Archive for the ‘japan’ Category

Whaling war with Japan

Monday, December 17th, 2007

According to this article in the SMH, Australian Customs is contemplating sending its ice-capable armed patrol ship, the Customs and Fisheries armed Southern Ocean patrol vessel Oceanic Viking, to follow the Japanese whaling fleet this season in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary!

Customs and Fisheries armed Southern Ocean patrol vessel Oceanic Viking

The vessel has light fixed weaponry of 2 .50cal machine guns. Customs officers onboard are also armed.

SOMPRU 0.50 calibre machine gun being test fired

It typically apprehends shitty-looking boats like this.

pprehension of the Taruman

A much cooler-looking ship is the ACV Triton, which performs much the same job in the EEZ up near Indonesia. The illegal fishing boats there are much smaller and more numerous, and Customs simply destroy them, often on the spot. Triton can do almost 40 km/h, and is guided by JORN.

ACV Triton

In a 2003 incident, Customs under the Southern Ocean Maritime Patrol mission famously chased a Uruguayan fishing ship over 21 days and 7200km, starting in the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone and ending near Africa, the longest pursuit in Australian maritime history.

Chase of the Viarsa, 2003

JR East Station Melody Medley

Sunday, August 26th, 2007

The title kind of says it all. Note how the guy isn’t looking at music or even a freaking playlist.


Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

All residential neighbourhoods in Tokyo have a public address system. In mine, every day at 6pm there’s an announcement, set to music, that it’s time for schoolchildren to go home. And whenever there is something to announce, at random times throughout the day, you’ll hear the voice of the “bousai” department echoing through the suburbs.

The local “bousai” (防災) department is something unique to Japan. In a country so unhappily accustomed to natural disasters, they’ve set up a whole network of regional centers for diaster prevention. That’s what “bousai” means – disaster prevention. I live in Toda City, and my local announcements are from “Bousai Toda” – Toda City Disaster Prevention Bureau. Think of it as a regional office of FEMA.

Just a few minutes ago the familar voice erupted from the speakers, and in a booming, echoey voice, informed the citizens that due to inclement weather conditions – very hot, muggy and windless – photochemical smog has reached dangerous levels. Residents are advised to stay inside, closing all doors and windows, and not to look at the sky – the smog has weakened the ozone, allowing harmful UV light through to ground level. It will rain soon, which should alleviate the problem.

Public announcements over city-wide PA systems warning to stay inside due to photochemical smog. You sure don’t get that in Australia.

The Sound of Freedom

Saturday, May 26th, 2007

Four F-16s just flew overhead, so I did what I always do – ran outside and watched them fly by, grinning like an idiot. God I love the sound of jets, especially fighters – the ripping sound they make as they tear through the sky, and wondering where they’re going, what they’re doing – just like a kid.

Fuck I love that sound. I’m still smiling :-)


Friday, May 4th, 2007

Over the public internet, this kind of speed fucking ROCKS


UPDATE: new speed record

speed 2

QR Code

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

QR Code

These type of barcodes are everywhere in Japan. Here, I’ve put this advanced technology to the best possible use.

Fast Internet Rocks

Sunday, April 15th, 2007

Skype Transfer

From my house to Max Breaker’s, over 10 kilometers away. Sweet.

10 reasons to live in Tokyo

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

I often get asked .. why on earth do I live in Tokyo? I don’t speak very good japanese, my job (if you could call it that) is internet-based and location-unaware, and it’s a significant hassle to deal with visas. And I can’t get centrelink! So why go to all this trouble to live here?

OK, here’s some reasons.

1. The unparalleled convenience

I haven’t been to every city on earth, but I’ve been to a few, and none of them come even close to Tokyo in terms of sheer convenience. The key element here is the ubiquitous convenience stores. They’re everywhere, they’re very high quality and the pricing is competitive. I’ve never lived anywhere else you can get delicious fresh sandwiches – seriously – at 4am for $2. Which brings us to:

2. The food

Japanese food is fucking delicious. What else can I say? Everything is just so delicious and, amazingly, cheap. And to go with the food

3. The beer

I have a lifelong love affair with this brewed wonder, and guess what? You can buy it anywhere, anytime, cheap and delicious. Great to drink while you’re browsing

4. The internet

I pay $35 a month for unlimited 100mbps.

Enough said.

5. The consumerism

Every shop selling everything you can possibly imagine. Computer parts you never dreamed existed. Clothes for every conceivable taste, and then some. 100 yen shops. Uniqlo. There is no better city to shop on earth – I am quite confident saying that. But how do you get to the shops?

