Archive for the ‘mac’ Category


Thursday, May 29th, 2008

So Leopard 10.5.3 is out, tipping the scales at an unprecedented 536M for the combo updater! Unfortunately, Radar doesn’t mark my own pet bug – sporadic crashing of LoginWindow, causing the user to suddenly lose their whole session, upon user switch – as being closed. Whether it has been fixed under a different ticket remains to be seen, I do hope so, it’s been a serious issue for me.

Those commentators proclaiming that Leopard has been the most unreliable version of OSX they’ve ever used, however, are way off the mark and only dating themselves as recent Mac converts. While the bug I’ve experienced has been serious, 10.5 is so far ahead of the early OSX 10.0 and 10.1 that these all-encompassing statements are laughable on their face. For me, Leopard has demonstrated instability problems worse than anything I can remember since 10.3 .. but version prior to that were so different, in so many ways, that comparisons seem ridiculous. 10.1 was pretty unstable and 10.0 was barely functional at all. Anyone who compares Leopard unfavourably to either of those prior versions is simply proving they obviously never used them.

That said, for me, and many others, 10.5.x has been significantly less stable than 10.4.x and has reawakened some unwelcome fears of triggering a crash by performing some action which has sporadically caused a crash in the past – very OS9-esque. The sooner this nasty bug is squashed for good, the happier I’ll be.

UPDATE: Not fixed, happened again last night. Symptoms: long pause upon selecting another user to change to, screen turns blue and then the login window appears – the user’s session has been unceremoniously dumped.

Do you know what I see a lot of?

Monday, April 28th, 2008

Crash in a Flash

“May have”, indeed. “Was” would be more accurate. Even more accurate would be “was caused by the fucking Flash plug-in, AGAIN”.

I am beginning to wish Safari had a button to turn on flash only when you need it.

Finder hiding app version numbers

Saturday, March 15th, 2008

Learned something about Finder hiding application version numbers that I didn’t know. I’d copied a new version of OmniGraffle into /Applications, expecting it to overwrite the previous – when it didn’t, I was curious.

Two Omnigraffles?

The truth, revealed

Now, that is interesting. It’s cutting off the last number – is this something configured by the developer? I know the displayed name is localisable – have they “localised” it to remove the version number?

Interesting words in your OSX Dictionary

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

Using Leopard? Try this. Look up the word esquivalience by selecting it and choosing dictionary from the contextual menu. Read the dictionary definition, then the wikipedia one underneath : )

Farewell, XServe RAID, I never bought thee

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

Damn! Apple’s canned the XServe RAID. I’d always wanted one of them, but could never quite afford it. It’s been looking a little long in the tooth lately, but I’d hoped they would ship an updated one with iSCSI and ZFS support to replace it .. Guess not.

Sayonara, XServe RAID :’(


TrueCrypt 5 for OSX

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

Hot on the heels of the port OSXCrypt, TrueCrypt finally comes out with their 5.0 release – complete with Mac GUI. After a long, long time with nothing, suddenly the mac has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to encryption.

Anyone concerned with security and privacy should never let their data leave their house unencrypted, and suddenly we have two great options native on the mac. Check out TC5’s screenshots, and download here. Note that if you do download it, you’ll need to rename the resulting file from .dmg.bz2 to just .dmg due to a misconfigured web server on their end – a common problem, unfortunately, but forgivable since this is their first mac release.

My hope now is that the OSXCrypt team don’t give up with their project – their goal of creating a free general “platform” for encryption on OSX is very interesting and I’d hate to see it cut off just like that. Furthermore, their approach (native kernel module) promises more flexibility and performance than a MacFUSE implementation like TC’s can deliver. For example, it seems that an EFI plugin – allowing full-disk encryption – would be easier with a proper kernel module.

Anyway, the last month has seen a great leap in privacy and security on the mac. Let’s hope it continues!

UPDATE: In case there’s anyone who doesn’t understand why anyone would want to maintain a plausible-deniability encryption regime for their sensitive date, just read this current Slashdot Thread: U.S. Confiscating Data at the Border.

