Via my good buddy Hans at Daring Greaseball comes an amazing quote, from this Wired article:
“Apple’s day has finally come, and Apple users are going to get hit hard,” security researcher Gadi Evron said. “OS X is the new Windows 98.”
That is the dumbest fucking quote I ever heard. It basically makes me want to punch Mr Evron right in the gob. I think that if I was standing in front of “Gadi” with a gun when he caused those dumbfoundingly moronic words to be issued from his mouth, I wouldn’t even be conscious of my arm raising and shooting him right in the face – it would just be a natural, normal reflex action for the good of oneself and the world at large.
OSX is the new Windows 98! What a stunning insight, and I wholeheartedly agree. The two systems could not be more alike – if, indeed, they were ever anything other than completely identical in every way. I just don’t know why Mr. Evron didn’t go further – after all, OSX isn’t just the new Windows 98, it *is* Windows 98. Literally. First Edition.
I could read this wonderful update from Hans due to a rare condition I recently experienced on this Mac – a cosmological alignment of sorts, by which through an obscure combination of unseen and likely unknowable factors, a one in a million chance really, I was able to read my RSS subscriptions in, along with another couple of email messages that managed to run the gauntlet and make it onto my local machine. However, I’m really hoping that Apple doesn’t act quickly to fix Leopard mail’s utterly broken IMAP implementation – I’ve come to enjoy watching it endlessly, pointlessly attempt to synchronise my inbox over the last three days. No, what I really want is for Apple to update iTunes with new features for iPhones!
UPDATE: that article has even more stupid quotes:
But Carl Howe, an Apple analyst at Blackfriars Communications, disputes the security researchers’ theories. He thinks that OS X’s Linux heritage makes Apple systems less vulnerable to attack than Windows-based platforms.
Oh yes, the much-vaunted Linux heritage. But hang on – now I’m getting confused! Is OSX based on linux, or Windows 98? Or could it be .. both!!!
Oh .. maybe linux is based on Windows 98 .. and OSX is based on linux! OK, now I understand.
“I don’t care if you have to type in your admin password,” Eckelberry said. “If you are asked to install a QuickTime plug-in, you will.”
Yeah, you will if you’re a FUCKING MORON. Seriously, anyone who gets infected with this stupid trojan deserves it. You’d have to be an absolute idiot to download and install – as root! – some unknown program from a free porn site. Good riddance, I say.
But Eckelberry (another LOL name) doesn’t care if you have to type in your admin password. You hear that? He just couldn’t give a shit, and that’s the end of the matter. All through this article I’d been waiting for the word from the Meister – “Yes yes, Windows 98, trojans, Linux .. get to the bit telling us what Eckelberry thinks!” said I. And there you have it – the final word. Eckelberry couldn’t give a flying fuck if you have to type your admin password, so get lost.
I’m amazed at the quality of these quotes. Where do they find these people? Do they specifically seek out the “idiot view”? How can these presumably prominent IT industry people be so ignorant – and the supposedly informed WIRED reporter can’t see it?