Posts Tagged ‘dns’

.to registers a headless A record

Friday, December 4th, 2009

Neat trick – the .to top level domain control has registered a “headless” A record. In other words, the domain “to” resolves now – although your browser will probably try to “correct” it.

They used it to make a URL shortener – the shortest URLs possible, basically, unless a 1-character TLD is commissioned (no technical reason why not).

I can’t standa URL shorteners but couldn’t resist http://to./.ot//:ptth, which actually worked a grand total of once before not working any more for some reason. Oh well.

Not any more it can't

Switched to PowerDNS

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

I’ve now switched to PowerDNS, running on a MySQL backend, and controllable using the pretty-damn-good .

Reasons for switching:

  • I am sick and fucking tired of editing and backing up countless arcane zone files. It might be “hard core” and “old school” but it’s also annoying as hell, and I can never remember the syntax or forget something stupid like updating the serial, or whatever.
  • A database is the natural storage container for numerous data files of the same syntax and consistent references, and is far more convenient. I can take snapshots of my entire DNS setup, one file, ready to import at a moment’s notice elsewhere.
  • Furthermore, a database is amenable to controlling with a web interface, which is far more convenient (and less prone to error) than ssh’ing in and editing files manually
  • I have one less thing to back up (actually, about 30 less things)
  • BIND has a terrible security record
  • PowerDNS has some neat other features such as dynamic lookup that I am eager to start playing with.

I’ve been considering this for a while, decided to make the jump today. First I got it set up and running perfectly on an unprivileged port; then turned off BIND and turned on PowerDNS. Total downtime: under 5 seconds.

Here are the steps to install on RHEL5:

$ yum install pdns pdns-backend-mysql pdns-backend-pipe pdns-backend-sqlite
# create a mysql user & db "powerdns"
# edit /etc/pdns/pdns.conf to increase port, add gmysql backend and add db credentials
# create the dir to put powerdns-on-rails in, go to it
$ git clone git://
# enter DB creds into config/database.yml and create the DB
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed
# import zone files
# note: you may need to temporarily cp them to /var/named/
$ zone2sql --named-conf=/var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf --gmysql > zones.sql
# import the sql into MySQL via whatever means customary
# start and test powerdns at this point, see the docs
# then revert the port
# add the web app in Apache or whatever you use, log in, bingo
$ service named stop
$ service pdns start
$ chkconfig named off
$ chkconfig pdns on # make sure mysqld is on too ...

There are some more tips if you want to have a look.