OSXCrypt – a TrueCrypt for MacOSX

Monday, January 28th, 2008

For some time MacOSX has lacked a top quality, open source, plausible-deniability encryption solution. TrueCrypt is the obviously leader here, but is incompatible with OSX – you could try and run the Windows version in a VM, but that’s not an option for serious day to day use; a native version is infinitely preferable.

Seems like the drought has broken, however, with the latest version of OSXCrypt, which looks very much like it will become the encryption client for MacOSX.

While OSX has shipped for some time with some built-in encryption capability, namely encrypted disk images and FileVault, these have severe problems in that they support only a single internal password & volume, and thus provide no plausible deniability. There is no point encrypting files if you can be arrested for not divulging your password – unless it’s to simply divert casual 3rd party inspection as in the “computer repair shop” scenario. Until now the only case I could think of that would be useful for, say, an airport check would be to run a third, FileVault-encrypted account and simply claim it was for your “roommate” or what not and you didn’t know the password. Use of Truecrypt solves all these problems – one password will open one internal volume, another will open another, and there is absolutely no way to prove the second’s existence.

There is also the very real possibility that Apple retains “escrow” keys for all encryption schemes implemented in MacOSX. Without the possibility of source code review by experts, it’s impossible to say. Microsoft certainly backdoors its encryption (NSAKEY, anyone?).

The source code is available and an alpha is available for testing. Command line only for now, a GUI is on the way. Finally, a real encryption solution for the Mac! Great news for the ultra-paranoid .. like me ..

UPDATE: a tutorial is available (in german) here.

David Watanabe: greedy, whining asshole

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

I’ve long harboured a dislike for mac software developer David Watanabe. He’s one of those greedy parasites who tries to make money by repackaging open source software as proprietary, paid products – his first effort, Acquisition, was nothing but a pretty mac wrapper for open source gnutella clients for mac, and Xtorrent is little more than a wrapper for free, open source Transmission.

Now, he may well have been within his strict legal rights to do that, I’ve never bothered to find out what the actual licenses for the software he integrated were. But ethically I’ve always thought it was highly questionable – especially when the primary use of such software is to download other’s intellectual property. Not that I have any problem with that – in fact I loathe the prevailing copyright regimes, believing copyright should have no more than a ~5-year limit – but to actually try and make money from its circumvention is pretty scummy, IMO. And the fact he built strong anti-piracy protections into his software, when a primary use of that software was to download pirated versions of other’s software – is just the icing on the asshole cake.

Which is why his reaction to people’s complaints about his adware Inquisitor is so precious. For those who don’t know, Inquisitor is a nasty InputManager plugin which hacks the ability to choose from a menu of search engines in Safari, similar to FireFox’s search box, and autocompletes certain words and results like Spotlight. It’s an unstable piece of crap, and I uninstalled it after a brief trial a couple of years ago when it caused Safari to repeatedly crash.

Anyway, there’s recently been some complaints in the “blogosphere” about Inquisitor’s sneaky adware functions, which silently insert ads into its search results, pointing to paid affiliate links to Amazon, the Apple Store, and so on – very nasty.

David’s reaction is hilarious. Lengthy section follows, where I paste much of his blog entry, interspersed with will-deserved rebuttals.

So, imagine my surprise when I wake up to a mailbox containing words unfit for publication, blogs declaring me as the biggest asshole in the world, and demands that people sabotage and steal my work.

Well David, you’re not *the* biggest asshole in the world, but I suspect that’s mainly a matter of opportunity. You’re merely a minor asshole for now. But since your entire software business is built upon stealing the work of others, I certainly support anyone who “steals” your own. What goes around, comes around.

I’ve always been very proud of Inquisitor. It’s small, lightweight, and entirely unique at what it does.

It certainly is small – smaller than many FireFox plugins. But what it does – hack in a few other search engines to Safari’s search box – is hardly unique.

Best of all, the revenue model means that Inquisitor 3 is totally free for users.

You know you’re a greedy son of a bitch when you need to have a “revenue model” for a fucking browser plugin.

Now, I guess people have forgotten that Inquisitor 2 was a shareware product.

Actually, no – I haven’t forgotten how you actually tried to charge users for a crashy, poorly made browser plugin which did nothing but offer a menu of search engines. I remember quite well thinking you were a prick – a belief which continues to this day!

