Archive for November, 2006

Song(s) of the week

Thursday, November 30th, 2006

OK, time to post mp3s of my favourite songs for the past week.

genre: indies rock

Since we just had an extremely rare album review, here’s my current favourite track from that album – The Lessons I Learned.

genre: pop rock

Next, a rare track from the Moon Riders, an ongoing collaboration between Keiichi Suzuki and members of YMO: kimi ni aozora wo ageyou.

genre: dance

Onto dance – the Mylo remix of Freeform Five’s cover of “A Little Less Conversation” by Elvis Presley. An oldie but a goodie. Check out the fantastic pitch-bending rubber bass synth, all through the track – brilliant work!

Closely followed by the Royksopp remix of What Does It Feel Like by Felix Da Housecat. Beautiful bass work, again, and a wonderful dreamy atmosphere that just transports you to the best club in the world. Love it.

That’s it for this week.

Album review: The Shredding Tears

Thursday, November 30th, 2006

Man, seems all I ever do here is talk about music. Well, what else is there to talk about?

I don’t often feel moved to write actual reviews of albums. But this one seems to deserve it. I felt like I had to write something about it, and this blog is the only real place to do it. So here goes.

Well, the debut album by Bryan Scary, The Shredding Tears has received phenomenal hype amongst my (very) little clique. So, it was only a matter of course that I had it as a request on oink, that being the fastest known way in the universe to receive any new music – I’ll buy it, of course, lest anyone suspect I don’t financially support the artists I enjoy. But if you haven’t heard of Bryan Scary and don’t care for the latest New York hipster indie nonsense, feel free to skip the rest of this review.

And now I’ve spent a few days with it, I have a complex opinion. Yes, it’s brilliant – genius, even. But something’s strange about it. Could be the album of the year if it wasn’t so .. indulgent.

Let me put it this way. This album could have been written by John Lennon at his best, if John Lennon didn’t, you know, have to pay the bills. Some people have the opinion that removing all constraints on an artist is the best way to unleash his best potential. But I think this album is a good demonstration that this principle is ill-founded – Bryan could have benefited from the constraints commercial necessity impose in this album, which is rambling, disjointed and flits from whim to fleeting whim in the unfakeable style of someone who isn’t worrying about how to pay the rent.

Do I like the album? Absolutely. Will I listen to it, all the way through, regularly? I’m not sure. I don’t mind an artist taking liberties with his music. But when that artist expects my time and money in exchange for his art, I expect at least a nod towards my enjoyment. I don’t, for example, particular wish to hear lyrics like this:

Maybe one day they’ll forgive
And try me out again
Until then I’ll just sit here waiting
A scrap of metal trash they’ve created

Rightio then. You just keep sitting there Bryan. I’m sure all your arty New York friends think these kind of lyrics are just oh so meaningful and poetic, but I’m Australian, and we have a simple word which summarises pretty much everything about that kind of writing: bullshit.

Anyway, I still recommend the album, since despite the total wank dripping from every pretentious word he sings, it’s still brilliant and you don’t see that too often these days, especially from these spoiled indie cocksuckers living at home with their parents. Hopefully he’ll go on a drug-crazed party spree, get way into debt, and be forced to make a more commercial second album characterised by compromised recognition of, you know, listener enjoyment and relevance. But it’s still worth getting, although I don’t know if I’ll end up buying it.

Final rating would be 8/10. Would have been higher but I’m pissed off at the waste on display here. I’m sure Mr. Scary won’t read this, but if he did, my advice would be: “stop listening to your stupid friends who all say everything you do is so cool, and try and make the best album ever, for real, because you know, and I know you know, that this kind of crap doesn’t cut it if you ever want to be remembered.”

I guess I’ll end with a quote from another arty New York band with whom I have enjoyed a lifelong love affair:

I saw the best minds of my generation
destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical

Yeah, I also saw them destroyed by being spoilt fucking brats.

UPDATE: I decided to change my review, but didn’t really know what to write. I’d like to emphasize that my negative reaction detailed above applies to only two songs on a 15-song album. Also I’d like to point out that despite my tone, this is without any doubt my album of the year for 2006. It’s a fantastic album. I’ll still stand by my assertion that it suffers somewhat from a kind of indulgence on the part of the artist .. but after you’ve listened over 30 times, as I now have, you forget all about that, and just enjoy what you do like, and there’s a lot of that.

Moving to Lossless

Saturday, November 25th, 2006

For the longest time I’ve standardised on 192kbps mp3. I’ve always believed, and actually once experimentally proved (with the help of a skeptical friend!) that I couldn’t tell the difference between well-encoded 192kbps mp3 audio and the uncompressed original.

Well, I still can’t really tell. But now disk space is so cheap, and bandwidth so plentiful, that I’ve started acquiring “Class A” albums I want as lossless anyway. I’m not going to make a big effort to re-acquire my entire library, but as new albums are added, a proportion will be lossless.

I would generally class audio downloads in three categories:

  • Class A: I really want this album and envisage it will be played a lot
  • Class B: I want this album, based usually on one or two songs from it I like .. I don’t like the bother of managing a lot of singles so I’ll just get the album for completeness
  • Class C: Speculative download, who knows whether I’ll like it or not, but I’ll almost certainly keep it anyway (about 90% of my downloads fall into this category)

For now, I’ll just standardise on lossless formats for Class A downloads, as available. The other two will generally be LAME v0 if available and whatever 192-320kbps encoding is available if not.

And of course the lossless format is Apple Lossless :-)

Onboard X-15 flight video

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

Check out this video of an X-15 flight test, taken by an onboard camera.

Just look how fast it accelerates away from the other jets.


