Archive for June, 2007

Sho Fukamachi Online is People-Ready!

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

Michael Arrington was making over $100,000 a month running an ad campaign for Microsoft. He’s been lambasted all over for not disclosing that his lame ads were, in fact, lame ads – but hell, $100,000 a month says I couldn’t care less about disclosing that either.

So! Here we go! Did you know that this blog is People-Ready? It is so ready for people, and it’s all because of Microsoft. I love Microsoft, and because of them, I’m People-Ready. This is a People-Ready business. I, myself, am permanently People-Ready, especially if those people are hot chicks. Forget I said that.

People-Ready, People-Ready, People-Ready! This blog has comments! It empowers people to communicate with me and hold conversations. Comments, and this blog, are People-Ready, as am I, as are my readers, and heaps of other stuff, etc. Also, I write stuff on this blog. From the second I hit submit, that content is People-Ready, thanks to Microsoft.

I am so motherfucking PEOPLE-READY it is beginning to hurt. I may actually be TOO People-Ready. Did I tell you how much Microsoft software ROCKS MY WORLD? Because it does. Thanks to Microsoft and its top-quality people-readying software, I am now more People-Ready than pretty much anyone else on earth.

I am also Dollars-Ready.

You know what I am? I’m motherfucking PEOPLE FUCKING READY! Now please send me 100,000 People-Ready dollars a month.


Yet another wordpress exploit

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

Another day, another WP exploit! This one’s apparently been floating around the net for weeks, and a fix was only released a few hours ago.

I’m lucky. I have enough technical skill to set up WP as an svn working copy, which means that the upgrade, for me, is as simple as issuing this command on the three or four WP blogs I’m responsible for:

svn switch

And it’s done, instantly. For minor upgrades I don’t even bother disabling plugins.

But the vast majority of people install their WP blogs manually, from the downloadable archive that is the recommended method by the WP team. Those people face a monthly task of laboriously backing up, replacing files all over the place, copying and replacing any customisations like themes, moving their pictures and content from folder to folder .. in other words, a pain in the fucking ass, especially when it happens so often. Therefore – it doesn’t get done.

A good quick check of how on-the-ball security-wise a site is is to do a quick “view source” on their wordpress blog. I do this on pretty much any WP blog I regularly visit. Just checking! I know several popular blogs that haven’t updated for months and months – one of the most popular is still at 2.1.2. And that’s an internet company. If even internet companies can’t, or don’t realise they have to, keep their WP installs up-to-the-fucking-minute-or-else, what chance does the regular joe have?

So – if you’re choosing blog software, here’s my advice: don’t choose wordpress. And if you did make the mistake of choosing it and are now a bit too locked in to easily move, like me – keep it religiously updated. Move to svn distribution. Go to trunk, if necessary (I used to run trunk but stopped when I gained a little more trust in WP .. I’m thinking of going back to it now). But the best option is just to never sign on to this endless security-flaws treadmill in the first place.

Finally soldiers beginning to look cool

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

canadian reserve forces

Finally, soldiers are beginning to look like I think they should. Of course, a lot of this doesn’t make it into actual combat – they are basically playing paintball, and those helmets would be more hindrance than help until they have HUDs w/ built-in audio, and also can actually stop something. But it’s a start!

I think it’s important for the military to look as cool as possible.

switching to macports for all development

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

I’m tired of manually upgrading packages on osx. The recent subversion update was the last straw – I’m nuking the lot and switching to macports, using this excellent guide. Here’s the new method of upgrading subversion:

sudo port upgrade subversion +tools

But is it up to date, you ask?

Shadow:~ sho$ sudo port sync
Shadow:~ sho$ port list | grep subversion
subversion                     @1.4.4          devel/subversion


An additional plus from going the macports route is its use of the /opt directory. Previously I’ve been in favour of /usr/local – just out of tradition more than anything else I guess. But by using a new, otherwise unused directory – and /opt still has unix cred – we gain the wonderful advantage of just being able to trash that directory if anything screws up and starting again. A far cry from the current needle-in-the haystack methods.