The release of Inquisitor 3 as ad-supported freeware was a massive risk. I doubt many shareware authors would take a successful revenue-generating product and make it freeware on a whim. However, at the time I was feeling idealistic.

Oh my fucking god. Yeah, David Watanabe, you’re the fucking Prince of Giving. Half Ghandi, half Linus Torvalds. Your selfless generosity is fucking inspirational. I’ve got a fucking tear in my eye just thinking about how you just threw it all away for the good of the little guys. For the people. For a better world.

I genuinely felt that Inquisitor was a great experience that everyone ought to be able to enjoy, and that it made the world (a small bit) better.

Maybe this would be true if Inquisitor wasn’t a nasty little browser-crashing hack, and if you weren’t sneakily inserting unmarked links to your affiliate accounts in people’s fucking search results.

So, with good intentions I made the switch to freeware. The inclusion of very limited advertising was a necessary evil, to dampen the financial disaster of the switch.

It’s not “freeware” if it’s got ads, you fuckhead.

Ultimately, designing great software isn’t easy, especially when it’s being done as a hobby.

You’re right – it’s not easy! Impossible, even. For you. And if it’s a hobby, why do you try and rip people off? I think you need a new dictionary, David – these words don’t mean what you think they mean.

I have few resources and since expectations are unbounded, it’s a certainty that I will always fall short. That’s not evil, malice, or incompetence

You certainly have few resources in the areas of ethics, honesty, programming skill and the English language, and you’re right in that you fall pretty fucking short on all counts. But you’re wrong in the second sentence – I actually do think it’s pretty much all due to your evil, malice and incompetence.

- it’s just meathook reality.

Another word that you seem to have a pretty non-standard definition for. Or do meathooks form a pretty large part of your daily life, David? You mentioned your software business is a “hobby” – you’re not a pig farmer by day, are you? In Canada, maybe?

But increasingly my good intentions and sacrifice are being met with cynicism and deliberate mean-spiritedness.

Oh my god. Back to Ghandi. O, David’s sacrifice and good intentions! Curse the mean-spirited, cynical world who just takes and takes from his font of giving.

Fundamentally I’m a nice person, quiet spoken and non-confrontational. Sacrificing six years of my life to enhance the lives of people whom I will never meet is not a self-serving action.

O, the humanity! Six years of selfless, unrewarded, unappreciated service – ignored and ridiculed by a cynical world. David you should apply for the fucking Nobel Peace Prize, you should be a shoo-in with your six years of selfless giving of nasty stolen-code adware.

But when I get threatened with harm and called an asshole by someone I have never met, when my ‘transgression’ was creating something unique and giving it away for free to everyone… well, my idealism about the Mac dies a little. If this is you, then I welcome you to leave. Your burden is not one I wish to bear.

I’m not threatening you with harm my softly spoken friend, I’m just calling you a deluded, greedy little shit. The mac community is worse off for the presence of nasty little bottom feeders like you, and people like you. Idealism? Don’t make me laugh, you weasel – you’ve been in it for nothing but your own profit since day 1. You talk as if you’ve bequeathed a great treasure to the future of humanity. What you’ve actually done is tried to sell a bunch of shitty apps which, if you had any fucking decency, would be freeware.

Your burden? Don’t talk to me about your “burden” you little prick. Your burden is the guilt you should be feeling for being such a sneaky, greedy little parasite. I bet you’ve never given a dime of your illicit profits to the open source projects you steal the majority of your source code from. You’re the one killing idealism. But you don’t have to tell me to leave – I wouldn’t touch your crapware with a 10-ft pole.

Too bad you got called an asshole. But David, that’s because you are one – a first-class, grade-A asshole – so fuck you.

UPDATE: David-さん has deleted his original post, thus proving he’s a pussy as well as an asshole – quite an achievement. Thanks to the leet skillz of a kindly reader, a copy of the article from google cache is attached below.

Transmission 0.95 very buggy

Monday, December 10th, 2007

Just a heads-up to my friends who use Transmission – 0.95 is extremely buggy. You’ll notice it using all your HD space, memory, becoming unresponsive and crashing, and writing bad data into your torrents (check everything you’ve downloaded with it). A terrible release and very worrying that it was released at all with such major problems.

