I’ve posted a few “mashup” songs here in the past. Well, mashups have existed long before they were called “mashups” – I hate that term, anyway, it reminds me of what you do to potatoes, not music. But anyway, here’s one of my very favourite mashups. I’ve liked it for a long long time – by ColdCut, it’s from their 1997 album of the same name – More Beats & Pieces.
Archive for February, 2007
Song of the Week
Tuesday, February 27th, 2007Twitter is useless and annoying
Saturday, February 24th, 2007You know , right? It’s the current In Thing for the Web 2.0 crowd. The principle is that you periodically type into their web page or one of the numerous mini-apps designed to integrate with the service, and then all your friends can see. Sounds great until you realise that if what you’re doing is so trivial and your momentary thought so transient that it doesn’t warrant even an IM message, let alone an email or blog post .. maybe it doesn’t need to be heard by anyone else?
There are thousands of tiny things each of us do every single day. They’re important to us, or we wouldn’t do them. But there is absolutely no need to keep anyone else . It shouldn’t hurt your self esteem to acknowledge that no-one really needs to know when and how you went to the toilet, and what the result was, or what fascinating thing your cat just did, or what you’re looking at out the window. Seriously .. just keep it to yourself. I sure as hell don’t want to know. I can’t even imagine wanting to know.
And as for subscribing to other’s twitter “streams” .. well, not to be a killjoy, but if you’re so bored and in so much need of constant useless distraction, why don’t you just stop pretending to work and go watch a movie or something?
Thursday, February 22nd, 2007Seems that during one of the practically daily updates to fricking WordPress I managed to nuke the results for my animal poll on the right. Please vote again!
I am really, really getting sick of WordPress. It’s nice to use, but management and maintenance is a pain in the fucking ass.
The Infinite Game
Monday, February 19th, 2007I recommend this 20-minute talk by Kevin Kelly, an editor at WIRED, who discusses the nature of technology. Download the 70M mp4 video .
There’s a lot of other interesting videos from “TED” (Technology, Entertainment, Design) at their video page – I specifically recommend the talks by Ray Kurzweil, Bjorn Lomborg and Aubrey de Grey.
Dream – My Will
Sunday, February 18th, 2007I just realised that out of some kind of insane, delirious oversight on my part, I had never uploaded “My Will” by Dream, one of my favourite songs. So here it is!
Dream – My Will
I love this song so much I actually went to the trouble of uploading the PV to Google Video some time ago, although it’s pretty bad really. Still, if you want to see it, find it after the jump. You can read more about my experiences uploading to Google Video, including my analysis of the compression they applied to the raw MPEG2 files I uploaded, here.
>cd to…
Sunday, February 18th, 2007A tiny app for the mac that goes in your finder toolbar, which does just one thing: launches terminal and automatically cds to the current window. One of those incredibly useful little utilities you will find yourself using 50 times a day. Open source, totally free .. wonderful!
Find it .
Sunday, February 18th, 2007The hell of GeoCodes
Thursday, February 15th, 2007You would think, wouldn’t you, that in these days of the internet and technology and a chicken on every table that there would be some reasonable, logical and standardised way of describing where you are. Well, my friend, you would be sadly mistaken!
Say, for example, that you were implementing a geotagging system – in other words, a simple series of hierarchical steps that, once you get to the bottom of the chain, hopefully describes roughly where you are. You’d think that there was some global accepted standard for doing this, perhaps from ISO or the IETF .. a simple, clean, well-documented and logically sound method for implementing this kind of thing.
Hell no. What there is is an absolute pig’s breakfast of incompatible, illogical, ever-changing and apparently totally arbitrary conflicting closed semi-standards. There’s no one obvious winner, not even a kind-of winner, and there isn’t even one that’s likeable. They’re all a complete joke.
One first begins to realise the abject state of things when one, embarking on this journey of enlightenment, realises that no-one can even agree on how many continents there are. You’d think it was pretty obvious – I’ve always accepted that it was 7, which seemed to be a fairly logical and geographically sound system of division. Well, apparently not! There are enough people arguing that it’s less than that, or more than that, or arguing where the lines are, that there isn’t even a number system for continents.
But don’t worry, it doesn’t end there! Next is countries! Actually, for this level of division there is a faily reasonable system – it’s called ISO 3166-1, and it basically assigns every country a number. It’s free, fairly consistent, and except for the odd idiocy (for example, in 1998 they decided to change the UK’s 2-letter code from UK to .. wait for it .. GB. Why? What was wrong with UK? Was everyone getting it mixed up with all those other UKs?) it’s OK. No idea how they derived the numbers, there seems to be no logic to it at all, but at least we end up with a list of country names and numbers.
However, if you thought this reasonableness would extend to the next product from ISO I examined, ISO-3166-2, think again! Firstly, 3166-2 isn’t even a free standard. ISO expect you to buy it from them – a $500 PDF detailing what they think things should be called! Forget that! Luckily, free (albeit somewhat outdated) versions are floating around the internet .. or you could just piece together the jigsaw from the million or so wikipedia articles about it. However, don’t waste your time.
