Archive for August, 2009

Snow Leopard Review

Friday, August 28th, 2009

I’m actually delighted with Snow Leopard. It’s really noticeably faster, especially Finder. And a terminal crash bug I experienced hasn’t re-occurred in a week of constant use, hopefully making it a weird once-off, an artefact of the upgrade.

But this has happened about 10 times now:

Snow Leopard

I wonder if I should have performed a clean install. Oh well, that is always an option should it be necessary. I wonder if it is possible to just re-index mail or something? It is happening when saves a draft. Hm, now my suspicious eye turns towards the Drafts folder.

Thanks to commentors for pointing out they have not had problems, I am happy the OS is being received universally well – all I need is to fix this one thing!

UPDATE: Nuking my old drafts folder seems to have completely solve the problem.

UPDATE 2: That didn’t actually solve the problem; it crashed several times since then. However, 10.6.1 has really solved the problem, and I am now as happy as Larry.

The 10A435 screenshots are fake

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

The recently circulated screenshots of Snow Leopard build 10A435 are almost certainly fake.

This section of the Quicktime Preference menu looks copy/pasted to me:

Quicktime X Menu

Note the anomaly in the antialiasing in the drop shadow on the left edge. Here’s a zoom:

Zoom of Quicktime X Menu

Looks fake to me. The “Preferences” item has been pasted in from another application, and the lower half portion of the original menu pasted below it, creating the mismatch – the background is darker above, where it was copied from. There is no other plausible explanation for that anomaly in the drop shadow.

Nice try!

Of course, this strongly implies that 10A432 is indeed the GM, for better or worse. It’s surprisingly rough around the edges, but hopefully they can polish it up a bit quickly.

_why smashes Ruby Community Dummy Spit record

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Ruby Community Dummy Spits

Song of the Week, 18th August 2009

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

As you may have noticed, things have been in a state of flux around here. Another server move is in progress, DNS is up and down, and all told I have more important things to juggle than the state of this damn blog. It’s a pretty low priority at the moment.

I’ve disliked it for a while, actually. I don’t like Wordpress and have intended for some while to move this blog over to my own custom software, ready for some time now. Perhaps this server move is the time to do that, although it might take a while.

Anyway, why not have one last hurrah, while keeping to the theme of “the future”! Here’s Tomorrow, by Tsunematsu Ayumi.