I recommend immediately moving back to 0.94 (or even 0.93, but i’ve had no problems with 94) for now. I would also recommend adopting a (perhaps temporary) posture of suspicion towards this software – disable daily update checks and rely on manual updates a few weeks after release. You can review whether other users have had difficulties on popular Mac software review sites such as VersionTracker and MacUpdate.

You might think this is an overreaction but these kind of bugs should never make it into a public release, even a “beta”, and their presence sets off alarm bells. It’s pretty easy to imagine how, if bugs allowing uncontrolled file writing are allowed into a tagged release, bugs allowing unchecked file deletion might also creep in. Macs don’t really have a virus problem like PCs – but bad software can still delete all your files. This isn’t likely to happen but still – I don’t like the cavalier turn development of Transmission seems to have taken and recommend caution until sanity returns (and is confirmed to have returned over a few weeks of other people’s testing!).

UPDATE: The problem of data corruption is supposedly fixed in 0.96, although the speed problems remain. I’m thinking I’ll hold off a bit before moving from the highly reliable (in my experience) 0.94.

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

My favourite comment from a “free” QuickLook plugin from some crappy shareware company I’ve never heard of:

Truth Is Spoken

Couldn’t have put it better myself!

But I have a quick solution to the advertising problem. Download the plugin, decompress and “Show Package Contents” in finder. In Contents > Resources > English.lproj you’ll find a simple HTML file which is the basis for the QuickLook view that actually appears on screen. Opening that file, you’ll see the advertising message in plain editable HTML.

I’m not suggesting you remove the advertising from this copyrighted code or anything. I’m just sayin’.

More RSS freezes

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

108 MB Attachment

Thanks, for completely freezing up while you download this large attachment to an RSS feed against my will. There is no option to turn off downloading of these attachments, and since the blog is mostly text there’s way to read it in iTunes or similar. There is no way for me to cancel this download without force-quitting

You can’t see the beachball in the picture, but I assure you – it’s there!

UPDATE: It was an amazing movie though, slightly quenching my fiery rage. I do want to download the attachments – just when I choose to, and in another thread.

PubSub is incredibly unreliable

Friday, November 30th, 2007

I really like Leopard’s new RSS functionality in I strongly prefer to have my RSS feeds collected in Mail – I find it far less distracting than have constantly-incrementing numbers in my Safari bookmarks bar, as I feel compelled to look at them and clear the distraction – I’ve migrated almost all* of my RSS feeds to Mail.

But the PubSub framework, which is responsible for updating and storing those feeds, is extremely unreliable. According to, there hasn’t been any new RSS items in my collection in over 24 hours – through manual checks I know this to be untrue. Manually updating does nothing, as does restarting, and I’m reluctant to forcibly restart PubSubAgent, fearing it will leave data in an inconsistent state (I believe it uses SQLite3). Only a restart seems to cure the problem, and I don’t use a Mac so I can restart it every now and again to regain crashed functionality …

Let’s hope Apple can address this soon.

* I left RailsCasts in Safari’s RSS menu. This is the only way I can find to not have it attempt to download every single movie attachment in the feed – several gigabyte’s worth of files I already have!

PS. Seems “RSS” is fast becoming, or has already become, the catch-all umbrella term for any “feed” service, whether it’s served by the actual RSS format or not. Personally I prefer the Atom format, but seemingly everyone refers to that as RSS as well – including Apple, and, I have to confess, me. Just one of those things I guess – there’s no other simple, commonly-understand name that refers to the concept, so RSS it is, even if it’s ambiguous at best and wrong much of the time at worst. C’est la vie.

PPS. Another annoyance with RSS (hehe, there I go again, ok “feeds”) is in implementation. Some sites don’t supply the whole text in their feed – just a summary, or the first few words. This seems to defeat the point – I don’t want a “notification of updates service”, I want the whole thing archived so I can examine at my leisure. No. 1 offender: Google Groups.

UPDATE: Quitting PubSubAgent in Activity Monitor (or kill from the terminal) works fine to restore functionality without a reboot. No need for a force quit so hopefully it’s exiting cleanly and DB corruption won’t be an issue.

