- “a ways to go”
- folks
- lil
- ol’
More as I am reminded of them by web pages. Note I’m not even starting on Web 2.0 bullshit like “folksonomy” (althought it’s partially covered by item 1 in my list there).
More as I am reminded of them by web pages. Note I’m not even starting on Web 2.0 bullshit like “folksonomy” (althought it’s partially covered by item 1 in my list there).
Supremely annoying John “Hans” Gruber, of Daring Fireball “fame”, has just linked to an even more annoying article, wisely anonymous, posted by some pompous asshole on MacJournal.com, taking to task AppleInsider for their very welcome recent scoop that Apple has enabled read/write access in dev builds of its ZFS implementation. The fool at MacJournal seems personally offended by the news, personally offended by ZFS in general, and in fact just very offended at everything he can think of – I’m sure you know the type. And you’ll quickly recognise the same type in Mr Gruber, a sickeningly egotistical blogger worshipped by the exact kind of self-righteous fanboy that long-time Mac users like me can’t stand.
Anyway. Let’s cut and paste from the offending article. I’ll just pick a few quotes.
Ah. The first paragraph should have ended with the text “…by people who leak pre-release code and know nothing about ZFS.” AppleInsider apologizes for the misunderstanding.
You fucking moron, it’s a rumour site. There was no misunderstanding. AppleInsider does one thing, does it very well, and has done it since before you could drive – report rumours and leaked information about Apple products. This is another in that series, a very welcome one, and you’re a fucking idiot for not recognising it as such.
“…where by ‘destruct,’ we mean ‘destroy,’ or would if we knew anything about ZFS. Write capabilities are no big secret, since the entire file system is open source, but it sounds a lot better if we portray it as something mystical.”
You’re a nit-picking retard. And while I wouldn’t call it the best style of English, this is far from the first use of “destruct” as a verb I’ve seen. And I don’t see why choice of words has anything to do with AI’s knowledge of ZFS.
“This claim [that ZFS will eventuall replace HFS+ - Sho], by the way, is widely believed by Johnathan Schwartz, cultists who assume that Apple’s advanced file system must be bad but Sun’s must be good, and people who know so little about HFS Plus and ZFS that they can’t do more than recite Sun’s marketing propaganda. For those keeping score at home, we at AppleInsider fall into the latter group.”
It’s ardently hoped by anyone familiar with the crusty, unreliable piece of shit that is HFS+ that ZFS will replace it. Do you have any idea at all what you’re talking about? Why *wouldn’t* you want to replace HFS+? Hell, NTFS is better. Much better.
“… or, at least, that’s what Sun’s marketing department tells us, and we’re far too ignorant to figure out that using significantly more disk space and processor time to store the same data is not ‘fundamentally new.’”
Maybe using more disk and processing time isn’t “fundamentally new”, but if the adoption of ZFS as the default filesystem in MacOSX led to MacOSX being no longer highly susceptible to FS corruption, that would certainly be “fundamentally new”.
“We don’t find HFS Plus administration to be complex, and we can’t tell you what those other things mean, but they sound really cool, and therefore we want them. On the magic unlocked iPhone. For free.”
You’re an idiot. No-one mentioned iPhones.
“We like how this somehow implies that hard disks can suddenly read and write for multiple clients at once, but we apparently aren’t aware that this is not true, and you’re still limited to the speed of your bus (or RAID controller) and your devices. Plus, ZFS can be a lot slower because it imposes tons of overhead on the kind of tiny files that Mac OS X uses by the thousands, but maybe magic hard disks will fix that, as far as we know.”
I read the paragraph several times and couldn’t see any implication that ZFS somehow manages to circumvent physical hardware speed limitations. What the hell are you talking about?
And I’d love to see the data to back up your “much slower” claim about the “thousands of small files” that MacOSX is apparently creating and destroying every second of the day. Oh, no data? Guess you’re talking shit, then.
“… but can only correct them if you’re using ZFS’s RAID-like capability to store duplicate copies of information, in which case a standard RAID system could fix the error too. Oops.”
Yes, they should have perhaps mentioned that this highly useful feature is only available to someone using RAID-Z across a number of disks. But to imply that a standard RAID system is just as good is disingenuous, because RAID-Z needs no special hardware, and if ZFS support is built into the OS, no special drivers. This is a major step forward to the current state of things, especially considering the dearth of decent RAID options for Mac. Or, as some would say, the complete lack of any good RAID options for the Mac that aren’t $10,000 XRaids.