Best Programming Music

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

These days I seem to be spending all my time programming. But I also like to spend all my time listening to music. How to reconcile these two necessities?

As a given, the music can’t be distracting. It can’t impose itself into my concentration, it can’t engage my attention too much – this pretty much rules out anything with words, or at least words I can understand.

But it has to be present, due to my 10% theory, which basically states that by “sacrificing” 10% of your concentration on something, you get to keep the other 90% for what you want. This is the same principle by which I usually sleep with a fan of some sort on – although it is theoretically ideal to have perfect silence when sleeping, there’s always going to be some noise somewhere. By providing a known, constant background noise, we can overpower any smaller, inconsistent noises and keep the brain from seeking something to listen to.

By playing music during my work, if the music is suitable, I can “overwrite” worse sounds with a known, constant one. For example, noises on the street or elsewhere in my apartment building, while not exactly annoying me, attract my attention away from where I want it. By controlling the sound we can control attention.

So what’s the best music? Well it’s trial and error for me to find it, but what I keep coming back to is this very album I uploaded here last year – NHK スペシャル中国-12-人の改革_放 by Yoko Kanno. I basically just play this on repeat! Very nice, and I never get sick of it.

The measure of a good album for this kind of purpose is in what you don’t notice, not what you do. The best possible result is for you to not notice the music until you suddenly realise it has stopped, and find the album has finished. So you hit play again, enjoy the opening 30 seconds or so, then disappear back into “the zone” – only to realise, 40 minutes later, that the album is finished again. Great stuff!

Because of my multi-faceted love for this particular album, it is probably my most-played non-globe album ever. I’ve lost the exact statistics through various iTunes moves/library refreshes etc, but I’d be very surprised if I hadn’t listened to the whole thing at least a few hundred times.

Australia-China FTA logo

Monday, November 13th, 2006


Australia-China Free Trade Agreement

I love lossy compression

Saturday, November 11th, 2006

No seriously, I do. The rise of high-quality audio compression has been one of my favourite developments of the last 10 years.

I listen to mp3s, all day, every day. I fucking love them. You can keep your cell phones and penicillin, mp3s have my vote.

Possessed by Voodoo Priest?

Friday, November 10th, 2006

I don’t know what symptoms are to be realistically expected when you have been possessed by a Voodoo Priest, but I do know that whenever I initiate a “stretching yawn” kind of manuever, I’m seized by a compulsion to vocalise the yawning/stretching experience into a string of syllables which sound something like this:

Off gess foo me foo fi! Con see ya me foo fi! Me foo fi!

and so on. It sounds African to me.

So, have I been possessed by a bone-wearing Shaman King? Only time will tell!

I made iTunes play 2 songs at once

Thursday, November 9th, 2006

With iTunes in “small floating controller” mode, I clicked the position slider to return to the start of the song. I did this right at the end of the song. The song started playing from the beginning again – but the next song had already started playing. The two songs then played together. I clicked into the middle of the song, and both songs were still playing in the middle. If you pause and unpause, though, only the second song plays. The display shows the second song.

I’ve never seen that happen before, nor heard of it happening.

I have duplicated it a few times, wait until the controller reads 0:01 seconds remaining, and then click back to the start of the current track .. if you get the timing right, you can experience it too! sucks

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

I was listening to Feel Good Inc by the Gorillaz, a song I like a lot for its melodic, groovy rap. I thought, “I’d like to know other songs that sound like this! Why don’t I try out, which is supposedly a great music matching service, and see what it turns up?

So I go over to Let’s have a look at their “similar artists” shall we?

Franz Ferdinand
The White Stripes (!)
Red Hot Chili Peppers

etc etc etc. None of these bands are anything fucking like Gorillaz, and especially not like this particular song.

Conclusion: sucks eggs.

Google Video

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

I decided to upload some large video files to , just to see what they did to them.

Since Google don’t put any limit on upload sizes, and indeed encourage the highest possible quality, I started with .vob music videos, which i losslessly (for the video component) transcoded to MPEG2 and 192kbps mp3 audio.

Here’s some stats for :

Original VOB size: 212.6MB
Transcoded MPG size: 167.2MB
Google direct AVI download size: 33.3MB

Original resolution: 640×480
Processed resolution: 480×360

Original codec (video): MPEG2 Muxed
Original codec (audio): mpeg2 192kbps

Processed codec (video): DivX/XviD 6.0
Processed codec (audio): mp3 128kbps

After I did this one I changed encoding methods, passing through the audio as much as possible, usually at 48kHz and around 1512kbps, but i forgot to look at the details. Newer ones were even bigger, though.

Awesome Drums

Saturday, November 4th, 2006

Check out the drums in Dayvan Cowboy, from the latest release by the brilliant Boards of Canada! Man, that is the good shit.

Song of the Week

Thursday, November 2nd, 2006

Song of the week is from HK-based indie pop duo The Marshmallow Kisses, who sound exactly like their name suggests. And it’s in English! Click for My Dear Giant.

CrossOver is not completely useless

Thursday, November 2nd, 2006

Codeweavers CrossOver Mac is almost completely useless. You can’t run the latest PhotoShop or Office, you can’t play (good) games, you can’t run Media Player Classic or anything like that, and you can’t do much of anything really.

So why isn’t it completely useless? Have you ever downloaded something that is saved in one of those awful windows-only self-extracting-archive formats? CrossOver will run that. Saves you having to copy the .exe to a windows machine to perform the unarchive. This is useful enough that I’ll keep it around. I must admit, it’s pretty cool to be able to double click a .exe file, on a MacOSX machine, and have it run!

So, not completely useless.