Archive for August, 2007

Fraudia, your trustworthy partner

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

Hot on the heels of the irresistable i.Beat Blaxx mp3 player (whose name I see has hurriedly been changed on their website) comes another great brand – Fraudia!

Let me imagine how that goes .. hm, I’m looking for a new communications company. Someone reliable .. someone I can trust to not rip me off! Hm, let me see .. I know … Fraudia!!

Microsoft Scum

Monday, August 27th, 2007

Here’s my comment reply to this bottom-of-the-barrel marketing post on “Zune Insider” – needless to say, only positive responses end up approved, so you won’t see it there. But I just wanted to lash out at these fucks, so here’s my reply again below.

What a nasty, cynical stunt. You got a few marketing “Zunes” left over from your Halo 3 campaign, eh .. so what do you do with them? Why not try to squeeze a few more PR points out of them .. sell ‘em cheap to the soldiers! Because, you know, those “heroes” just lap up whatever surplus crap you happen to have, right?

Here’s a clue, Microsoft – if you want to help the troops, send them kevlar vests and good boots, not a few god damn leftover Halo 3 Zunes.

You vampires make me fucking sick.

JR East Station Melody Medley

Sunday, August 26th, 2007

The title kind of says it all. Note how the guy isn’t looking at music or even a freaking playlist.

Another definition of “start”?

Sunday, August 26th, 2007

I have somehow got the impression that the word “start” can have another meaning besides its most common, ie. to begin. The definition I have in mind, from multiple books (OK, two that I can remember), is an adjective meaning custom, bespoke, made from scratch – a “start engineering solution” or a “start design job”.

I can’t find any corroborating definitions online or in my computer’s built-in dictionary. Does anyone agree with me, or did I pull this out of thin air? Wouldn’t be the first time my internal English database has gotten itself into an inconsistent state.

Suggestions please, O worthy readers, though do look first before casting thy stones.

Cream of J-Pop

Friday, August 17th, 2007

Anyone who has this album is welcome to send it to me!

UPDATE: thank you very much, Jacke!

i hat fasbok

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

i hat fasbok!

Climbing the Walls

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

By They Might Be Giants, Climbing the Walls. Hate to post “mood songs” but what can one do?

$100,000 genome

Monday, August 6th, 2007

Did you know that Solexa will sequence your entire genome for $100k? Just 1x coverage for now, but 30x for the same price is “soon” (think oversampling, like with CDs – the more passes, exponentially the less errors).

Just a few years ago sequencing the human genome was a 10-year worldwide effort; the cost incalculable. Now you can get it done for $100k – how long before it’s $100?

Useless for now, of course – our main problem is no longer extracting the data, but understanding it. But’s it’s shocking how fast things move.

$100k! I can’t fucking believe it.


Sunday, August 5th, 2007

Sydney’s pretty cold compared to 東京. A first class flight back is AUD$5850!

Nice to enjoy the other half of the good life. I’ve always said that neither Japan or Australia is better – well, OK, I always say Australia is better. But I miss Japan here, and I miss AU there. Anyway, it’s good to relax a bit and enjoy all those things I missed in Japan for the last 18 months. Actually, I’m not missing Tokyo much at all! Been too busy. But I imagine that boredom will set in soon, and I’ll be pining for the crazy big city again.

Pity to come to AU in the winter and miss JP’s summer, though – I used to be a winter person, but I’m sure not anymore.

When I miss Australia, I miss the place – the country, the land, the weather and the nature. When I miss Japan I miss the products, the infrastructure, the trains, the convenience.

Ah well! Best is to travel back and forward at will. That’s not a problem, except for one little thing – anyone got $5850?