Wow, Radiohead have a remix competition! You can remix their song, “Nude”, and if you like it you might get a prize! Cool, huh – although I’m not really a fan, I’m all for artists promoting remixing of their own work. So maybe I’ll just grab the song parts, they’re sure to be free, right ..?
Oh no! They’re only available on the iTunes store. There’s 5 separate parts, sold as 5 different tracks. If you want to remix this song, you’ll have to buy all 5.
The greedy fucks. What’s wrong, Thom, not satisfied with the $10m you made from gouging fans for crappy low-bitrate mp3s? Now trying to charge through the nose to make a fan remix of your songs?
What a disgraceful, money-grubbing little shit Thom Yorke is. Want to remix this stupid song? Grab the audio from The Pirate Bay.
By the way, Radiohead sucks. Basically they’re whining British fags who just moan about their shitty lives all the time. I think. Actually, that’s just a guess – I have no idea what Radiohead sing about, I can’t stand them. All those people who say things like they’re the should all be shot.
I’m not saying all Radiohead fans are gay. Just, you know, be careful. Watch you back, if you know what I mean. That’s all.
Oh, and Trent Reznor did it first, did it better, and for free. Fuck you, Radiohead!