Safari 3/Leopard does not support RFC4709

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

Even though the IETF approved RFC4709 back in November 2006 – and Leopard has a far improved WebDAV implementation compared to Tiger (well, it beachballs less anyway) – the simple proposition of 4709, the addition of a MIME type to handle automatic WebDAV mounting to the desktop via Content-Type: application/davmount+xml hasn’t yet been implemented.

Pity. I’d been kind of hoping it got in. Hadn’t gotten around to checking it but just assumed it would work – it doesn’t. Maybe in 10.5.2? ;-)

UPDATE: It’s included in /private/etc/apache2/mime.types, so at least the bundled server implements the RFC …

UPDATE2: I want to implement this to enable ultra-simple asynchronous filesharing between me and my friends.

Speech recognition still useless in 10.5

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

I’d been hoping for some speech recognition improvements in Leopard. Not because I plan on laboriously commanding the mac to do things I could do by myself easily enough using the native mouse interface, but because I’ve long wanted to write a ruby program that takes a (say) mp3, reads it to the speech interface, and gets something useful, like text, back. It might be too error-prone to really be useful, it might be much harder than I think – but at least I’d like to know the basic capability is there!

Alas, not. In a spirit of freewheeling experimentation, forgiveness of past sins and water under the bridge, I turned on Speakable Items and spent the next few minutes trying to make the useless thing recognise a single thing I said. It, of course, could not, no matter how slowly and careful I enunciated each word, or imitated Steve Job’s californian drawl.

Speakable Items is such a worthless piece of crap I wonder why they even bother including it. Ah well .. roll on 10.6!

UPDATE: Amusingly, 10.5 underlines “Speakable” as I type this, claiming it’s a spelling error. Apple are so ashamed of their retarded child they didn’t even teach its name to the internal dictionary!

Stupidest Quote Ever

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

Via my good buddy Hans at Daring Greaseball comes an amazing quote, from this Wired article:

“Apple’s day has finally come, and Apple users are going to get hit hard,” security researcher Gadi Evron said. “OS X is the new Windows 98.”

That is the dumbest fucking quote I ever heard. It basically makes me want to punch Mr Evron right in the gob. I think that if I was standing in front of “Gadi” with a gun when he caused those dumbfoundingly moronic words to be issued from his mouth, I wouldn’t even be conscious of my arm raising and shooting him right in the face – it would just be a natural, normal reflex action for the good of oneself and the world at large.

OSX is the new Windows 98! What a stunning insight, and I wholeheartedly agree. The two systems could not be more alike – if, indeed, they were ever anything other than completely identical in every way. I just don’t know why Mr. Evron didn’t go further – after all, OSX isn’t just the new Windows 98, it *is* Windows 98. Literally. First Edition.

I could read this wonderful update from Hans due to a rare condition I recently experienced on this Mac – a cosmological alignment of sorts, by which through an obscure combination of unseen and likely unknowable factors, a one in a million chance really, I was able to read my RSS subscriptions in, along with another couple of email messages that managed to run the gauntlet and make it onto my local machine. However, I’m really hoping that Apple doesn’t act quickly to fix Leopard mail’s utterly broken IMAP implementation – I’ve come to enjoy watching it endlessly, pointlessly attempt to synchronise my inbox over the last three days. No, what I really want is for Apple to update iTunes with new features for iPhones!

UPDATE: that article has even more stupid quotes:

But Carl Howe, an Apple analyst at Blackfriars Communications, disputes the security researchers’ theories. He thinks that OS X’s Linux heritage makes Apple systems less vulnerable to attack than Windows-based platforms.

Oh yes, the much-vaunted Linux heritage. But hang on – now I’m getting confused! Is OSX based on linux, or Windows 98? Or could it be .. both!!!

Oh .. maybe linux is based on Windows 98 .. and OSX is based on linux! OK, now I understand.

“I don’t care if you have to type in your admin password,” Eckelberry said. “If you are asked to install a QuickTime plug-in, you will.”

Yeah, you will if you’re a FUCKING MORON. Seriously, anyone who gets infected with this stupid trojan deserves it. You’d have to be an absolute idiot to download and install – as root! – some unknown program from a free porn site. Good riddance, I say.