One more thing, if you’re thinking of going by that guide above: you can just chain the port installs as such:

sudo port install mysql5 +server ruby rb-rubygems rb-termios rb-mysql subversion +tools

Just run that, and go do something else for an hour. Same deal with rubygems. Beautiful.

UPDATE: You’ll also want to do this if you don’t want to see your shiny new /opt folder in finder:

Shadow:~ sho$ sudo /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a V /opt

Sets the “invisible” bit. You’ll need to relaunch finder to see the result. By the way, isn’t OSX supposed to have a /.hidden file? I see it referenced everywhere, but I don’t have one …

Poll: 66% of Americans are morons

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

In this new Gallup poll, it’s revealed that 66% of Americans asserted that Creationism, the Christian fairytale that an unseen, unknowable “God” whisked down from “Heaven” and created man in his present form by magic, is either probably or definitely true.

In other words, 66% of Americans are stupid. Really, really stupid.

You know, there’s a lot of questions upon which it’s possible for reasonable people to differ. Climate change is one: I am not personally convinced that human CO2 emissions are responsible for any change in the weather, and not even convinced that a change is necessarily bad, but I know intelligent people who are, and I respect that. I think they’re wrong, but I respect the breadth and depth of their well-reasoned opinion. Abortion’s another one – whether it is allowable or not. I know intelligent people with differing beliefs on that one. The war in Iraq – I supported it, and still do, mostly, despite how badly it’s been run. But I know people with very good reasons why it was, and remains, a very bad idea, with well-thought-out arguments worth listening to.

But not creationism. There’s nothing to debate. On one hand is a logical, reasonable, well-established scientific theory with a great deal of evidence behind it. On the other hand is a few lines in an old religious text asserting that the creation of all species on earth was done by an old man using magic. One of these things is not like the other.

It boggles my mind that anyone could possibly be credulous enough to take on such frivolous, unsupportable myths as unshakeable beliefs. How can they ignore the evidence? There must be fossils predating the supposed “genesis” of earth in every single museum in the world. How can they explain away to themselves the 1800s example of the peppered moth? When the pollution got bad, God came down and changed the moth to a darker colour, and when it got better He came down and changed it back?!

For some time, the question of whether you believe in creationism or not has been a kind of personal litmus test for me – if you believe in it, you’re stupid and your opinions are not worth considering, simple as that. It’s disturbing to discover that two-thirds of the population of the most powerful country on earth fail that simple test.

Unbelievable. What else is there to say?

UPDATE: I shouldn’t have used the word “morons” in the title – many religious people are quite intelligent, more than I perhaps, and may hold their beliefs for complex reasons I don’t know and don’t understand. My apologies for anyone offended by that; I won’t change it though, as it’s my policy to not water down anything I say, I hate people who go back and change their writing to make it more palatable.

However, I have no apologies for my general feeling for religious people. I maintain that a person must have basic flaws in their logical processes to be susceptible to superstition, and religion is the prime example. To believe in something so big, so magical, so impossible, and so completely without evidence is a kind of madness, and the world would be a lot better off without such weak-minded “people of faith”, whatever their superstition of choice.


Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

All residential neighbourhoods in Tokyo have a public address system. In mine, every day at 6pm there’s an announcement, set to music, that it’s time for schoolchildren to go home. And whenever there is something to announce, at random times throughout the day, you’ll hear the voice of the “bousai” department echoing through the suburbs.

The local “bousai” (防災) department is something unique to Japan. In a country so unhappily accustomed to natural disasters, they’ve set up a whole network of regional centers for diaster prevention. That’s what “bousai” means – disaster prevention. I live in Toda City, and my local announcements are from “Bousai Toda” – Toda City Disaster Prevention Bureau. Think of it as a regional office of FEMA.

Just a few minutes ago the familar voice erupted from the speakers, and in a booming, echoey voice, informed the citizens that due to inclement weather conditions – very hot, muggy and windless – photochemical smog has reached dangerous levels. Residents are advised to stay inside, closing all doors and windows, and not to look at the sky – the smog has weakened the ozone, allowing harmful UV light through to ground level. It will rain soon, which should alleviate the problem.

Public announcements over city-wide PA systems warning to stay inside due to photochemical smog. You sure don’t get that in Australia.