“It can only correct the error if you’re using RAID and have a good copy of the bad data, but leaving that out makes you want ZFS a lot more. So does leaving out its battery-chomping, disk-eating storage hog nature that makes it fantastic for 20TB disk arrays and entirely, completely unsuitable for a Mac OS X startup disk, now or in the foreseeable future.”
Well excuse me, Mr Mac Journals, but I’ll take a bit of extra CPU activity over a corrupt filesystem any day. Your comment that ZFS is “completely unsuitable” for MacOSX’s root filesystem is ludicrous and indefensible. One is left with the strong impression that your constant mocking of AppleInsider’s supposed lack of knowledge about ZFS is nothing but a ploy to distract readers from your own obvious ignorance of ZFS, HFS, filesystems in general, and filesystems on the Mac in particular.
“It didn’t make us understand anything, but it repeats all these same phrases so it’ll make you think we know what we’re talking about, even though we don’t.”
Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing about you. But you claim to know something, so that’s worse.
I’d call you “Jackass of the week” but, since I’m not a pretentious twerp like Gruber who’s too scared to type swear words lest he damage his worthless “reputation”, I think I’ll just call you a fuckhead.
Hans “Sexy” Gruber, living proof that people with curly hair are bad news
My five favourite fucking words in the world, and I always look forward to seeing them after a hard reset! And it’s good I look forward to seeing them, because I always fucking see them!
So, Apple, your journalling does .. what? Certainly doesn’t seem to be doing much, you know, journalling or anything.
And I love this article telling us it’s OK to ignore these “minor” problems when journalling is on .. oh, that only applies to 10.3.9 or earlier. Well, I guess I’d better go and fucking boot off the fucking DVD again!
ZFS can’t come soon enough! Can’t wait to boot off a filesystem that’s been designed to, you know, not ceremoniously shoot itself in the head every chance it gets. Journalled HFS+! The only fucking journal I’m seeing is my god damn journal of disk errors. What the fuck kind of journal is that bastard FS writing anyway?
HFS+ Journal Sept 4, 2007
Dear Journal, Fucked up the header again!!! LOL
Here’s my comment reply to this bottom-of-the-barrel marketing post on “Zune Insider” – needless to say, only positive responses end up approved, so you won’t see it there. But I just wanted to lash out at these fucks, so here’s my reply again below.
What a nasty, cynical stunt. You got a few marketing “Zunes” left over from your Halo 3 campaign, eh .. so what do you do with them? Why not try to squeeze a few more PR points out of them .. sell ‘em cheap to the soldiers! Because, you know, those “heroes” just lap up whatever surplus crap you happen to have, right?
Here’s a clue, Microsoft – if you want to help the troops, send them kevlar vests and good boots, not a few god damn leftover Halo 3 Zunes.
You vampires make me fucking sick.
Seems the larcenous relationship between Redmond and Cupertino can flow both ways, with Apple taking a page out of MS’s Vista handbook – the page entitled “cut all the good features before launch so nobody cares anymore!” Great page to steal, that one.
Don’t get me wrong, I love MacOS, I’ll be using it no matter what. But where’s the features? A new dock? A new finder? We waited almost 2 years for that?
One of the improvements I’d been hoping most for is full OS support – hopefully bootable – of Sun’s revolutionary ZFS file system. After a thankfully short-lived rumour that ZFS support had been dropped entirely, we have this clarification from Apple:
As a result, we have included ZFS — a read-only copy of ZFS — in Leopard.
Wow!!! Read-only access! That’s the best type!
You know what? That is a fucking worthless non-feature and they may as well not include it at all. Can someone tell me the point of a read-only hard disk? To say I am disappointed would be an understatement.
What next? It seems every second RSS update from the mac news sites are about some other feature being pulled. Just in from macrumors, about a cool-sounding fast restart feature in bootcamp:
I have it on good report from someone attending WWDC that this feature has been nixed.
Why?? Don’t they have enough people or something? The things I care about that will definitely be in Leopard are now these:
I had to go look at the features list because I couldn’t even remember anything else. All the updates to iChat, etc are routine incremental updates to what amounts to commodity client software – I rarely use iChat since it doesn’t properly support GTalk/Jabber. It can’t even do a fucking file transfer. Mail? I don’t need “stationery” and actually dislike it when people format emails with HTML. Don’t really care about any of the other apps, I’m looking forward to iLife updates more than any of them.
