Mongrel, still probably the most-used workhorse for serving Rails applications, has been abandoned for a long time – first by its creator, then its so-called maintainers. It’s been a farce, actually, that this important piece of infrastructure has been tossed around in this casual manner. I still rely on Mongrel in several ways, and I know others do too.
Anyway, I wanted a gem with the Ruby 1.9 patches in it, so I made one . Nothing but 1.1.5, plus the Ruby1.9 patches (thanks ), there will be no ongoing changes – all I care about is that I can do
sudo gem1.9 install sho-mongrel
update: fucking github has turned off gems so this doesn’t work anymore.
and it works.
If you’re looking for more progress than that, phurley is actively improving mongrel in (which I didn’t know about before I made mine). He is also making it available as a gem, and looks to be actively improving and modernising the ancient battleaxe.