Song of the week – 黄金の緑

Saturday, June 16th, 2007

From experimental jazz artist UA, 黄金の緑 (おうごんのみどり / Golden Green). Listen all the way through or you probably won’t “get it”.

UPDATE: An exciting, neck-and-neck fight to the death has broken out in the poll to the right. Which of these musical titans will emerge victorious? Perhaps neither – the contenders may well be so close, such perfect competitors, that the result is tied. Disappointed, me? Not at all. TK is a worthy nemesis. And I cannnot but bow to the will of the people. If equal the people say, equal we shall be.


Thursday, June 14th, 2007

I think I’m finally sick enough of Safari’s RSS implementation that I’m trialling the popular NetNewsWire aggregator program. Not like I have all that many subscriptions, it’s just that I have a few that are quite frequent (10 or so updates a day) and after a while, Safari just can’t cope. It’s slow, hard to read, and occasionally forgets where it’s up to. For friend’s blogs, which update maybe once or twice a week, Safari is fine. For Wired New Epicenter, it’s totally inadequate. And the constant updates in the menubar get on my nerves after a while. I want to keep track of the news, sure, but I want it out of the way so I can check it when I want to – not have it distractingly in my face, as the menubar is.

I don’t usually like to run 3rd party software when the defaults will do – and a place in the dock is valuable and usually reserved for only absolutely necessary software – but it’s become enough of a problem that it warrants a custom solution. Everything’s looking good for now.

Dock status, assembler style:

ADD NetNewsWire

SUB GraphicConverter (never use it, Phoenix Slides replaced it)
SUB Toast (never use it, i just realised)
SUB iChat (use it rarely enough that I’ll just use QuickSilver)

Categories out, Tags in

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

Probably the single best concept to arise from the Web 2.0 “movement” is the notion of tagging, an additive, ad hoc method of associating metadata with any kind of object. It’s a really important new paradigm for how we think about data – probably the most important in 5 years, I’d say. To me tagging *is* web 2.0, not this stupid AJAX shit.

Anyway. Having reached some sort of realisation that I’m not going to have the time or energy to set up any other blogs anytime soon, I decided that the least I could do is start tagging my posts here properly. You’ll notice a greatly expanded list of tags after each post, and a correspondingly larger “categories” list down the side. I actually dislike WP’s choice of the word “categories” in this case – to me, categories are a much more limited concept. But whatever. The important thing is to have a much larger variety of more specific tags, labels, categories, whatever you want to call them, to more accurate reflect the content of a post.

It’s not like I have thousands of posts here or anything. But it almost seems criminal to me, these days, to publish badly labelled data on the net. For ease of use, for search engine friendliness, for a higher quality global information canon – tags!

Next step is the tag cloud in the sidebar! Just kidding, I’m not that Web 2.0…

Leopard getting lamer by the minute

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

Seems the larcenous relationship between Redmond and Cupertino can flow both ways, with Apple taking a page out of MS’s Vista handbook – the page entitled “cut all the good features before launch so nobody cares anymore!” Great page to steal, that one.

Don’t get me wrong, I love MacOS, I’ll be using it no matter what. But where’s the features? A new dock? A new finder? We waited almost 2 years for that?

One of the improvements I’d been hoping most for is full OS support – hopefully bootable – of Sun’s revolutionary ZFS file system. After a thankfully short-lived rumour that ZFS support had been dropped entirely, we have this clarification from Apple:

As a result, we have included ZFS — a read-only copy of ZFS — in Leopard.

Wow!!! Read-only access! That’s the best type!

You know what? That is a fucking worthless non-feature and they may as well not include it at all. Can someone tell me the point of a read-only hard disk? To say I am disappointed would be an understatement.

What next? It seems every second RSS update from the mac news sites are about some other feature being pulled. Just in from macrumors, about a cool-sounding fast restart feature in bootcamp:

I have it on good report from someone attending WWDC that this feature has been nixed.

