Check out this video of a high-spec RC helicopter being flown by famous pilot Alan Szabo.
the top video on this page (sorry – the idiots don’t allow direct linking).
Having become accustomed to the typical flight characteristics of full-size helicopters, one forgets that the limitations of that flight are not imposed by the form factor of the vehicle – as amply demonstrated by this video! They are, in fact, imposed by material strength, power to weight, and human factors – both the ability of the human pilot to withstand high-G manuevering, and also his basic ability to retain a spatial understanding of his position and movements.
One can predict that given a combination of the orders-of-magnitude increases in materials strength-to-weight promised by nanotechnology, and advances in telepresence, we could conceivably see some descendant of the Apache acting in a similar way over some future battlefield ..
UPDATE: RC indoor aeroplane ballet: