Posts Tagged ‘internet’

.to registers a headless A record

Friday, December 4th, 2009

Neat trick – the .to top level domain control has registered a “headless” A record. In other words, the domain “to” resolves now – although your browser will probably try to “correct” it.

They used it to make a URL shortener – the shortest URLs possible, basically, unless a 1-character TLD is commissioned (no technical reason why not).

I can’t standa URL shorteners but couldn’t resist http://to./.ot//:ptth, which actually worked a grand total of once before not working any more for some reason. Oh well.

Not any more it can't

Best troll ever

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

I think this is one of the best trolls I have yet seen.

It absolutely boggles the mind that anyone would go to that kind of effort and expense to score some ridiculous, personal point, some imagined grievance, some silly grudge. Trolling is not really for me but geeze – I’ve got to hand it to the guy.

New FTTH network for Australia – awesome!

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

The old proposal to build a partial (FTTN) broadband network for Australia has been dumped, replaced by a much larger, better plan – a $43b fibre to the home network, to bring 100Mbps network access to 90% of Australian homes. Here is the announcement.

That’s $2,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. That’s a huge amount. To put it into perspective, the same expenditure in the USA would be roughly $600b.

Putting aside the fact that this is desperately needed in AU’s miserable internet market – this is exactly what a government should be doing at a time like this. Spending huge amounts on wisely chosen infrastructure projects is just the ticket to pull a country out of recession, IMO.

And needless to say, this is the beginning of the end for that hated monopoly Telstra, who will be lefting holding nothing but their crappy 50-year-old legacy copper POTS.