Why?? Don’t they have enough people or something? The things I care about that will definitely be in Leopard are now these:

  • better, multithreaded finder – care factor 10/10
  • 3d dock with “stacks” – care factor 8/10
  • updated internal, especially multicore scheduler – care factor 7/10
  • quick view and spaces – care factor 6/10

I had to go look at the features list because I couldn’t even remember anything else. All the updates to iChat, etc are routine incremental updates to what amounts to commodity client software – I rarely use iChat since it doesn’t properly support GTalk/Jabber. It can’t even do a fucking file transfer. Mail? I don’t need “stationery” and actually dislike it when people format emails with HTML. Don’t really care about any of the other apps, I’m looking forward to iLife updates more than any of them.

It’s horrible to say but this is beginning to remind me of Vista. Delay, delay, delay, for no good reason – and all the interesting stuff gets cut. In the absence of any truly amazing interface improvements, the number one thing I was looking forward to was first-class ZFS support, and with that out of the picture, my anticipation has plummeted. I still look forward to it, sure – but genuine excitement has turned to routine “oh yeah, I’ll upgrade when it comes out, if I don’t hear of any major problems …”

UPDATE: OK, OK, after re-reading this it does sound kind of childish. I’m just pissed off god damn it. Every serious problem I’ve had with my computer in the last 5 years has been something to do with the fricking filesystem. Corrupt headers. Directory mismatch. Laboriously booting to DVD for the thousandth time and running Disk Utility from there, wasting half an hour. That’s why I was so hyped for ZFS .. and so disappointed when it doesn’t seem like it’ll be in. It’ll still be great, though. Just maybe not as amazingly great as I had been hoping.

Choosing Colours in Illustrator

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

Making graphics for your web app? These days, that means they have to be gradients. Everything’s a fucking gradient these days, and I admit it slowly forms an impression on you – any site you come across not using them for every fucking thing seems kind of old and not very web 2.0. Ridiculous I know, but you slowly come to subconciously think that.

So you’re choosing colours for your stupid obligatory gradients, and you’re having difficulty finding ones that look good on the page. My advice? Use one of the colour pickers built into Illustrator. I can never “make” good colours by picking them on a wheel or, worse, generating them with RGB sliders. But when you have a whole lot of “good” colours in swatch form next to each other, the right ones kind of spring out at you. Well, maybe graphic designers I know wouldn’t be so impressed with my choices .. but I certainly feel they’re better than the ones I’ve made historically.

You can open the “swatch library” by means of the arrow-in-a-circle pop-out menu above the “swatch” pane in Illustrator. Select “open swatch library” and take your pick. I’ve come to really like the TOYO library, the colours in it just suit me for some reason, but you can try them all out.

Here’s a nice graphic made by this means. The colours are just .. nice. Bear in mind it’s just the top 20px or so of this being used, I find the colours really pleasing – and much better than the 20 or so attempts I made myself.


Very close to the default wordpress banner graphic!

Safari on Windows

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

Like many, I was initially a bit confused by Apple’s announcement that they’d ported Safari to Windows. Why on earth would they do that, I wondered? How could that possible pay back the development effort?

Well, after some pondering, I’ve come up with some good points. In fact the more I think about it, the better it sounds. Firstly, here’s some points in APPL’s favour:

  • With the announcement that the iPhone’s only way of running 3rd party “applications” is if they’re Web 2.0, Safari is the “SDK” for iPhone. It’s a good plan for Apple to get that on as many machines as possible.
  • MS is starting a new push for some new proprietary “standards” like XAML. By providing a 3rd serious browser competitor on Windows, Apple dilutes the market and acts to somewhat inhibit MS’s horrible, horrible plans. Same for SilverLight.
  • Better iTunes/Quicktime integration.
  • Further exposure to the Apple “experience” for Windows users.
  • A whole lot of the necessary KHTML/WebKit porting work was apparently done by Adobe during its development of Apollo/AIR, which drastically cut Apple’s costs for the project

And why am I so happy about the announcement? Because I’m a web developer. In a stroke, there are now not one but TWO standards compliant, cross-platform browser platforms. Before today, there weren’t a lot of options for Windows users.. if you didn’t like Firefox for some reason, and I can think of plenty as I don’t much like it either, you were stuck with evil, evil IE. Despite the importance of web standards, it didn’t inspire confidence – a single, not very polished, open source application against the mighty MS juggernaut! Hardly the overwhelming victory for standards-compliant software one would hope for.