The $500 might almost be justifiable if the standard made any sense. There is no sense to 3166-2 at all. Even basic naming is ridiculously inconsistent – a subcountry area might be referred to by a number, a number with a 0 in front of it (problematic when you remember this is a varchar), a one-letter code, a two-letter code, or hell, why not a 3-letter code! never mind that the maximum number of entries for any one country is 50 for America.
This is totally inappropriate for my needs – which I thought to be pretty simple. I just want a basic, hierarchical system of continents, countries, states and cities, tied together by some kind of rational system, in a form I can implement in a data structure. What do I get? a bunch of unsorted, unstructured, inconsistent plaintext with no rationality to it at all. And that’s the killer, really – if I liked the system, even if it was difficult to implement, I might still use it. But the ISO system is the opposite from likeable, it’s detestable – and don’t even get me started on the competing FIPS American system.
So what can I do? I need numbers. I need unique numbers for every place of interest to me, and I need a strong hierachy. So I invented my own system, based on a conjunction of the useful parts of the ISO efforts and Google’s AdWords subcountry system, itself an ISO derivation. So I’ve made a list of the top 535 subcountries in the world, given them numbers, and set it all up. It’s totally non-standard, totally un-inclusive, heavily biased towards those countries I actually give a fuck about, and that’s all great. OK, solved, kinda, down to the subcountry (ie state/province) level.
Now cities. Don’t remind me of cities, please…I’ve got 3558 unsorted cities here, waiting for some database transformations to categorise them, and that’s just with a population over 100,000 … : (
God I love Rails (and Ruby)
Sunday, February 11th, 2007So there I was. I had to come up with something to do this: Get a list of groups that user 1 is a member of, but user 2 is not a member of. So I’m sitting there thinking of what kind of horrible-looking query I’m going to have to come up with to do that.
And then I thought .. man, wouldn’t it be awesome if I could just do .groups – .groups!
Just for a laugh, I tried it. It worked. Cue tears of joy. I’ll probably write the custom query anyway, since it’ll be less expensive .. but .. god, I love Rails. Doesn’t that shit just take the cake.
UPDATE: yes, I am aware this is ruby feature. Nonetheless, the ActiveRecord component, which brings the automatic table relationship, is all Rails. Good stuff.
I love BitTorrent, Fast Internet
Friday, February 9th, 2007
And this is is way short of the record; the bottom transfer was doing over 4MB/s when I noticed it and decided to take a screenshot, and I’ve glimpsed a single transfer pulling down over 6 in the past. Furthermore, since my CPU is pegged at 100% at this speed, the bottleneck probably isn’t even the connection or availability of data! And it’s a shared connection for the whole building – ten times slower than the fastest available!
It’s incredible how times have changed. I remember downloading files, big ones too, over hours, days and sometimes weeks averaging 4kB/s. Just 10 years ago that was – a 300MB game, for example, would take around 21 hours – assuming you could find a server capable of serving you at the full 4KB/s, which was a rare treat. A decade later, a thousand times faster – literally! – and I’ve seen comparably sized files finish in a minute. Sometimes, on a superfast tracker like oink, a 150MB album is finished before I even notice – I’ll start the torrent, focus on iTunes for a few seconds to change albums or something, and when I look back the damn thing has finished.
I remember when your fricking HDD couldn’t write 4MB/s even if you could pull it in that fast in via ethernet, which you couldn’t. I remember multi-hour LAN ordeals to copy a few gig of backups when someone decided they wanted a clean install. I remember staying up countless hours watching the KBs slowly tick over as I downloaded the latest leaked MacOS beta from a Hotline server. The amazing thing is, it seemed fantastic then .. just the fact I could download anything at all was great! How times change.
And will continue to change. I’ve personally seen an increase in potential internet speed of three, yes THREE orders of magnitude in the last 10 years. What will the next decade bring?
mind-bending relational databases
Friday, February 9th, 2007I don’t know how most people feel about relational database programming, but god damn I find it tiring. Maybe there’s some genetically altered super-breed of hybrid enhanced data modellers who usually work on this stuff, but I find conceptualising, implementing and working with this shit a total mindfuck after a while, especially if it’s something I made some time ago and I forgot all the weird custom has_many :throughs and two-way associations.
Once there’s more than about 3 models in play, I just can’t fucking hold it in my brain any more. Thank god for consoles because without console-based trial and error my productivity would be close to zero. I cannot even imagine what it would be like if I actually had to compile anything before running my 20 erroroneous “tries” before I finally manage to construct the query I want!
It is so tiring for my poor non-enhanced brain that I find I can only concentrate on “deep” database work for about 10 minutes at a time before I become totally overwhelmed and have to take a break, of which this post is an example.
The worst thing is that I am well aware that in terms of programming, what I am doing is not even remotely difficult, which does not improve my self-confidence.
Song of the Week
Friday, February 9th, 2007Asura by KOTOKO, part of I’ve Sound. I really like the self-closing melody in the verse.