
Dear Leader Sho Jong Fukamachi II

Race: Earthling
Height: 188cm
Language: The only one that counts
Career Highlights: Invented Electricity

Interests: Music, Geopolitics, Foreign Policy and Macroeconomics, Cinema, Cars, Technology, Girls and Staying Up All Night.

Goals: To rule the world with my robot army (to be acquired). Until then, listening to good music while driving in a cool car with a cute girl. I am hoping that one will lead to the other.


Me driving to work

(I am the one at the back)

7 Responses to “Profile”

  1. If You Can Read This, You Are Not Close Enough » End of the First Working Week Says:

    [...] Back when it was released, in 2000 or 2001, I was fortunate enough to discover the first solo album by Richard Ashcroft. I didn’t like the direction his band, the Verve, took for their final and most commerial album – but somehow Ashcroft’s ‘Alone With Everybody’ (the irony! he’s alone, right, but he’s WITH EVERYBODY!) fell into my hands and I started listening to it. I listened to it every day for about a month. This was during a magical summer. I was spending a lot of time with Sho at the time and I was heartbroken over some girl at the time, as was my habit. Anyway, in the intervening years I filed this CD under ‘Ruined by a Bitch’ and never listened to it again. Until last week. There’s nothing like a trip overseas to provide the impetus for an earnest reassessment of ones ‘life soundtracks’. I have been happily listening to ‘Alone With Everybody’ for a few days and I have a few comments to make about it. This album is beautifully produced. Richard Ashcroft is a consumate vocalist, layering harmony upon harmony to magnificent effect. Many tracks run over the standard 4 minutes, and as a result the album feels like Ashcroft is not in a hurry to finish his little tales. He wants you to feel something, he wants you to hang around for a while and just enjoy the casual, yet highly effective build up. I can see now that the album is fairly top-loaded: The first three tracks are probably the strongest on the album, culminating in the brilliant arrangement of ‘Brave New World’. The next three tracks are good. The three after that are actually quite easily skipped(I must have been highly enamoured of this album in the past). However, just as interest is beginning to wane, and the effect of the strong opening is wearing off, Ashcroft hits you with ‘C’mon People (We’re Making it Now)’ which is upbeat pop at its infectious best. The final track seems a little bland (well, it is a little bland) and… well actually fuck it, the album should finish with ‘C’mon People’. However, i have to admit that the last track has a nice ‘closing credits’ feel to it, and as any musician should know, if there’s one thing a last track on an album should feel like, it is ‘closing credits’. [...]

  2. trust.myheartandsoul Says:

    The Actual Profile:
    His Royal Highness Sho Jong Fukamachi II

    Nationality: North Korean/ North Vietnamese/ Japanese (No idea. Probably Mixed-blood.)
    Height: Unknown. (Who cares?)
    Language: All Languages for all species.
    Career Highlights: Invented Pyrokinesis and Interspecies Mind-reading Method.

    Interests: Everything, including chasing after bunnies outside home & pretty girls! :D

    Goals: To rule the animal kingdom with my bunny army (to be acquired). Until then, listening to good music while driving in a cool car with a cute (Japanese) girl.(Preferably Japanese bunny girl) I am hoping that one will lead to the other…


    By The Online Paparazzi ;P

  3. H2o fan Says:

    Hello I am wondering if you still have the H20 vs Steinberg STGL01.
    Is it the self released VA_Steinberg_Vs_H2O_-_Mission_Impossible_(STGL_01)-Limited_Edition_CD-2015-H2OMP3

    Could you please email me a link to a download of the cd?

  4. Mackinzwe Says:

    aaaawwwww ssoooooo cccuuuttteeeee expecially the one in the back hes like screaming ssoooo cute me and my brother were laughing so hard!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahah sssooo ccuuttee!!

  5. trust.myheartandsoul Says:

    Ha! So you’ve became famous overnight, huh?


  6. trust.myheartandsoul Says:

    @H2o fan + Mackinzwe:

    Hmm, the administrator is probably busy at the moment, he’ll come back soon, I hope.

    Thanks for your replies! :D

  7. trust.myheartandsoul Says:

    Dear Leader Sho Jong Fukamachi II

    (Updated Version)
    Race: Immortal Being
    Height: Very, very tall!!!
    Language: Come on! He can speak EVERY language in the universe. Learning languages is NOTHING to him! :D
    Career Highlights: Invented Electricity, Pryknosis manipulation, Inter-universe-species mind-reading & communication, invisibility, etc, etc.

    Interests: Like, I said, everything. Only at night! ;)
    Goals: To rule the universe with my invisible army (to be acquired). Until then, listening to good music while driving in a cool rocket with a cute alien girl fromnext continent/ universe (upgraded since then,). I am hoping that one will lead to the other…. Life shall never end… :D

    You who read this… APRIL FOOL!!!
    Happy April Fool’s Day!

    (Everything in this post is completely false. Any coincidence to person/ any other species dead/ alive is purely coincidential. )

    It is up to you whether to believe or not, however. ;)

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