Archive for April, 2009

Rails is a ghetto all right

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

Remember Zed Shaw’s “Rails is a Ghetto”? All about how the Rails community is being taken over by boring, pretentious, corporate wanna-be suits with their prattle about “professionalism”, pretentious posturing, MBA peacocking and assorted other behaviours unwanted in the dynamic and creative Ruby community.

Well, these MSCE-having douchebags are out in full force today. You see, there was this little Ruby conference in San Fran, and a presenter there had the temerity to include – wait for it – references to porn in his talk. Plus some pictures of scantily clad girls.


Now, I thought the talk was fine, and very well made. The content may have been slightly risqué, in a US context anyway, but no big deal. Actually I appreciate the creativity – there’s nothing more boring than yet another “professional” presentation. I use Ruby because I hate acting “professional”.

But oh boy, the reaction.

Some commentors were frankly laughable – one woman in particular went so far to claim the presentation made her fear for her safety, as if the entire body of men in the audience were in danger of rising as one and assaulting her in some kind of insane porn-fueled gang rape:

To most of these men around me, I am, at best, an oddity, and at worst, a sexual target. I feel a little less safe.

I suggest this poor woman seek therapy for these delusions.

Other reactions include pathetic “I am being victimised” attention-seeking, lame attempts at demonstrating how much “I truly care about women” etc, hilarious “I am leaving the Ruby community and re-installing Visual Studio” threats (please do!), and every combination thereof. I cannot help but think that if Matt’s presentation has the effect of getting rid of these disingenuous wowsers then he should henceforth be invited, nay required, to present at every Rails conference.

Comments from the SlideShare page from sad Java programmers:

I’ve talked with two large IT shops who’ve said that there is no way they’ll ever let Ruby in their companies because of this horse shit.

Lol, good. The less “large IT shops” pissing in the Ruby pond the better. And if their management is so stupid as to choose technology because of “some presentation given by some guy at some conference” then no doubt they’ll be out of business soon anyway.

I think Matt just blew the image of the Ruby community by doing something like this.

WTF? Who even thinks like this? Whatever, I am glad they do:

I’ll avoid joining the Ruby/Rails community at all. So will many other engineers, given the remarkable and continual display of unprofessionalism from you, the community, and even its leaders

Uh, OK. Door’s that way. By the way, you’re not a real engineer, did you know?

Is this the ruby community , sexist and racist? I am going back to .net and FU all!

Lol, enjoy! Wait, racist?

And so on and so on. Pretty funny. Thanks for the GC patch, Matt, it’s proving very effective.

About the only person whose reaction to this I truly admire is . And he is the father of Rails, so if he doesn’t mind it, then all these “this is inappropriate for a professional conference blah blah” business-card-offering synergystic-opportunity-seeking suit-wearing jerks can go jump off a cliff, IMO.

Best troll ever

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

I think this is one of the best trolls I have yet seen.

It absolutely boggles the mind that anyone would go to that kind of effort and expense to score some ridiculous, personal point, some imagined grievance, some silly grudge. Trolling is not really for me but geeze – I’ve got to hand it to the guy.

JS Changeover

Monday, April 13th, 2009


Goodbye Prototype, hello jQuery. Spent all weekend learning it For Realz™ and sorting out the various tricks needed to make it play nicely with Rails – looking forward to doing a lot more JS from now on.

There are only 17,814 available three letter Twitter names left!

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Just when you thought domain squatters could not possibly get any lower – a new service allows you to search and register Twitter names:

Extra Extra!

Time is running out to register a great Twitter name!

With about 10 million people already using Twitter and thousands more signing up every day, the number of great Twitter names is shrinking rapidly.

Don’t delay: Before you know it, all the good names will be taken and gone for good.

Needless to say, the value I place on a “Twitter name” is approximately zero. However, it’s still annoying to see the lengths people will go to to screw up everything for the rest of us. It’s difficult to see any legitimate reason why someone might want to search for names merely by length; if they have a name to “defend”, surely they’d know it already, and the length wouldn’t be an issue. No – this is for domain squatting scum only, now graduating to the hilarious, worthless hype of Twitter.

If I were Twitter, I’d cancel every single account coming from that site. In fact, I’d block their entire IP range to keep them from even finding these precious gems.

Contemptible. Anyway, everyone knows the best 3-letter Twitter name was taken .

New FTTH network for Australia – awesome!

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

The old proposal to build a partial (FTTN) broadband network for Australia has been dumped, replaced by a much larger, better plan – a $43b fibre to the home network, to bring 100Mbps network access to 90% of Australian homes. Here is the announcement.

That’s $2,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. That’s a huge amount. To put it into perspective, the same expenditure in the USA would be roughly $600b.

Putting aside the fact that this is desperately needed in AU’s miserable internet market – this is exactly what a government should be doing at a time like this. Spending huge amounts on wisely chosen infrastructure projects is just the ticket to pull a country out of recession, IMO.

And needless to say, this is the beginning of the end for that hated monopoly Telstra, who will be lefting holding nothing but their crappy 50-year-old legacy copper POTS.


Australian vs. Japanese Internet – the numbers begin to match up

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

When I lived in Japan, I had VDSL2 internet access, unlimited of course, in practice around 40Mbps up/down, for around 4,000 yens a month. So imagine my delight when I discovered a very similar deal in Australia:

ESHDSL-40M-Unlimited $4,000/m 40 Mbps / 40 Mbps Unlimited

That’s right: $4,000/m! What a deal! That’s numerically almost identical to the 4,000 yens a month in JP.

Now who said Australian internet sucked? Look at the numbers, baby!

Turning off trackbacks

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

I am so sick and tired of trackback spam that I’m turning it off completely. Never found a use for it anyway, I don’t think I have ever followed, or cared about, a trackback link.