Archive for March, 2007

JPs and the Js

Friday, March 30th, 2007

When referring to the Japanese people, collectively, in conversation, I rapidly tire of using the word “japanese”. One, it’s ambiguous – it could refer to either the language or the people themselves, which often ends in having to suffix the word with one of those nouns. Two, it’s too long – three syllables, one of them double-length and complex – “eeze” – for a total of four “pronunciation units”. It gets old quickly.

So I find myself often just saying “japs”. It’s not meant as any kind of racial epithet – it’s a simple abbreviation. The word has no other connotations for me at all; it’s a linguistic shortcut, an expedient, a nickname, like referring to McDonalds as “M” or Diet Coke as “DC”.

But every now and again I get told that I’m racist for using that word. It’s true that there is a historical wartime association with it; a few seconds on google will unearth any number of WWII-era propaganda posters about the US imperative of fighting the “Dirty Japs” until one’s dying breath. So, I concede – while not “racist” in my eyes, the word does have a taint, and is probably best avoided, at least in public.

But what is the alternative? Don’t say, “just say the full word!” .. let’s take it as a given that I’m not going to do that. So here’s my challenge to all those who might take affront at my jap-slinging – what would YOU like to hear, instead?

An obvious alternative is “Nips”, short for “Nipponese” – a weird bastard word, using both the formal Japanese name for their country, Nippon, and an awkwardly affixed “-ese” to render the word, in English, descriptive of its inhabitants.

But I don’t like that word, for 3 reasons. One, the word “Nipponese” annoys me. It’s a silly word – it claims to be more “correct” than “Japanese”, but it’s not correct. If you wanted to be correct, you’d say Nihonjin. Nipponese is a non-word, at once harder to say, more pretentious, and yet just as incorrect as its more common competitor.

Two, the word “Nipponese” and especially its shortened form “Nips” has far stronger wartime connotation for me. It’s strongly reminiscent of the asian war in the 1940s, and the two words are primarily used by the generally ungrateful recipients of Japanese attention during that period.

Three, the word “Nips” is ambiguous in western conversation as its meaning has been smeared to include all asians, especially those of whom one does not approve. So, “Nips” is right out.

So what’s left? Suggestions are welcome. The word must be at maximum two syllables, easy to pronounce, and suitable for polite conversation. I certainly can’t think of anything.

So in the absence of any established, uncontroversial nickname, and in the spirit of Australian laziness, I think I’ll just make my own. Unfortunately the traditional Aussie way of constructing a nickname – adding “-za!!” to the end of the first syllable of a noun – is unavailing in this instance – I don’t like the sound of “Jazza!” very much. An alternative, adding “-bbo” or “-ppo” provides a more appealing but not yet ideal option – Jappos! But I wonder if even that word could provoke misunderstanding and resentment. To me, it actually sounds faintly european. I don’t like it much.

Perhaps an acronym? Usually, this is my preferred nickname format, possessing all the desirable traits of uniqueness, leetness, indecipherability to unknowing third parties, and conformance to a technical tradition of jargonistic unix-style ultra-pithiness.

So, I’m going with acronymisation. The third-level domain of Japan is .jp, an ideal candidate – unambigously referring to Japan by sound and construction. I like the internet connotation and indeed I often refer to the country of Japan in IM dialect as JP, as in “I’m going to AU for a month then back to JP”. However, I feel it can be repurposed to suit the population in speech dialect.

So from now on I’m going to replace my use of the word “japs” with the acronym JPs. If you like, you can pretend it stands for “Japanese Peoples” but actually that’s just a happy coincidence.

JP: Japan
JPs: Japanese People

For extra points, we can abbreviate the abbreviation to Js. This has the additional benefit of versatility, conforming with the well-established tradtion of prefixing a word with “j-” to mean the japanese version of such-and-such. As in, “Whiteys are often surprised when they see some of the edge cases of J-cuisine, for example raw horse meat .. but the Js seem to love it!”

J-: Japanese version of something, eg. j-pop, j-girls, j-food
Js: Japanese people, eg. “the Js”

If you say Js, you should probably say “the” in front of it, ie “the Js”. If you want to use JPs, you don’t need to say “the”.

JPs. I can’t see how the Js can complain about that. Any JPs want to dispute my proposition, now’s your chance!


Thursday, March 29th, 2007

God, I love hamburgers. They’re perfect. You know, if you’re hungry, and just want to eat, a hamburger always hits the spot.

I could eat hamburgers every day.


Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

While I wait for my svn re-imports to finish after I managed to horribly pollute my repo with a stupid typo, I noticed that Adobe has announced Creative Suite 3. Check it out here, especially the tour videos.

Immediately interesting to me are, of course, Photoshop and Illustrator – and the fact that all of the apps will now be intel-mac native. And of course there’s Acrobat, always useful, and I’m especially looking forward to the new InDesign, with allegedly vastly improved long-document support – hopefully it might answer that long-standing question, “What is the perfect word processor for writing a book?” But seriously, what is the deal with Dreamweaver and Fireworks?

What do these programs do anymore? Back in the days of the non-dynamic web, we all used programs like DreamWeaver to save ourselves having to type out the HTML by hand. By use of these tools, we could design better looking web pages as, given a certain amount of time and patience, what you could do with them would exceed in quality what you could do manually. But those days are long gone.

