Man, just a little while longer ….
Archive for December, 2006
I am going to be rich
Saturday, December 30th, 2006Make RMagick on MacOSX read system fonts
Tuesday, December 26th, 2006If you’ve experimented with Captchas in Rails, especially in OSS projects like Apache’s PIP, you might have had some difficulties getting RMagick to read system fonts – or, indeed, any font at all. Turns out all you need to do is give the font as the full path: for example,
:font => '/Library/Fonts/Arial'
Bingo. Simple enough but took me a few minutes to find the solution.
Why MacOSX needs a package manager
Tuesday, December 26th, 2006Intalling rmagick in RHEL4:
Installing rmagick in MacOSX 10.4:
curl -O\ freetype/freetype-2.1.10.tar.gz tar xzvf freetype-2.1.10.tar.gz cd freetype-2.1.10 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make sudo make install cd .. curl -O\ sourceforge/libpng/libpng-1.2.10.tar.bz2 bzip2 -dc libpng-1.2.10.tar.bz2 | tar xv cd libpng-1.2.10 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make sudo make install cd .. curl -O tar xzvf jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz cd jpeg-6b ln -s `which glibtool` ./libtool export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.4 ./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local make sudo make install cd .. curl -O tar xzvf tiff-3.8.2.tar.gz cd tiff-3.8.2 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make sudo make install cd .. curl -O\ sourceforge/imagemagick/ImageMagick-6.3.0-0.tar.gz tar xzvf ImageMagick-6.3.0-0.tar.gz cd ImageMagick-6.3.0 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make sudo make install cd .. sudo gem install RMagick
(Courtesy the indispensable HiveLogic)
Album of the Year
Tuesday, December 26th, 2006, by Bryan Scary.
Let this be the end to all criticism that I’m some kind of japanese music fanboy. I respect pure musicality, and this album just sweeps all opponents off the table.
h20 vs. steinberg
Sunday, December 24th, 2006Since it’s getting hard to find these days, here’s the theme song for the epic war between H20 (an audio cracking group) and Steinberg/Synchrosoft (the makers of the popular Cubase sequencing software) during their 6-month attempt, eventually successful, to crack Cubase 3.
The rivalry between these entities, which took place over a period of years, was quite amazing for those involved in the audiosoft cracking scene. Steinberg was forced into a spiralling “arms race” of encryption, hardware checks, and obfuscation, which by the time this song was made had reached a ludicrous height – almost a third of the code in Cubase 3 was dedicated to copy protection, leading to serious performance penalties. Nonetheless H20 eventually suceeded in removing the protection and released a fully working (and much faster running!) cracked version, proving to many in the industry the futility of trying to oppose the crackers.
The war destroyed H20, however, and they have not been heard from since, instead spawning a new group – AiR – who have nonetheless shied away from Steinberg applications. Rumor has it that Steinberg, who lost many millions of dollars in the fight, simply offered H20 a financial incentive – surely in the seven digits – to leave their software alone in future. Tellingly, Cubase 4, the latest major Steinberg release, remains uncracked.
So this song, for me, symbolises a bygone era of warez – when Titans clashed and the mortals gazed awestruck at the lightning raining down from Olympus. So why not give it a listen – possible, by “The Imp” (an H20 member), from their celebratory CD STGL01 – a triumphalist compilation of gloating tracks aimed squarely at the corporate morale of Steinberg. A historic, and very listenable, milestone in internet and warez culture.
We tried .. over and over .. to make it really secure.
But somehow .. they always .. crack it!
Free downloads at Oink
Sunday, December 24th, 2006In case you didn’t notice – oink has free downloads at the moment. Go nuts! I am!
And the music goes round my head
Sunday, December 24th, 2006And I can’t hear a thing you said ….
Song of the Week, first Lossless edition
Saturday, December 23rd, 2006As part of my general move to lossless, I’ll now upload songs of the week – far and away the most popular feature of this site – in the highest quality I possess. The first song is Player by Origa with Heartsdales from the Ghost In The Shell: Solid State Society original soundtrack. 40MB doesn’t seem the huge amount of data it once did.
UPDATE: warning, loading the song may appear to freeze your browser as it downloads what still is quite a lot of data before even beginning to play. If you’re not on a super fast connection, with a good computer, I recommend downloading it first, then playing.
The Queen’s Podcast
Saturday, December 23rd, 2006The Queen has a podcast, and as her loyal subjects it is all of our duty to give them our full attention. Find links and information here.
Hours of fun with ISO-3166
Wednesday, December 20th, 2006You would think that, given the incredible number of database-driven web sites around the world, that find a good countries/subcountries/ suburbs/cities multi-lingual database source would be easy. Well, you’d be wrong! I know of no such resource, and so I’ve had several hours of fun trying to create my own from many and varied disparate sources.
I want a few things in my database:
Countries table:
- proper ISO-3166 country IDs – numeric, Alpha2 and Alpha3
preferably the primary key of the table should be the ISO country ID but in a pinch it doesn’t HAVE to be.
Subcountries table:
- related to the countries table by country_id = ISO-3166 *number* – this is apparently a totally new innovation, since everyone seems to relate only by Alpha2 code
Cities & Suburbs tables: a hopeless mishmash of useless crap, with no standard numbering, no standard sorting, not even standard fricking *names*. And I would really like populations in there so I could sort by them for user convenience.
I’d furthermore like to tie localisation into all of this by use of ISO-639 language codes. You’d think that there’d be an embarrassment of riches with all the iso-639 tables floating open-source around the net .. but no. Looks like I’m going to have to do it all from scratch.