But Eckelberry (another LOL name) doesn’t care if you have to type in your admin password. You hear that? He just couldn’t give a shit, and that’s the end of the matter. All through this article I’d been waiting for the word from the Meister – “Yes yes, Windows 98, trojans, Linux .. get to the bit telling us what Eckelberry thinks!” said I. And there you have it – the final word. Eckelberry couldn’t give a flying fuck if you have to type your admin password, so get lost.

I’m amazed at the quality of these quotes. Where do they find these people? Do they specifically seek out the “idiot view”? How can these presumably prominent IT industry people be so ignorant – and the supposedly informed WIRED reporter can’t see it?


Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

My leopard upgrade experience was extremely positive. Thankfully, I didn’t experience any of the difficulties some have had – this account by the veritable Wincent Colaiuta filled me with dread, but thankfully none of his woes were visited upon me. I was cautious about upgrading, and waited a couple of days so that early bugs could be found by early adopters, I’m glad that I did, since I did have APE installed (although by what, I have no idea) and I made sure to run disk utility’s repair function on the install disk before attempting the upgrade.

That said, there are a few observations I’ve made:

Mail 3.0

I decided to do a clean install of Mail, since most of my “archive” mail is still sitting on a machine in Japan, and all messages in the local instance of Mail were kept on the server. I also decided to use this opportunity to switch to IMAP exclusively.

The IMAP imports went well, though took an awfully long time, during which refused to quit.

I imported my RSS bookmarks from Safari, since I’d prefer to not be distracted by them during web usage. The import went well, though updates of the feeds seem unreliable and it sometimes takes a couple of restarts to “force” an update. Another unexpected behaviour of RSS in is its desire to automatically download all attachments in an RSS feed – leading to quite a surprise as it proceeded to start downloading every single railscast from the entire railscast feed, well over a gig of movies, and refused to quit while in process. I had to force quit mail and delete the Railscast archive to avoid the massive, and slow, download.

MacPorts and custom compiled software

I switched to MacPorts some time ago, reducing the need to custom compile software and, more importantly, eliminating (in theory) the dependency hell that custom compilations can sometimes launch you into. I decided to take the opportunity to nuke /opt and reinstall from scratch – the old repository was, well, old, and I was getting the occasional weird error from the still very much in development macports software.

But now – I have a problem. Apple’s taken the laudable step of upgrading the version of ruby installed with the OS. They’ve got a new build of subversion in there too, and even included rubygems – and Rails! What to do? For example, there are two good ways to install MySQL on this system – port install mysql-server, or download and install the binary. Because I wanted to go with Apple’s pre-install of ruby and rubygems/rails, I thought it maybe better if I installed the binary version. But then gem install mysql, for the native ruby mysql bindings, bombs out. Great, dependencies – exact what I’m trying to avoid, and so early in the customisation process, too!

Anyway, for now I am using the Apple installs, mindful of the possible need in the future to just go ahead and port install duplicates over the top of the bundled software. Furthermore, Ruby 1.9 is supposedly around the corner. What will be the recommended upgrade path then?

I can’t really work out why Apple isn’t going with MacPorts officially here. The project is amateur, but it’s certainly “blessed” by Apple – so why not build it into the OS? There are now 3 ways to go installing a lot of open source software on MacOSX – use the included but rapidly outdating and dependency-locked installs, install manually from source, or use the supposedly official MacPorts package management system. All three leave software in different places. Which one gets used will come down to your $PATH. It’s not exactly elegant, and seems like a recipe for hard-to-troubleshoot problems in the future.

That said, I got everything up and running with no real problems, although postgresql refuses to build in the current Port incarnation.


A lot of what I think about the interface has already been written in the unbelievably long ArsTechnica review of Leopard, but I’ll save you the 2 hours reading that and list my general thoughts:

  • I don’t like the unpredictable, uncustomisable, ugly icons of the new “collection” folders in the dock.
  • I don’t like the loss of the “drill down” folder browsing mode
  • The new dock wastes space and is gratuitous in its eye candy – eye candy which is, if anything, functionally inferior to the preview incarnation
  • I don’t mind the new translucent menubar

Favourite App updates

Safari, Terminal and Mail are hugely improved, and I think this will make most of the positive difference in my daily work with the OS. I like Spaces, too. Spotlight is also much, much better – basically, Spotlight in Leopard is what it should have been all along, which allows me to jettison QuickSilver.

to be continued ..