It’s horrible to say but this is beginning to remind me of Vista. Delay, delay, delay, for no good reason – and all the interesting stuff gets cut. In the absence of any truly amazing interface improvements, the number one thing I was looking forward to was first-class ZFS support, and with that out of the picture, my anticipation has plummeted. I still look forward to it, sure – but genuine excitement has turned to routine “oh yeah, I’ll upgrade when it comes out, if I don’t hear of any major problems …”
UPDATE: OK, OK, after re-reading this it does sound kind of childish. I’m just pissed off god damn it. Every serious problem I’ve had with my computer in the last 5 years has been something to do with the fricking filesystem. Corrupt headers. Directory mismatch. Laboriously booting to DVD for the thousandth time and running Disk Utility from there, wasting half an hour. That’s why I was so hyped for ZFS .. and so disappointed when it doesn’t seem like it’ll be in. It’ll still be great, though. Just maybe not as amazingly great as I had been hoping.
The media frenzy surrounding Paris Hilton’s adventures is now approaching a level of international transfixation that I find surreal. You usually have to have a major disaster or war to reach this swirling vortex of absolute attention. As of now, her re-incarceration is front page news on every newspaper I can think of, and the craze is seeping into other sources I pay attention to – even those totally unrelated to celebrity gossip, like IT sites and foreign policy reviews.
I hate this kind of news, I really do. And yet the sheer scale of Hilton’s coverage can’t help but draw one’s attention, if only to take your seat with everyone else as such a massive event unfolds. Hell, I’m a westerner, and for all its flaws this is my culture. At some point you just have to tune in. I can disdainfully ignore the vast majority of pseudo-news for a shallow, vacuous population interested only in voyeuristic titillation, lazy criticism, and an injection of vicarious fulfilment for their boring, hopeless lives – but at a certain point some primal group conciousness kicks in, you realise you’re the only white person in the world not slack-jawedly mashing the refresh button on tmz.com every 10 seconds, and give in.
Difficult to remember the last celebrity who received this much attention. I don’t think anyone could argue that Hilton is currently the biggest “celebrity” in the world. And while I can’t stand her, I can’t help but wonder if she enjoys living in this world of hyper-examination she’s created, or at least encouraged others to create, around herself. Some of the pictures of the day’s events in circulation are almost scary in their demonstration of the levels of surveillance under which she must live, and none too subtle surveillance at that. I’d sarcastically recommend that the media simply hire a helicopter to follow her around 24 hours a day, except from many of the pictures it seems they’re already doing just that. Living under that kind of scrutiny would be hellish for me, and I imagine that even the most attention-hungry bimbo must get tired of it eventaully.
Anyway, enough crocodile tears – glad she’s back in jail! Heh heh heh.
UPDATE: from the “you can’t make this shit up” department:
this photo
and this photo
are from the same photographer, Nick Ut, 35 years apart. There’s a whole essay in there somewhere, but these pictures pretty much sum it up – what we were interested in then, what we’re interested in now. Wonder what the subject will be 35 years from now?
If I didn’t have svn to do this for me, I think I’d just throw in the towel. But with svn it’s a fairly painless:
svn switch http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/tags/2.2/
rinse and repeat for every WP blog under your control. I never bother with disabling plugins or anything first, either.
Got to love the artifacts that accrue in the templates, too .. check out the <<<<.mine stuff which appears pretty much everytime I do anything. Thanks WP for not separating customisable templates and essential code – mixing them together makes everything so much easier!
Not. What a freaking mess. And the more you work with a well-designed framework like Rails, the more contempt you have for the development philosophy of a project like WP.
You know, it’s a rare wikipedia article or holier-than-thou blog post I can read these days without being at least tempted to, and pretty often going on to, vandalise it in some amusing-to-me way.
Call it childish, call it postmodern Fight Club Durdenism but the urge to troll seems stronger than ever for me these days. I wonder why?
I guess there’s not too many things funnier than the thought of Wikipedians blowing their tops at your repeated edits to their precious girlfriend-substitute “watch pages”, and it can be a memorable sight indeed to watch some self-important blogger go well and truly off the rails, all because of some well-deserved barbs from yours truly.
It’s always been the heighth of comedy to pop up somewhere with a totally inappropriate swear word right in the middle of some pompous ass’s ode to his own grandiosity. The internet as a whole has gotten far too serious for my tastes, and it behooves a man well to give any perpetrators one comes across a good kick every now and again.
As Yoda once said, it’s all about pissing off the right kinds of people.
UPDATE: Let me clarify this: I’m talking about being FUNNY, not about being a jerk. There’s a very fine line but I like to think I stay on the right side of it.