I’ve never really liked any chinese bands. But I like this one. Check out their album, .
Archive for September, 2006
My Little Airport
Saturday, September 30th, 2006The Fast and the Furious 3 – Tokyo Drift
Monday, September 25th, 2006IS FUCKING SHIT
That is all.
Forcing parent/child relationship changes in Radiant CMS
Wednesday, September 20th, 2006Although Radiant CMS supposedly includes an AJAX-y drag-drop support for reordering parent/child relationships, that doesn’t work for me on Radiant’s admin pages, using both Safari and Firefox. So, can I do it by a direct database edit? Without wrecking everything?
The answer is yes. So you don’t have to endure the same heart-stopping suspense that I did when making my first direct edit to re-order page descendancy, all you have to do is change the “parent_id” field in the “pages” table to the id of the desired parents and it’ll work, no problem. Commit the change, refresh the admin interfaces and you’re done.
I love this kind of clean design. The descendancy is noted once, in a human-edited form, and can be changed properly by a simple substitution without horrible side effects, loss of consistency, etc. Good stuff.
Bandwidth in Australia remains pathetic
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006Looking for a VPS? If so, you might have checked out rimuhosting – currently the “it vps”, especially for rails hosting. Good prices, knowledgeable support, reasonable options – they’re popular for a reason.
But if you’re, say, in Australia, and decide you’d prefer a local server – boy, you’re in for a surprise. Let’s compare three of their options – hosting in New York, London, and Brisbane.
1. New York
USD$29.95/month. Disk space 4GB, RAM usage 96M-256M peak. Transfer allowance: 200GB.
2. London
USD$39.95/month. Disk space 4GB, RAM usage 128M-256M peak. Transfer allowance: 100GB.
3. Brisbane
USD$39.95/month. Disk space 4GB, RAM usage 128M-256M peak. Transfer allowance: 6GB.
Seems like the data transfer situation in Australia is still every bit the steaming pile of shit it ever has been. Six gigabytes; I can’t believe it.
You probably know this blog isn’t so popular, just from the lack of comments. But it still regularly does over sixty gigabytes a month of transfer (admittedly, a lot of that is the media I upload). Six is such a ludicrously small amount of transfer in 2006 that it’s basically not worth having. What a fucked situation.
Monday, September 18th, 2006Such a simple idea, and a simple app, but I love it and now use it for all my “stream of conciousness” style writing. Check out WriteRoom. Brilliant, free, and a perfect example of why I love the Mac platform.
Notes from installing Rails on RHEL4 x86_64
Wednesday, September 13th, 20061. Install ruby 1.8.4
sudo rpm -Uvh –test *.rpm
(no errors? good)
sudo rpm -Uvh *.rpm
ruby 1.8.4 is installed.
2. install ruby gems
No rpm for this, have to use its builtin setup
wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/11289/rubygems-0.9.0.tgz
tar zvf rubygems-0.9.0.tgz
cd rubygems-0.9.0
sudo ruby setup.rb
3. make sure you have mysql-devel
% rpm -q mysql-devel
good …
4. install rails
% sudo gem install rails –include-dependencies
% sudo gem install mysql — –with-mysql-include=/usr/include/mysql –with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib64/mysql –with-mysql-config
select option 2, ruby 2.7
5. That’s it !
Wonderful English 2
Tuesday, September 12th, 2006From Slashdot, on the simple rules in English for where you should put “i” in relation to “e” when spelling a word containing both together:
It’s perfectly logical. “i” before “e” except after “c” or when sounded like “a” as in “neighbor” or “weigh” unless it’s the “cies” in the plural of a word ending in “cy”, a gerund like “being”, a word starting in “i” prefixed with “re”, or one of these exceptions: albeit ancient atheist caffeine casein cleidoic codeine conscience counterfeit deficient deity efficient eider either feisty financier foreign forfeit glacier gneiss greige greisen heifer heigh-ho height heir heist kaleidoscope keister leisure leitmotiv monteith neither omniscient onomatopoeia peignoir phenolphthalein phthalein prescient proficient protein reveille Rotweiller science seismic seize seizin sheila society sovereign specie species sufficient surfeit teiid their weir or weird. That about covers it.
1st Anniversary of fukamachi.org!
Monday, September 11th, 2006Oops, looks like I missed my big one-year anniversary! By several months! Ah well, might share some statistics anyway.
First post was on 16th July 2005, but I only started reliably counting statistics from 24 Aug, 2005. Since the latter date this blog has received 24,562 unique visitors and 127,465 hits. There have been 402 posts including this one, so about one a day, and a mere 602 (!) non-spam comments – mostly in the auspicious, intellectual tone set by that very first post.
Alexa ranking slipped down to 5 million from some better number I can’t remember, not that I care. The site has a PageRank of a miserable 3/10, but scores #2 on a search for “sho fukamachi” on google – as one can imagine that is an extremely popular search string.