Monday, October 8th, 2007

Say you downloaded some software, and it’s in a hundred .zip files, which all contain a part of a RAR archive. You really wish you could extract them all to this directory, then run RAR on that .. but damn OSX wants to put every extracted file in its own directory!

No problem! Just break out terminal, go to that directory, and type

unzip \*.zip

Then just hit “A” when prompted to auto-overwrite useless things like file_id.diz and the like.

if you want them all to go into a directory “unzip” then:

mkdir unzip
unzip \*.zip -d unzip/

Simple I know, but I always forget that leading “\” and then have to look it up …

Oh, and it seems that The Unarchiver isn’t able to open the latest RAR formats. UnRARX is your friend.

Know-nothing Gruber links to know-nothing MacJournal, annoyance ensues

Saturday, October 6th, 2007

Supremely annoying John “Hans” Gruber, of Daring Fireball “fame”, has just linked to an even more annoying article, wisely anonymous, posted by some pompous asshole on, taking to task AppleInsider for their very welcome recent scoop that Apple has enabled read/write access in dev builds of its ZFS implementation. The fool at MacJournal seems personally offended by the news, personally offended by ZFS in general, and in fact just very offended at everything he can think of – I’m sure you know the type. And you’ll quickly recognise the same type in Mr Gruber, a sickeningly egotistical blogger worshipped by the exact kind of self-righteous fanboy that long-time Mac users like me can’t stand.

Anyway. Let’s cut and paste from the offending article. I’ll just pick a few quotes.

Ah. The first paragraph should have ended with the text “…by people who leak pre-release code and know nothing about ZFS.” AppleInsider apologizes for the misunderstanding.

You fucking moron, it’s a rumour site. There was no misunderstanding. AppleInsider does one thing, does it very well, and has done it since before you could drive – report rumours and leaked information about Apple products. This is another in that series, a very welcome one, and you’re a fucking idiot for not recognising it as such.

“…where by ‘destruct,’ we mean ‘destroy,’ or would if we knew anything about ZFS. Write capabilities are no big secret, since the entire file system is open source, but it sounds a lot better if we portray it as something mystical.”

You’re a nit-picking retard. And while I wouldn’t call it the best style of English, this is far from the first use of “destruct” as a verb I’ve seen. And I don’t see why choice of words has anything to do with AI’s knowledge of ZFS.

“This claim [that ZFS will eventuall replace HFS+ - Sho], by the way, is widely believed by Johnathan Schwartz, cultists who assume that Apple’s advanced file system must be bad but Sun’s must be good, and people who know so little about HFS Plus and ZFS that they can’t do more than recite Sun’s marketing propaganda. For those keeping score at home, we at AppleInsider fall into the latter group.”

It’s ardently hoped by anyone familiar with the crusty, unreliable piece of shit that is HFS+ that ZFS will replace it. Do you have any idea at all what you’re talking about? Why *wouldn’t* you want to replace HFS+? Hell, NTFS is better. Much better.

“… or, at least, that’s what Sun’s marketing department tells us, and we’re far too ignorant to figure out that using significantly more disk space and processor time to store the same data is not ‘fundamentally new.’”

Maybe using more disk and processing time isn’t “fundamentally new”, but if the adoption of ZFS as the default filesystem in MacOSX led to MacOSX being no longer highly susceptible to FS corruption, that would certainly be “fundamentally new”.

“We don’t find HFS Plus administration to be complex, and we can’t tell you what those other things mean, but they sound really cool, and therefore we want them. On the magic unlocked iPhone. For free.”

You’re an idiot. No-one mentioned iPhones.

“We like how this somehow implies that hard disks can suddenly read and write for multiple clients at once, but we apparently aren’t aware that this is not true, and you’re still limited to the speed of your bus (or RAID controller) and your devices. Plus, ZFS can be a lot slower because it imposes tons of overhead on the kind of tiny files that Mac OS X uses by the thousands, but maybe magic hard disks will fix that, as far as we know.”