But now? A lot of people run iTunes. They like it. They’ll start checking out Safari. And suddenly, it’s 2 open, full featured, standards compliant web browsers against one old, clunky nightmare.

If your standard-compliant site didn’t run well on IE, you didn’t have many excuses. “You should run Firefox!” you cried .. but it was a pretty small voice against a very large crowd. But now? Write a standards compliant web browser and suddenly you support 2 out of 3 major browsers on windows. If WinSafari becomes popular .. we can finally start ignoring IE for the broken-down POS it is.

Now THAT is why I’m excited. Imagine if Safari takes 20% of the Win32 market. 30%? 40%? Man, if IE went under 50% I, and about 100,000 other web developers, would throw a year-long party.

So anyway. It’s good news. It’s really good news. The browser isn’t the OS yet, but it’s moving in that direction, and it’s really important the standards-based platform wins – and with Apple now fighting in the PC market as well, that happy ending just became a whole lot more probable.

Cyclone Paris

Saturday, June 9th, 2007

The media frenzy surrounding Paris Hilton’s adventures is now approaching a level of international transfixation that I find surreal. You usually have to have a major disaster or war to reach this swirling vortex of absolute attention. As of now, her re-incarceration is front page news on every newspaper I can think of, and the craze is seeping into other sources I pay attention to – even those totally unrelated to celebrity gossip, like IT sites and foreign policy reviews.

I hate this kind of news, I really do. And yet the sheer scale of Hilton’s coverage can’t help but draw one’s attention, if only to take your seat with everyone else as such a massive event unfolds. Hell, I’m a westerner, and for all its flaws this is my culture. At some point you just have to tune in. I can disdainfully ignore the vast majority of pseudo-news for a shallow, vacuous population interested only in voyeuristic titillation, lazy criticism, and an injection of vicarious fulfilment for their boring, hopeless lives – but at a certain point some primal group conciousness kicks in, you realise you’re the only white person in the world not slack-jawedly mashing the refresh button on every 10 seconds, and give in.

Difficult to remember the last celebrity who received this much attention. I don’t think anyone could argue that Hilton is currently the biggest “celebrity” in the world. And while I can’t stand her, I can’t help but wonder if she enjoys living in this world of hyper-examination she’s created, or at least encouraged others to create, around herself. Some of the pictures of the day’s events in circulation are almost scary in their demonstration of the levels of surveillance under which she must live, and none too subtle surveillance at that. I’d sarcastically recommend that the media simply hire a helicopter to follow her around 24 hours a day, except from many of the pictures it seems they’re already doing just that. Living under that kind of scrutiny would be hellish for me, and I imagine that even the most attention-hungry bimbo must get tired of it eventaully.

Anyway, enough crocodile tears – glad she’s back in jail! Heh heh heh.

UPDATE: from the “you can’t make this shit up” department:

this photo

napalm 1972

and this photo

paris 2007

are from the same photographer, Nick Ut, 35 years apart. There’s a whole essay in there somewhere, but these pictures pretty much sum it up – what we were interested in then, what we’re interested in now. Wonder what the subject will be 35 years from now?

Cutest Animal Found

Friday, June 8th, 2007

I don’t do things by halves. If I’m running a poll to discover the cutest animal in all the world, I don’t just let it run a day or a week, or even a month. I run it for over a year. Well over a year.

The site poll for “cutest animal” has been running for 600 Days, since 16th October 2005. I think we can consider that a sufficient period to collect vital data on this most important of questions. And now, the results:

Official Cutest Animal

Wombat, with an overwhelming 14 votes

2nd cutest animal

tied between Shane Warne and the Octopus (8 votes)

3rd cutest animal

Bunny (7 votes)

A new poll is imminent.

Little Big Planet

Thursday, June 7th, 2007

It’s been quite a while since I’ve been so transfixed by a demonstration of a computer game as that for Little Big Planet, coming soon for PS3. Can’t help but be reminded of Lemmings on the Amiga, although the gameplay doesn’t have much in common .. I couldn’t take my eyes off those little guys, either. Must look freaking amazing in 1080p.

