Coming soon to Starbucks Japan: Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte.
Archive for August, 2006
Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte
Thursday, August 31st, 2006Song of the Week
Monday, August 28th, 2006Second Flight by KOTOKO & 佐藤裕美, from the I’ve Sound production team.
UPDATE: Let’s have some video around here!
Starting with a live performance of this song (73M) from I’ve Sound Live at the Budokan 2005.
UPDATE 2: Same concert; “I’ve Special Unit for Creators” with Fuck Me.
UPDATE 3: Sorry – apparently these files don’t work so well on PC. Solution – get a Mac.
UPDATE 4 06/2008: Quicktime 7.5 has broken smooth playback of these files, for unknown reasons. Use VLC.
Great Filesystem monitoring tool
Tuesday, August 15th, 2006I recently had some kind of crashed program eating 100% of CPU and performing a lot of writes. I could see that the writes were taking place, but wanted to know exactly what was doing it – the CPU hog wasn’t showing up in Activity Monitor or top, and I was sure the two were related.
Enter fseventer. This great program allows you to view filesystem events in realtime on macosx, presenting the information in an intuitive graphical layout. Using it I solved my problem in about 1 second – freaking samba crashed! But it’s so interesting to see what’s going on underneath the sheets that I spent a few minutes playing around, launching things, seeing what files programs really access as they do their everyday business.
Fascinating stuff, universal binary, open source and totally free. I love the Mac community.
Letter to Chaotic Software
Monday, August 14th, 2006Hi there Media Rage people. Let me tell you why I am not buying your software.
I have one major problem with my mp3 collection, I’ve had it for a long time. The problem is mojibake. Do you know that word? It’s a japanese word meaning gibberish asian characters caused by encoding problems somewhere along the line. What I need, and have needed for years, is a program that helps me fix my mojibake problems. It could be by automated re-analysis of the characters, giving me choices as to encodings so I can visually pick the correct one. Or it could be via DB lookups like your FreeDB functionality.
So I’ve been periodically looking at your software to see if it can help with my problem. And I have just tried your latest Media Rage 2.5, and found that it still does not fix my problem, although it comes close. That is why I wanted to tell you how to fix it.
Take a korean band, Clon. I have several of their albums. The titles and file names are totally screwed up. So I load up your FreeDB Tagger and select my files. I search by artist – Clon – and select the album, “Funky Together”. What do I see in your software? Mojibake. Try it yourself. I have no idea what encoding FreeDB uses, or how you would go about making it work. All I know is that I can see gibberish characters in your just-updated software and I am not buying it.
I’m talking about disc ID 9c0b970c. Look at track 2. The correct korean track name is 돌아와. I can’t copy and paste what I see in your window, nor do you allow me to attach a screenshot. But it’s not 돌아와. It is gibberish.
Please make it so I can rewrite both the file names and track names in the correct characters, automated per album, and I will buy your software. Thank you.
Tonight’s the night
Tuesday, August 1st, 2006I like this song. Get Ready-Nite 2 Remember- (Notorious D.O.I.Remix)
Very old school and clean sound. Love the drum processing.
UPDATE: file was problematic. Fixed.