Archive for the ‘pictures’ Category

Trains closed for 5 days

Thursday, December 27th, 2007

The North Shore Line in Sydney is closed for heavy trackwork for the next 5 days. They’ve got a pretty good excuse – a new rail line is being integrated into Chatswood station, and a bridge over the rails there pulled down as well. Still, 5 days is a long time for a service like that to be down! I imagine if there was a five-day rail closure in Tokyo, there would be some sort of violent revolutionary overthrow of the government.

Anyway, here’s some pictures of the station nearest to me, Artarmon, a small platform betwixt the much larger stations of Chatswood and St Leonard.



No-one here

No-one here.

Still no-one here

Still no-one here!

Trees across the track

Taking the opportunity to trim some trees near the line.

Machine bestride the track

A crane bestride the tracks.

Close-up of the machine

Close-up of the crane.

Finally soldiers beginning to look cool

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

canadian reserve forces

Finally, soldiers are beginning to look like I think they should. Of course, a lot of this doesn’t make it into actual combat – they are basically playing paintball, and those helmets would be more hindrance than help until they have HUDs w/ built-in audio, and also can actually stop something. But it’s a start!

I think it’s important for the military to look as cool as possible.

Shinjuku 4th April

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

Took these two photos in shinjuku, I like them a lot.


I love the contrast between the japanese rushing around and the two lost foreigners standing there and wondering where they are.


More movement, blurred by the long exposure.

Toothpaste for White Men only

Wednesday, March 29th, 2006

Whitemen, for White Men

Whitemen, for White Men

Photoshop Octopus

Saturday, March 25th, 2006

I drew this octopus in Photoshop.


Tokyo Tunnelix

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

Check out some amazing photos from the 11 kilometre Shibuya-Ikebukuro Tokyo Tunnelix underground highway project, construction for which I regularly pass on the bus:

Metal Cavern

Concrete Tunnel

Circle Room


Charmmy Kitty is stupid and annoying

Saturday, February 25th, 2006

I hate stupid Charmmy Kitty. And yet it is everywhere.

Fuck you, Charmmy Kitty

Fuck you, Charmmy Kitty.

It’s The Law

Wednesday, February 8th, 2006

It is the law

A couple of weeks ago, the president of japanese internet company Livedoor was arrested for violations of the Blogging Act 2004: ブログを作る場合、常に動物の多くの写真を含まなければなりません。動物は毎日できるだけかわいいに違いありません。あなたは、絵を含まなければ、そうでしょう..殺されました。

(Translation: When making BLOG, you always have to include many photographs of an animal. An animal must be lovely as much as possible every day. Probably, it is such that if you do not contain a picture … you will be killed.)

The new Honda Civic looks awesome

Monday, January 16th, 2006

Finally, I can feel like it’s 2006:
2006 Civic

I want one of these

Monday, October 24th, 2005


Monk Children With Bunny

Monday, October 17th, 2005

Monk children with bunny

Super Girl

Sunday, September 25th, 2005

Super Girl

超级女声 (Super Voice Girl)
A popular tv show in China.

UPDATE with some press pictures from Hunan TV’s very insecure web server ;-) :

Li with male dancers

First Place winner Li Yuchun (李宇春)

Zhou with female dancers

Zhou Bichang (周笔畅), who ended up coming 2nd

Coordinated dancing

Li Dancing. Next to her is He Jie (何洁), 19, who came 4th.


More Li Yuchun. I love the hair!

Lone Westerner

Tuesday, August 30th, 2005

Danger - Headlights Compulsory

I think I am the only westerner in this building. We do not need that english sign.


Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

I uploaded photos of myself and some friends. I want more! Send me your pictures, and I will add them.

See here.

Places I Want To Visit

Sunday, August 21st, 2005

The Lake of Heaven

The Lake of Heaven, Korea (Mt. Baekdu, 2744m)

A Thing of Beauty 1

Monday, August 1st, 2005
