Christmas! I love Christmas. The best part of Christmas is being able to play all the christmas songs I love, which by culture I can’t really play the rest of the year.
What is Christmas Music? Christmas Music equals:
1. Trans Siberian Orchestra
2. Home Alone theme
3. The Red Army Choir, which is a little too “in your face” normally so I substitute the “Hunt For Red October” soundtrack, but I’ll include a bonus track here for purists
I need a playlist, I hear you ask? Your wish is my command, dearest reader. After you hear this playlist, you won’t care about any other presents. You’ve already reached the top. You may as well kill yourself after listening to this, actually, ‘cos it’s all downhill from here. Don’t tell anyone I said that.
All right. Let’s go! This christmas is gonna ROCK!!!!
Part 1 – Trans Siberian Orchestra
Track 1: What Child is This? (MP3, 13.6M)
A great starting track which will let the relatives know what they’re in for. Sets the scene with pensive, edgy piano, then kicks ass (in the service of the Lord) when the chorus finally arrives. Perfect beginning to your Christmas lunch!!
Track 2: O Come All Ye Faithful / O Holy Night (MP3, 9.9M)
Another great track which will get feet tapping around the table. Hey, is this Christmas, or ROCKmas? Hint: Both.
Track 3: A Star To Follow (MP3, 8.8M)
Controversial choice, this one. You see, I hate the beginning. Goes for way too long, and in the past I’ve gone so far as to edit that whole beginning out. However, maybe we can get away with it .. the crowd has been lulled into a trance by the first two all-winner-no-filler anthem classics, so maybe they can tolerate 1:08 of annoying chants. Gets good after that. I might post the edited version if anyone wants it, I got it right here.
That’s the thing with Trans Siberian Orchestra. I love their sound, and their concept, but sometimes I can’t stand their arrangements. Ah well, can’t have it all.
Track 4: Faith Noel (MP3, 10.4M)
God I’m sick of hearing stupid little kids. Let’s get back to what we’re all here for: AXE SOLO!!!!! Oh come let us adore him…
Track 5a: Christmas Canon Rock (MP3, 11.6M)
Track 5b: Queen Of The Winter Night (MP3, 7.3M)
Kind of filler but everyone loves these songs.
Track 6: Boughs Of Holly (MP3, 7.1M)
Oh yeah, back into it. Deck the Halls with Boughs of AWESOME! By now everyone should be nice and drunk and not paying much attention anyway. All they know is that this is the best christmas EVAR. This is the time to make a move on your cousin, if you haven’t already! (of course you have!)
Track 7: The March of the Kings/Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (MP3, 6.2M)
More of the same, really. Feel free to skip it if you think it’s a bit noisy.
Track 8: Joy/Angels We Have Heard on High (MP3, 6.3M)
Jesu, joy of man’s desiring. Nice slow wrap-up to the TSO.
Part 2: Japanese section
Free free to ignore this if you hate Japan. Godless heathens, who do they think they are making Christmas music, anyway?
Track 9: 山下達郎: CHRISTMAS EVE (MP3, 5.9M)
Track 9: 山下達郎: CHRISTMAS EVE (english version) (MP3, 5.9M)
English and Japanese versions of this classic. The Japanese is better, but if it gives you jungle flashbacks you might want to stick with the Queen’s Tongue.
Part 3: Soundtracks
Track 10: Home Alone Main Title (”Somewhere In My Memory”) (MP3, 6.7M)
What could evoke more Christmas cheer than the thought of young McCauley Culkin evading bumbling home invaders? That’s right, nothing.
Track 11: O Holy Night (Home Alone) (MP3, 3.8M)
A nice arrangement of this classic.
Track 12: Hymn to the Red October (MP3, 7.1M)
In 1984, the USSR’s best submarine captain in their newest sub violates orders and heads for the USA. Is he trying to defect, or to start a war?
Another Christmas classic.
Part 4: Bonus
Track 13: The Red Army Choir – National Anthem Of The USSR (MP3, 8.6M)
Self explanatory. The very essence of Christmas, distilled.
That’s all, folks. After that lot’s played through – you won’t have any choice but to hit START OVER. This never gets old. Trust me.
Any requests, tell santa to put your comment in my little comment stocking below! Ho, ho, ho!