So, all in all a highly successful operation! I’d say I have lots of “big plans” for the next year of periodic ranting but I cannot tell a lie, I have no plans at all for anything more than this; as you can see I can’t even be bothered fixing the template. If anything, my interest in all things blog-related has diminished over the year; I have a vanishingly small interest in “blogs”, “blogging”, and especially “bloggers”. I have no wish to ever be described as or thought of as a “blogger” and while I don’t doubt that with enough time and effort I could probably create quite a successful blog, I simply have no interest in doing so. This is probably quite evident to any regular reader of this site. The reason for this is quite simply that it is a lot of work for precisely no gain, especially financially; I don’t value the “blogosphere” even in the slightest, and I am not interested enough to “get serious” in any meaningful way. Et cetera.
So, here’s to many more happy years of sporadic online proclamations! よろしくお願いします!
Ruby On Rails Trac server disk full
Monday, September 11th, 2006I decided to stop complaining about the pluralisation errors in rails and just make a fricking patch. So I did, and was in the process of signing up to submit it when:
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device []
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/csw/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/main.py”, line 335, in dispatch_request dispatcher.dispatch(req)
File “/opt/csw/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/main.py”, line 220, in dispatch resp = chosen_handler.process_request(req)
File “build/bdist.solaris-2.11-i86pc/egg/acct_mgr/web_ui.py”, line 240, in process_request
File “build/bdist.solaris-2.11-i86pc/egg/acct_mgr/web_ui.py”, line 53, in _create_user
File “build/bdist.solaris-2.11-i86pc/egg/acct_mgr/api.py”, line 98, in set_password
File “build/bdist.solaris-2.11-i86pc/egg/acct_mgr/htfile.py”, line 69, in set_password
File “build/bdist.solaris-2.11-i86pc/egg/acct_mgr/htfile.py”, line 103, in _update_file
File “/opt/csw/lib/python2.3/fileinput.py”, line 231, in next line = self.readline()
File “/opt/csw/lib/python2.3/fileinput.py”, line 300, in readline os.rename(self._filename, self._backupfilename)
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Oh dear, DHH. Maybe you should spend some of that temporary Basecamp revenue on, you know, a proper server with more than 1G space? Tell you what, I’ve got an old VPS you can use, it’s got a whole 12G space!
Personal Time Management with Tracks
Monday, September 11th, 2006OK, I admit it. I’m terrible at managing my time. I get distracted, forget what I’m doing, forget what I’m supposed to be doing, then come back days later when I’m out of “the groove” and try to pick up the pieces. I need some sort of task management software. I write “TODO” lists and forget to check them, I write lists on paper and it gets buried or ignored.
I need some solution to this. iCal isn’t suitable. And I want something web-based.
So I’ve been evaluating two pieces of software recently, and I like them so much I wanted to plug them a bit.
First up is ActiveCollab, which is basically a PHP clone of 37Signal’s Basecamp. It’s far from finished but very usable. I’ve started using it to try to keep control of a recent project – it’s not bad, but I find I need more features. It’s multi-user, and clients can’t see the other companies – this is a must. The jury’s still out on this one but at this stage I tentatively recommend it if you deal with third parties. Only problem is it’s PHP5, which is not supported yet by RHEL.
Next is Tracks, a Rails app which focusses much more on personal time management. I like it – I like the concept of “contexts”, I like how you can have “projects” and “actions” in those contexts. I like how very focussed on time. I like how it’s modern and written in Rails.
So, for now, I’m going to try using Tracks on a daily basis, replacing my TODO lists and making it my homepage. I’m serving it locally via mongrel and LaunchAgents.
UPDATE: here’s the .plist I used to make launchd run tracks using mongrel as a “service”:
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< !DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
Save to ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.rousette.tracks.plist. Replace any instances of “/rails/tracks” with the correct path. Change the port number to something other than one based on the band name of Go!Go!7188. Execute launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.rousette.tracks.plist and you’re cooking with gas.
UPDATE 2: You have no idea what a bitch it was to make WP post that XML code without screwing it up.
A new standard for language software!
Monday, September 11th, 2006From the web site of iLingo by Talking Panda:
Talking Panda iLingo sets a new standard for language translation software. Designed for the iPod, it’s stocked with over four hundred essential words and phrases
Over four hundred essential words?????
David Heinemeier Hansson is Racist
Sunday, September 10th, 2006I’ve got a new project, a real world-changing application to finally tie together my interests in fish, sheep, Darkies and last but not least – making a lot of Yen. Let’s see how Ruby on Rails handles creating models for these essential elements of my new Google-Killer!
First up is the sheep – the foundation of any billion-dollar enterprise.