These days, sites are dynamic, and styling is largely determined by a single CSS file. The days of a so-called “web designed” being able to get away with not intimately knowing CSS are long over. Sure, I guess you could save some time initially by drawing DIVs and what not directly onto the screen – but not all that much time. And all the HTML is going to have to be dynamically generated anyway by the templating/CMS back end. Is DreamWeaver really now just a graphical CSS editor?

Well, maybe there’s some value in that, I don’t know. But the real mystery is Fireworks. I’d expected Fireworks to be discontinued, merged into PhotoShop perhaps. But no, it’s still there .. and its function is a complete mystery to me. It seems like, from the video anyway, that its primary purpose is as some kind of dedicated web page mockup program. You can see in the video, some poor sap dragging mock combo boxes around, inserting “assets” here and there, making what seem to be pictures of web pages. Supposedly these elements can then be imported into DreamWeaver. Of course this is practically useless, as the amount of work in then wiring them into your dynamic site would be probably more than just writing them again from scratch. Is there really demand for this kind of app? A whole program to make non-functional mockups of web pages?

I just don’t get it. Maybe there’s some huge companies around where the right hand is so disconnected from the left that marketing departments use programs like Fireworks to “design” the web page they want .. then hand it off to the developers to implement what they see. I never want to work for a company like that! But I can hardly believe it’s done. So what is the point of these programs, again?

SpaceX almost makes it into orbit

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

This is so exciting. SpaceX’s Falcon 1 rocket came tantalisingly close to orbit, just a few hours ago – a minor problem with flight control software (I assume), leading to a noticeable oscillation, prevented them from reaching orbital velocity .. but they’re 95% of the way there.

This is a huge accomplishment in so many ways. But enough chit chat – the video is online here, go watch it and revel in the excitement of history being made …


Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

I seem to be using Camino more and more every day. Recent updates to Google’s translation services seem to have unearthed a whole bunch of crashing bugs in Safari, or my flash-blocking InputManager for Safari .. it’s hard to narrow it down (I’ve tried). I can’t stand flash being enabled by default, though, so not being able to use crashy flash blockers in Safari leads to me just not using Safari.

So the options are Firefox or Camino. Now as everyone knows Firefox is a fantastic browser – it’s the real Swiss Army knife. I couldn’t live without two of its extensions, Web Developer and Firebug – I would literally pay for them if I couldn’t get them any other way. But Firefox is like Linux – powerful, glorious, and fucking ugly.

Enter Camino. Camino’s a close relation of Firefox, but it’s Mac-specific. It’s faster and (in my experience) more stable than Safari, blocks flash, prohibits sites from moving browser windows around, uses keychain .. it goes on and on. It’s better looking and nicer to user than Firefox, and noticeably faster. The only thing missing is FF’s extensions, but you can’t have everything. You can add a “new tab” button (an ability I greatly resent Safari’s lack of), you can search a page with the “/” key, you can customise how long it retains browsing history (that’s something else annoying about Safari) .. etc.

So I think all Mac users, especially the normal ones who might like Firefox but don’t really need its advanced extensions .. should give Camino a try.

And by the way, isn’t it amazing that the Mac platform now has better browser options than Windows? It doesn’t seem so long ago that IE on Windows, incredible as it seems to us today, was far and away the best browsing experience. In the days of IE4 and 5, the Mac was way behind – IE on Mac was a horrible thing. How far we’ve come.

These days, no knowledgable user will run IE on Windows. Now Opera’s all right, but I’ve never really been a fan of them, and aren’t about to start running closed source third party browser software (same goes for OmniWeb et al).

So what are the browser options, now, under Windows? Just Firefox. There’s only one choice.

And yet on the Mac we now have *three* viable browsers. Safari, Firefox, and Camino.

The web browser is one of, if not *the*, most important piece of software on the computer. The Mac has more, and better, options .. so which was the minority platform again?

Song of the Week

Monday, March 19th, 2007

Back to Japan.

By capsule, FRUITS CLiPPER. A good example of how fantastic production and use of effects can turn what would otherwise basically be muzac into a foot-tapping bottom-lip-biting head-bopping groove. Maybe a little too happy happy for some but personally I find Daft Punk annoying.

New Music

Sunday, March 11th, 2007

Emperor’s Main Course (in Cantonese) by Kid Koala

An oldie but a goodie. I doubt I’ll ever get sick of samples laid over classical music, when done right.

Mr Decay by Gui Boratto

Minimalist thought music from the Brazilian star.

23 by Blonde Redhead

Delicious blurry wave rock in the tradtion of My Bloody Valentine.

Art Of Life

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

Art of Life, by X-Japan. My favourite song of all time.

Lyrics after the jump. Warning: 168M M4A file.


WordPress 2.1.1 dangerous, Upgrade to 2.1.2

Saturday, March 3rd, 2007

Fuck. This. Shit.

And the greatest thing is, svn is showing the latest revision to be 4960 – which my WordPress install is reporting as corresponding to tag 2.1.1. So I presume their svn repository is out of date (!). Thanks, WordPress, for the latest “automattic” vulnerability.


The attacker only altered the released files on the download server, not the Subversion repository.

In other words, I (and anyone else who installs via svn) is not affected. The svn repository is indeed now out of sync with the zip download, though it’s no longer so critical that is fixed immediately.

Still totally, absolutely unacceptable and raises serious questions about the competence of the WordPress server administrators. They missed this one, what else might they have missed?