Archive for January, 2010

The App Store’s plague of content-only pseudo-apps

Friday, January 29th, 2010

So Apple’s bandying about the fact that its App Store now has over 140k applications. That’s pretty impressive. Until you realise that a huge proportion of them – possibly the majority – are nothing more than “content + viewer” bundles which really should be PDFs, ebooks, or iphone-optimised web pages. Or not even that – I thought the iPhone had a proper web browser?

Here’s some examples of the “apps” making up this suspiciously high number:

Japanese Photobooks (this single company has hundreds of “apps” – nothing but picture viewers with embedded pictures)

Romance novels (little better than the above – again, this company has almost a thousand “apps” just by itself)

Go to the “books” category of the App store. There’s 20 per page, and as I write this, there’s 871 pages. That’s over 17,000 “apps” which do nothing but package one or more books. They are technically applications, sure. But on a desktop PC they would be nothing more than jpeg files, PDFs, or – even better – simply web pages.

Why all these useless apps cluttering up the store? I believe it has to do with the iPhone’s lack of a user-accessible filesystem. There’s no way for a user to, say, save a PDF of a book (or 100 books) he wants to look at on the device, and then use one app to read them all. Instead, users are reduced to the highly inefficient workaround of simply saving one app per item of content they wish to access.

So, just a couple of examples above and I’ve already cut close to 20,000 “content-only apps” off the claimed 140,000. But there’s many, many more. Have a look in “music” – plenty of filler in there too. Check out “Justin Timberlake lyrics” – the app. That developer has spammed the store with over 120 nonsense apps just like that, mostly over the course of one or two days.

Check out “reference”. Thousands more there.

The fact that you need to make and release an application to load content of any kind onto your iPhone is not a strength of the platform, it’s a weakness, IMO.


Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

All artwork from the famous kitsune-san Google background.

I love that little fox! Since there are 12 panels, and kitsune-san sleeps for only 2 of them, we can deduce that he sleeps for only 4 hours per day.

Songs of the Week

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Songs of the week are I’ve Sound, live at Budokan 2009 in the five-singer configuration they call “Love Planet 5″, singing together in a two-song set. It’s from the end of the concert.

1. Hydian Way 72.6M
2. See You 70.3M

I don’t think they reach quite the heights of 2005 but it’s still a good concert and they’re good singers. I’m just happy that someone is still making this kind of music and giving this kind of performance.


Thursday, January 7th, 2010

I recommend the somewhat dated but utterly harrowing mockumentary Threads, which attempts to speculate on the likely result of nuclear war on an average working-class family in Sheffield, England. It’s somewhat overly pessimistic, IMO, but differs from most other movies in its class by at least trying to consider everything and present a realistic, if close to worst-case, scenario.

I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of it before, and it deserves to be better known.


Saturday, January 2nd, 2010


Aren’t we all supposed to be living in fucking space by now? My god damn cyborg body better be on track for 2029. I am counting on that god damn body.

i5 is alive

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Bought a new iMac. Stock 27″ quad core (i5), I paid AUD$2339. I then went on holiday, so couldn’t even use it until yesterday.

This thing is a fucking monster. The screen is huge – you don’t realise how big it is sitting in the shop, because all the other screens there kind of desensitise you, but when you get it home you realise how god damn huge it is. It’s almost TOO big. And it was an utter bitch to carry home.

The performance is just wonderful. I’ve become more and more frustrated with my Core 2 Duo laptop – it just seems laboured and out of breath and spins its fans up at the slightest load. That machine just seems sluggish to me these days and this was becoming a hindrance in my work – I am *often* waiting for the machine to restart a server, switch apps, whatever – it’s just slow all round.

The new machine is a whole lot faster – a rough factor of 4. It’s got 4GB of memory, soon to be 8, and can take up to 16, which should do for now. It’s got 4 slots, so I can use cheap 2GB modules – the upgrade to 8GB will cost $142.

Basically I’m totally delighted. Apple really nailed it with this machine. The thing is almost too good, since there seems to be little point getting a Pro when you can have this much capacity and performance for such a low price. Check out ; I agree with everything that guy says.