All I want is an ISO-compliant, cross-referenced database of countries, subcountries, cities and locales with readings in English, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish – the only langauges I really give a fuck about.
I want it to look like this (let’s choose a city in australia):
countries table:
36 Australia
subcountries table:
id 1
country_id 36
cities table:
1 Sydney
population 4100000
languages table
id 1
alpha2: en
alpha3: eng
loc_countries table
id 1
country_id = 36
language_code = eng
reading = Australia
loc_subcountries table
id 1
subcountry_id = 1
language_id = 1
abbreviated_reading = NSW
full_reading = New South Wales
loc_cities table
city_id = 1
language_id = 1
reading = Sydney
and then i can also add
id = 2
alpha2 = ja
alpha3 = jpn
city_id = 1
language_code = ja
reading = シドニー
I would have thought there was a standard way to do all this .. seems I was wrong.
Karen! I love you!
Thursday, December 14th, 2006If you steal my sunshine
iTunes sales collapsing, and it’s because of me!
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006Well, and people like me. Because I will never, ever, pay even one cent for 128kbps DRM-encoded files.
The Register: iTunes sales collapsing
I’ll pay for m4a lossless files, of the highest possible quality (that means above 44.1kHz if at all possible), well labelled, with art and if possible encoded lyrics. That is what I will pay $1 a track for. And I better be able to redownload it if I lose it somehow. You don’t like it, iTunes & the record companies? Then no sale! And even $1 a track sounds a bit high. I can’t see why downloading some FILES costs so much. It’s sure as hell not bandwidth, that’s a couple cents, max, for a CD’s worth of lossless – maybe 300M. $5 – so that’s $2 for the artist, $2 for the record company, and $1 for apple – what is so freaking difficult?
Seems like the vast majority of people agree with me.
Last month I spent 3 WEEKS downloading lossless versions of some albums I really wanted. Out of print, I would have just bought the damn CDs. Rare as hen’s teeth. I would have bought those albums in lossless format in about 10 second flat, and been enjoying them 10 minutes later instead of babysitting a bittorrent download for literally weeks on end.
Wonder how many years it takes for the record companies to realise these facts of reality and finally, reluctantly, give us what we want.
Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006From Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon, one of my favourite books ever:
Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker’s game because they almost always turn out to be — or to be indistinguishable from — self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.
Oh god yes please
Monday, December 11th, 2006Public beta of Adobe Creative Suite 3 may be released. Oh god please yes. Just this one thing would make my life so much better.
UPDATE: It was only fricking Photoshop. I want Illustrator god damn it.
Truth and reconciliation ->
Monday, December 11th, 2006Who is voting for panda? They will be punished.
Monday, December 11th, 2006It is important to, at least one day a week, say “fuck it. I’m not doing any fucking work today. Fuck this shit!!” and then not do anything at all. Sleep, watch movies, go for a ride, whatever, just don’t do any fucking work at all or you’ll just grind metal like Ripley in Aliens after she broke the transaxle.
Basic Mac Applications
Friday, December 8th, 2006With some of my friends getting Macs for the first time, I thought I would compile a list of my recommended applications from the perspective of someone who is starting with nothing.
I’ll try to make them all freeware, which happily on the Mac, doesn’t at all mean that they are worse than paid software – many best-of-class applications are totally free.
I’ll develop this list as time passes.
The UnArchiver
RAR and ZIP decompressor. Replaces WinRAR.
Good file renamer.
Media – Players
Probably the most versatile media player. Best option for .mkv, .ogm, etc
Media – Codecs
WMV Codec
XviD / DivX codec
Phoenix Slides
Slideshow browser.
LineIn / SoundSource
Control audio inputs and outputs via menu bar.
Why the hell did I register that domain
Thursday, December 7th, 2006I don’t know about other people, but sometimes it seems like I get into some kind of trancelike fugue of domain registration, perhaps when drunk, and days, weeks or months later I happen to glance over the all-too-long list of domains I throw money away to keep my name attached to yearly and think, “Why the bloody hell did I register that??”.
I won’t even tell you the name of the domain I’m talking about, it’s just too odd, I can’t imagine what possible use it could ever have. I do know, however, that it was pretty much a complete waste of 690円.
UPDATE: a friend reminded me that the name I registered was going to be the name of the cult I was talking about starting. Boy, that was a d’oh moment, let me tell you! How could I forget the name of my own cult.
K-Wave nostalgia
Thursday, December 7th, 2006Amazingly, I am somehow managing to feel nostalgia for the good old days of K-Wave (korean rap trend) of the last ’90s!
To celebrate, let’s hear the original version (sans Yuki) of “Can’t Wait” – 부탁해, by 유승준 (Yoo Seung Jun).
Well excuse the link above, doesn’t seem to work here although it should. Try this.
And please also excuse the hashed filename – apparently it’s still just a little too hard for Apache to support slope writing, even in 2006. Correct filename is 「04 부탁해.mp3」, of course.
BONUS: Want to hear the REAL hip hop, from the WEST SIDE? Look no further than YSJ’s “na na na“. You can tell it’s the real hip hop, from the West Side, because he says so at the beginning. Also, the hilarious .
David Heinemeier Hansson is a Wanker
Thursday, December 7th, 2006Just LOOK at this shrine to His Holiness at, you guessed it, his own fucking flickr site:
And let’s not forget this lovingly self-scanned photo from his own blog’s “about” page. Don’t forget to read the sickening text:
David Heinemeier Hansson, you are a Grade-A Wanker. I may love your framework and have bought most of your books but boy, I’d love to sock you one right in the cakehole, just to wipe that smug fucking grin off your ugly “I am a Gay Danish Gap Model” face.