Shadow:/rails/gay_app sho$ ruby script/generate model sheep
exists app/models/
exists test/unit/
exists test/fixtures/
create app/models/sheep.rb
create test/unit/sheep_test.rb
create test/fixtures/sheep.yml
create db/migrate
create db/migrate/001_create_sheep.rb
Well done. As expected, Rails is sheep-aware. Of course it is – who can do anything these days without sheep? And the first database ever written was created to keep track of sheep. So no surprises there, moving right along to another essential ingredient in any recipe for global domination, fish:
Shadow:/rails/gay_app sho$ ruby script/generate model fish
exists app/models/
exists test/unit/
exists test/fixtures/
create app/models/fish.rb
create test/unit/fish_test.rb
create test/fixtures/fish.yml
exists db/migrate
create db/migrate/002_create_fish.rb
Again, no surprises. Fish are second only to sheep as lynchpins of the world’s business ecosystem, and frankly, any web framework unable to correctly track fish resources has failed before it’s even begun. But now, let’s see how Rails handles the slippery problem of Darkies:
Shadow:/rails/gay_app sho$ ruby script/generate model darky
exists app/models/
exists test/unit/
exists test/fixtures/
create app/models/darky.rb
create test/unit/darky_test.rb
create test/fixtures/darkies.yml
exists db/migrate
create db/migrate/003_create_darkies.rb
Surprise! I had expected Darkies to throw Rails for a loop; seems like DHH deserves much more credit than I gave him. He’s obviously a man of the world, well up to speed on Darky-tracking requirements; I wouldn’t be at all surprised, bearing this advanced capability in mind, if DHH isn’t using Rails to track his own private Darky supplies.
But now to the most important table in this database: how to track all the money this groundbreaking app will, without a shred of doubt, pull in by the truckload?
Shadow:/rails/gay_app sho$ ruby script/generate model yen
exists app/models/
exists test/unit/
exists test/fixtures/
create app/models/yen.rb
create test/unit/yen_test.rb
create test/fixtures/yens.yml
exists db/migrate
create db/migrate/004_create_yens.rb
Oh dear. Seems like Rails isn’t the internationally-minded upstanding citizen of the world I had always thought it was. “Yens”, DHH? Why don’t you go down to the bank and ask for some “yens”? You can have all the fish, sheep and darkies you want, but at the end of the day if the best you can do is “yens”, it’s time to go back to Denmark, David Heinemeier Hansson, you racist motherfucker!
MacOSX Rails Icon Folder
Sunday, September 10th, 2006Since it took me a couple of minutes to correctly apply the Rails icon to this folder (I’m a perfectionist for such useless things), I thought I’d upload a zipped version for anyone else who obsesses over their folder icons.
UPDATE: Speaking of Rails, let’s ask the genius DHH what the plural of “staff” is, shall we?
Shadow:/rails/wwp sho$ ruby script/generate model Staff
exists app/models/
exists test/unit/
exists test/fixtures/
create app/models/staff.rb
create test/unit/staff_test.rb
create test/fixtures/staffs.yml
create db/migrate/006_create_staffs.rb
How about that! The plural of “staff” is staffs.
Glorious Japanese
Saturday, September 9th, 2006The Japanese Kanji system is so time-saving and elegant. So much time can be saved by representing in a single kanji what might otherwise take several characters to write, wasting time and space, and also with ambiguous meaning – whereas the kanji’s meaning is clear, obvious and appropriate.
Take for example the kanji for “ran”, a mythical bird – 鸞. A mere thirty strokes – but as we all know, a picture’s worth a thousand words, and who, upon gazing upon that magnificent character, cannot almost feel the らん’s ghostly feathers flitting past his nose? Or, should you find yourself needing to mention “many horses” while writing, why not save yourself some time and just use “驫”? I can practically hear the stampeding hoofs!
The best kanji, though, are found in names, not that your browser will be able to display them. Behold the kanji for otodo/taito/daito, 84 strokes:
Glorious English
Saturday, September 9th, 2006I love English, it’s so unambiguous, clearly defined and easy to learn. For example the word set, and how it has over 110 possible meanings. There are 56 meanings of the verb set, 11 meanings of the adjective set, and 47 meanings of the noun set, not counting subtle variations of these meanings. The simple beauty of this elegantly efficient language brings tears to my eyes, not to mention to those of any ESL student.
Safari quicktags fixed in Wordpress SVN
Wednesday, September 6th, 2006Seems the WP team has finally managed to fix quicktags in Safari. Good work guys!
鈴木あみ early singles
Tuesday, September 5th, 2006Everyone knows I love early Suzuki Ami. Here’s two of her first singles, previously unavailable anywhere in high quality, bought by me for 50円 each at a secondhand CD shop in Akihabara. Music and lyrics by TK and Marc.
new, new, new
Sunday, September 3rd, 2006Running on a new server. Might take some time to get everything set up!
And thank you PHP for wasting hours of my time with your silent and unlogged “out of memory” errors!