Archive for December, 2009

Incredibly impressed with Ruby 1.9.2

Friday, December 4th, 2009

So I’ve got this web app. It’s pretty “heavy” and it does a lot of image manipulation. It’s a bit of a pig, to be honest.

Under Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.1, you can reliably expect the memory usage of this app to grow .. and grow .. and grow. I have seen it reach 900M before I shut it down (manually on development machine – in production monit would have killed and restarted it long ago).

Memory usage under 1.9.2pre1? 72.7M and it’s been running for hours. It got as high as ~130M or so at one point, but then – astonishingly – GC actually worked and released unused memory. Will wonders ever cease?

Performance is up around 20% on 1.9.1, too.

Memory usage, and the constant leaking/growth thereof, is my number one daily problem with Ruby. The preview release of 1.9.2 seems to have solved it. To say I’m happy about this development would be an understatement. I am looking forward to deploying on 1.9.2 ASAFP and will do so, probably, upon the release of preview 2 (I have noticed no stability problems whatsoever).

update: 12 hours later it’s gone down to 65.5M. Praise the Ruby Gods!

.to registers a headless A record

Friday, December 4th, 2009

Neat trick – the .to top level domain control has registered a “headless” A record. In other words, the domain “to” resolves now – although your browser will probably try to “correct” it.

They used it to make a URL shortener – the shortest URLs possible, basically, unless a 1-character TLD is commissioned (no technical reason why not).

I can’t standa URL shorteners but couldn’t resist http://to./.ot//:ptth, which actually worked a grand total of once before not working any more for some reason. Oh well.

Not any more it can't