliked it for a while, actually. I don’t like Wordpress and have intended for some while to move this blog over to my own custom software, ready for some time now. Perhaps this server move is the time to do that, although it might take a while.

Anyway, why not have one last hurrah, while keeping to the theme of “the future”! Here’s Tomorrow, by Tsunematsu Ayumi.


Sunday, May 24th, 2009

Seems the hosts of this server, Softlayer, experienced a power failure in the data centre in which I’m located, subjecting this machine to an unexpected reboot. Now, I should have tested this before – one of the traps with running an OS which basically never needs to be rebooted is that one rarely tests a reboot – but it seems I had failed to set httpd and, worse, named, as chkconfig on!

I don’t know how that slipped my mind. Everything else came back up just fine. I guess I just assumed, at the time, that httpd and named started by default – I don’t remember. Anyway, I really should have checked sometime in the year since this server was last rebooted. Ah well. Anyway, all good now.

In other news, I’m thinking about upgrading this server – it’s getting a bit long in the tooth now and for the same money I can probably get a beefier machine. That in itself might not be worth the hassle but I’m also considering migrating from RHEL to a debian system – perhaps Ubuntu Server, although I’ll try it out locally first. I have no complaints about RHEL5 – it’s an excellent distribution, highly reliable, and I haven’t had a single problem with it. But it seems debian-based linux is better supported in many new projects and I’m sick of feeling like I’m the only one trying to run $interesting_new_software on a RHEL system. Well, let’s see.

In other upcoming changes, I’m going to switch to Ruby 1.9.1 one of these days – just got to clean up one legacy app. I guess I can run 1.9 in parallel, but I’d like to do it all at once. To the future!

Turning off trackbacks

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

I am so sick and tired of trackback spam that I’m turning it off completely. Never found a use for it anyway, I don’t think I have ever followed, or cared about, a trackback link.

Porn porn porn

Saturday, January 10th, 2009

Apparently this blog is now blocked on a common content filter for its “porn”:

according to the barracuda web filter here at work, i am now denied access to your website because it falls into the category “porn”.

Well, shit. I hate to disappoint. All those surfers coming here expecting porn .. and I don’t deliver. Maybe I should start!

girls in forests

prescription: assisted hydrotherapy

sailor venus in a bikini

miu nakamura

Downtime, Upgrade

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Apologies for the downtime – I took it upon myself to upgrade this server to RHEL5.

The upgrade went pretty smoothly, taking about 6 hours – although that includes a lot of time copying files around. Some sites on this server aren’t back up yet, as I’m taking the opportunity to modernise a few bits of infrastructure here and there. Also, the media folder is completely missing for now – that will take a long time to copy back from my pathetic DSL.

My main reason for upgrading was difficulties I’d had installing various pieces of software – mostly pretty new stuff. Anyone who’s glanced at the CouchDB mailing list in the last few months will likely remember (with a groan) my epic struggle to get the thing working reliably on RHEL4 – that was a lot of hours splashed to the winds there. I’m delighted to be able to report that installation on this clean, modern server went without a hitch. I consider the time it’s taken me to reinstall “paid for” with that development alone.

Other changes include moving to nginx for Rails hosting, decommissioning SVN once and for all, moving to a new and more logical folder structure, revamping users and permissions, a coming public git repository, and other things I’d been wanting to do for a while but didn’t get round to because of the previous mess.

I’ll be renewing my efforts to hew strictly to RPM-installed packages on this OS. Some source installations are inevitable – Ruby and Erlang, for example, are quite old on the default system/package repo so they have to be installed from source. But everything else I’ll be endeavouring to keep as clean as possible for as long as possible – I want absolutely no repeat of the fucking debacle the js/spidermonkey CouchDB prerequisite install turned into.

In-place upgrades are not my usual cup of tea – I’ve made an exception this time because the hardware is still pretty decent, there were no immediately obvious gains in value to be had upgrading that, and I literally couldn’t do what I wanted to with the previous OS. A hardware upgrade is on the cards, however, and in anticipation of that I’ve kept my most detailed install notes ever – literally every command. What took me 6 or so hours (and counting) should take 1 or 2 next time.

Onwards and upwards, then ..