This blog now receives one comment spam attempt every 2 minutes, 24 hours a day. I’m using the excellent Spam Karma 2 to deal with them, which has maintained a wonderful 100% accuracy ever since I installed it, but I hear Akismet is also good. What seems pretty obvious though is that if you have a blog, and no spam protection, you’re either very unhappy right now, or your blog is nothing but one big advertising board for whatever spam ripoff is current.
It’s quite a miserable situation and a none too positive comment on human nature that the spam issue has degenerated this far, but it seems to only get worse.
A happier tale is that of email spam, which for me is extremely rare. I’d say that’s a result of a fairly strict policy of never putting my email address anywhere on the web in text format. A google search for my email turns up nothing, and that’s the way I like it.
UPDATE: from the Akismet site’s “daily zeitgeist”: over 1.2 million spams seen in the last 24 hours, out of around 35 million total since epoch. That seems to support my theory that some kind of massive surge is on now ..