And the catchy song playing in the background is actually by The Go! Team, Get It Together, which was a little surprising because they’re kind of famous for turning away companies who want to use their songs. Guess they liked the game too, then. Listen to the song, if only for a good example of how insanely over-the-top drumming and Bomb Factory can make anything sound cool, even a song whose main instruments are otherwise a pipe flute and tin drums. I love that band’s rhythms, though – just listen to the syncopation in the tin drum “chorus”. If that doesn’t get you air drumming, nothing will.

Anyway. Finally a game to be excited about on the PS3. Pity it’s not coming out for another 6 months : /

Trial and Error

Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

As I’ve progressed in not only programming skill but also – and, although it sounds strange, probably more importantly – program design skill, I keep finding awful, horrible, terrible mistakes I made just months ago and slap myself on the forehead, exclaiming: What the FUCK was I thinking??!!

Take the current example, which has just consumed most of a day’s worth of time. It’s for a project of mine, a web site which I hope to release very shortly. Like many websites, it has a number of different types of content – mostly static content like menu items and writing on pages, somewhat dynamic content like FAQ items, and fully dynamic content like a news blog. And, importantly, all of this content must be localisable.

Now I don’t know what I had been drinking the day I made these decisions but up until a few hours ago this site had not one, not two, not even three but FOUR distinct, parallel, mutually incommunicado content systems. All of them need maintenance, so that’s four sets of forms, four (actually more like 10) models, any number of weird helpers and controllers to extract data from the 10 or so database tables. It all worked, but it was just a nightmare to even try to juggle it all in your head, let alone build more stuff for and on top of it.

Oh sure, I remember why I made those decisions. I wanted an FAQ page, for example. An FAQ needs categories, and it needs questions and answers. I had a fairly clean interface-translation system from another project, but I couldn’t shoehorn an faq-categories tree relationship in there – so I built another. Same with News – it seemed like more effort to try to unify an attached blog with the current system than to simply build a new one, so that’s what I did. And same with the TWO site content systems – one was for short unformatted sentences and labels, one was for long texts with textile support, links, formatting. I didn’t know how to do them both with one system, so I made two.

A few months down the line and this shit is totally unworkable. Part of building any kind of significantly sized web site is building admin tools as well, or you just can’t cope with adding the text, let alone trying to get others to help you on it. Juggling 4 different content systems just made me want to give up! And yet I knew the work to replace it all with a better system would be painful.

Ah well. Finally the pain of having to use the different systems, and the pure shame of being the author of such a horrible mess, got the better of me and I’ve now unified 3 of the 4 systems. It’s still a hack job, as I’ve got some serious thinking to do about how to handle it all in a manner I can actually be proud of, but it’s miles better than what was there before. The fourth – the blog – will also have to wait. Oh hang on – did I mention there’s actually a fifth? But that only translates names of places, it’s fairly static. I’d like to put that into the new system as well, but it’ll require some thinking. Oh and did I mention I’d like to use this new cms for multiple sites ..

A proper content management system must be totally flexible. You must be able to assign arbitrary attributes to any object in it, at any level. You should be able to say, “see this? that’s an faq category. this, this and this objects descend from it, and of them, this and this need textile. And here are their localised children.” I still haven’t figured out the best way to do all of this, and my research into other popular CMS methodologies has not been encouraging. But I have the feeling it will involve a great big table of text, a table of possible attributes, and another great big table with a membership-style mapping of attributes to that text. Hard to see the best way to do it, but it’ll be an interesting design exercise.

So that’s how we learn .. by trial and error. Think you’re saving time with shoddy design? Think again.


Song of the Week – Self Saboteur

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

Hardly new, and those who know me in real life will have heard this one a million times. But I still love it, and – unusually for me – the lyrics hit ominously close to a nerve. Wins the award for the most beautiful synth of 2007 so far, too – pay close attention after 3:38 to hear why simple is often best.

Check it out, Self Saboteur by Delerium. Click “more” for lyrics.

By the way, I cannot fucking believe it is already June.
