Has anyone else seen the recent Nicholas Cage movie, Next?
Did you recognise the scores’ obvious “inspiration” from Kanno Yoko’s Ghost in the Shell score?
The item from the score plays during the opening credits. I don’t have the OST yet but I’ll get it. The copied track is “To tell the Truth”, from Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex O.S.T. 2.
UPDATE 1: upon listening again, I believe it is also similar to the Harry Gregson-Williams score for Miss Smilla’s Sense of Snow, specifically the title track Greenland Anno 1859 which I have a copy of but can’t get at the moment (it’s in Adelaide), and amazingly oink doesn’t seem to have.
Anyway, that seems to be the similar song I’m thinking of, which shares the distinctive two-chord piano line. They’re all similar songs, and I have no doubt that all have influenced the others – I know Kanno is a fan of Gregson-Williams.
MP3 1: 8:09 by Mark Isham – listen from about 1:10 in if you’re impatient
MP3 2: To Tell the Truth by Kanno Yoko – about a minute in, but listen to the whole thing, this is a great song