6. The trains

Tokyo’s train system is bar none the best in the world. Cheap, fast, convenient. It’s insanely good. When it’s stopped for some reason (invariably a suicide) it’s almost spooky – it’s like the world is ending! Coming from Sydney, where the trains just stop by themselves, it’s a joy. And they contribute just that right amount to

7. The feeling

That big city dynamism. And they don’t get any bigger. Greater Tokyo is the biggest urban conglomeration on earth. Which leads to

8. The urban environment

Stunning parks? Yes. Awe-inspiring skyscraper cities? Check. Jaw-dropping views? In spades. If you love cities, Tokyo is the mother of all cities and anything else seems small, parochial and kinda lame.

9. The challenge

If you can make it in the most expensive, competitive city on earth, you can make it anywhere. Which attracts the right kind of people. To what? To ..

10. The centre

Asia is where it’s at. For the next 100 years, at least. I don’t want to move to Shanghai, but I don’t have to: it’s a 90 minutes, $150 flight from here. Australia: 7 hours and $600. Tokyo is at the heart of the area I care about most: Greater Asia, of which my home country is a part. It’s a great feeling.

Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte
Coming soon to Starbucks Japan: Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte.


Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

Today I really slammed my head into the top of the doorframe while getting off the Saikyou line at Ikebukuro. I usually don’t do it, but I was being pushed from behind – I had to get out to let all the other people past, then get back on. Anyway, this distraction meant I forgot about the door and .. wham.

RIGHT in front of this big group of schoolgirls! Perfect! Well, that gave them something to titter about. 痛いよ!

A difference between westerners and asians

Sunday, June 18th, 2006

One of a very long list I know, but this one is obvious. Westerners (well me, anyway) do not have a special set of clothes for indoor wear. I make no distinction between “outside clothes” and “inside clothes”. I don’t wear a tracksuit in my house, I wear exactly what I’d be wearing outside my house. And if I did wear pyjamas, which I don’t, I’d put them on immediately before going to bed, and change quickly after waking up.

Asians seems to be different, they seem to have “house clothes”. I don’t know why, really. I thought it was because they wear pyjamas to bed because it’s cold .. but it’s not cold, it’s fricking hot, and they’re still wearing pyjamas.

So there you go, a genuine cultural difference. Can’t see myself ever adopting it. It will be a cold day in hell before I ever wear a tracksuit off the atheletics field, and I don’t care if anyone is there to see or not …

Another good kanji list

Sunday, June 11th, 2006

This time by topic.


Sunday, June 11th, 2006

That’s what I told the girl at the supermarket tonight when she asked if I was watching the soccer (probably presuming I was some kind of soccer-mad european). I told her that Australia was playing Japan tomorrow, and “Australia Number One”!!! And then repeated it a few times, just so she understood.

Her response? “わかりました。” That’s right!

Listening to “Soldier”

Sunday, June 11th, 2006

No matter how shit life seems, no matter how impoverished or miserable you are, listening to Soldier by Globe while standing out on your balcony at 3am in Tokyo watching a helicopter fly lazy circles in the drizzling clouds of the balmy night air can’t help but make everything feel right in the world.

Amusing conversation part 2

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

As an update to my previous post detailing an amusing conversation I had with a Japanese cleaning lady, in which I attempted to tell her that the washlet on the toilet was broken and ask if maintenance could come and fix it: Today maintenance came and fixed the air conditioner, which wasn’t broken.

UPDATE: The man also cleaned the stove and did something to a screen door. Guess I really got my message across.

multilingual itunes

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006

Another small but happy step in making 日本語 my bitch.

As everyone knows I like a lot of Japanese music. And depending on where I got it from and how it was tagged, the names can all be a little bit different. For example, good ol’ Ami Suziki can also be tagged as Suzuki Ami or 鈴木あみ. Now for the longest time I didn’t reconcile all these into the obviously proper tags – ie, just renaming them all according to the japanese-character name. This was because I didn’t feel able to find it quickly. But now, I can find it quickly and easily, and having the alternate romanisations is just an annoyance.

So now I eagerly welcome a new phase of consolidation and abandonment of the crutches of romanisation! Goodbye Kanno Yoko and Yoko Kanno – hello 菅野よう子 and “what the hell is that kanji again god damn it right that’s it i am searching for a song name instead”

Amusing conversation

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006

I had an amusing conversation today with the japanese cleaning lady, who is aged approximately 2000 and understands no english – in fact she may actually have a negative level of understanding of english. I, who can express myself in only the most basic japanese, was trying to tell her to inform building maintenance that the washlet on the toilet was not working. Following an extended sequence of hand-waving, miming, pointing at the ceiling and bewildered looks from both parties, I believe she will now inform management that I wish the toilet to be removed ASAP.

I love it when japanese people (and probably westerners do it too) think that if they just slow their speech down enough, you’ll finally understand, as if the problem is that you just can’t distinguish the syllables. I can distinguish them fine, I just have no fucking clue what they mean. Ah, there’s nothing like a totally botched conversation to pour cold water on your foreign-language confidence – I’d had quite a successful few days and had been pretty sure I’d be able to make myself understood. Ah well! Life is a journey, as they say. Now I’m going to hide in my room until I’m sure she’s gone.