I read the paragraph several times and couldn’t see any implication that ZFS somehow manages to circumvent physical hardware speed limitations. What the hell are you talking about?

And I’d love to see the data to back up your “much slower” claim about the “thousands of small files” that MacOSX is apparently creating and destroying every second of the day. Oh, no data? Guess you’re talking shit, then.

“… but can only correct them if you’re using ZFS’s RAID-like capability to store duplicate copies of information, in which case a standard RAID system could fix the error too. Oops.”

Yes, they should have perhaps mentioned that this highly useful feature is only available to someone using RAID-Z across a number of disks. But to imply that a standard RAID system is just as good is disingenuous, because RAID-Z needs no special hardware, and if ZFS support is built into the OS, no special drivers. This is a major step forward to the current state of things, especially considering the dearth of decent RAID options for Mac. Or, as some would say, the complete lack of any good RAID options for the Mac that aren’t $10,000 XRaids.

“It can only correct the error if you’re using RAID and have a good copy of the bad data, but leaving that out makes you want ZFS a lot more. So does leaving out its battery-chomping, disk-eating storage hog nature that makes it fantastic for 20TB disk arrays and entirely, completely unsuitable for a Mac OS X startup disk, now or in the foreseeable future.”

Well excuse me, Mr Mac Journals, but I’ll take a bit of extra CPU activity over a corrupt filesystem any day. Your comment that ZFS is “completely unsuitable” for MacOSX’s root filesystem is ludicrous and indefensible. One is left with the strong impression that your constant mocking of AppleInsider’s supposed lack of knowledge about ZFS is nothing but a ploy to distract readers from your own obvious ignorance of ZFS, HFS, filesystems in general, and filesystems on the Mac in particular.

“It didn’t make us understand anything, but it repeats all these same phrases so it’ll make you think we know what we’re talking about, even though we don’t.”

Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing about you. But you claim to know something, so that’s worse.

I’d call you “Jackass of the week” but, since I’m not a pretentious twerp like Gruber who’s too scared to type swear words lest he damage his worthless “reputation”, I think I’ll just call you a fuckhead.

Hans “Sexy” Gruber, living proof that people with curly hair are bad news

ZFS Read/Write Developer Preview 1.1 for Leopard

Friday, October 5th, 2007

Apple has apparently released a developer preview of Read/Write ZFS for Leopard. Excellent news.

But I’m still disappointed we won’t see R/W capability in the 1.5.0 release. Typically, it’s the first release DVD that one uses for installations – having ZFS unavailable in the DVD will preclude formatting the boot volume as ZFS without resorting to prior disk-swapping tricks from a working install. Assuming that booting from ZFS is supported in a future point release, which seems reasonable, we’ll have to wait for an updated boot DVD before we can cast HFS+ out for good.

switching to macports for all development

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

I’m tired of manually upgrading packages on osx. The recent subversion update was the last straw – I’m nuking the lot and switching to macports, using this excellent guide. Here’s the new method of upgrading subversion:

sudo port upgrade subversion +tools

But is it up to date, you ask?

Shadow:~ sho$ sudo port sync
Shadow:~ sho$ port list | grep subversion
subversion                     @1.4.4          devel/subversion


An additional plus from going the macports route is its use of the /opt directory. Previously I’ve been in favour of /usr/local – just out of tradition more than anything else I guess. But by using a new, otherwise unused directory – and /opt still has unix cred – we gain the wonderful advantage of just being able to trash that directory if anything screws up and starting again. A far cry from the current needle-in-the haystack methods.

One more thing, if you’re thinking of going by that guide above: you can just chain the port installs as such:

sudo port install mysql5 +server ruby rb-rubygems rb-termios rb-mysql subversion +tools

Just run that, and go do something else for an hour. Same deal with rubygems. Beautiful.

UPDATE: You’ll also want to do this if you don’t want to see your shiny new /opt folder in finder:

Shadow:~ sho$ sudo /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a V /opt

Sets the “invisible” bit. You’ll need to relaunch finder to see the result. By the way, isn’t OSX supposed to have a /.hidden file? I see it referenced everywhere, but I don’t have one …