Archive for April, 2006

Equilibrium Reached

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

With this recently proposed law from the Bush Administration, I realised a wonderful new balance had been attained within my heart of hearts. That’s right – I think I now hate Republicans and Democrats pretty much equally! Let’s take a brief look at the two parties’ policies:


“We’re going to fuck everything up, take all your rights and money, and install you in a politically correct welfare nanny state under Sharia Law”.


“We’re going to fuck everything up, take all your rights and money, and install you in a nightmarish totalitarian police state under Martial Law”.

Seriously, this is fucked. Why not just go all the way and cancel the whole constitution? After all, all those “rights” just make the jobs of terrorists and child pornographers easier. What’s that? You don’t agree with giving up all your rights in the fight against terrorist child porn? WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO HIDE?

Remote BT

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

What do you do when you’ve got something (big) you want to download via BitTorrent, but your wireless router sucks so bad that accepting over 10 or so connections crashes it – meaning it downloads incredibly slowly?

Well, usually you give up and don’t waste the time. But if you happen to have a non-essential server at your command, heaps of bandwidth allowance and a few gigs of disk to spare, you can just download the whole thing on the server – and then suck it down via HTTP at maximum speed, without crashing the router!

And it’s simple. Literally all I had to do (on debian) was this:

apt-get install screen #if you want to use it, i do
apt-get install python2.4 #if you don't have it, i didn't
wget (path to current BT package on, choose your flavour)
dpkg -i bittorrent-currentversion-whatever.deb
mkdir very-obscure-directory-name & cd into it
screen -S 1 # (create a detachable session so this thing will run by itself .. i dont like "nohup + &")
# inside screen 1
bittorrentcurses --max_upload_rate 64 /path/to/torrent
# torrent starts going insanely fast
ctl-A d # detach screen
#forget about it for few days
screen -r (reattach screen)
# its finished! .. quit BT, quit screen 
q, c, ctl-d
# download the damn thing with wget and then delete it from server.

Easy as pie and saved a LOT of time.

Song, Car of week

Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

Every few weeks I re-read Jeremy Clarkson’s review of the Bugatti Veyron – probably the best car in the world at the moment, for speed anyway. I don’t know why I read it again and again; it just brings a smile to my face knowing such a machine even exists.

This time I read it listening to Atsukare Summer by Halcali, so that’s my song of the week. Not really suitable but hell, who knows what’s what anymore in this crazy, mixed-up world.


Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

Recently re-reading the brilliant The Diamond Age, by one of my favourite authors Neal Stephenson, I was struck – not for the first time – by this brilliant skewering of one of our age’s most despicable foibles.

—Excerpt from The Diamond Age, by Neal Stephenson——

   ”Mr. Hackworth,” Finkle-McGraw said after the pleasantries had petered out, speaking in a new tone of voice, a the-meeting-will– come-to-order sort of voice, “please favour me with your opinion of hypocrisy.”
   ”Excuse me. Hypocrisy, Your Grace?”
   ”Yes. You know.”
   ”It’s a vice, I suppose.”
   ”A little one or a big one? Think carefully-much hinges upon the answer.”
   ”I suppose that depends upon the particular circumstances.”
   ”That will never fail to be a safe answer, Mr. Hackworth,” the Equity Lord said reproachfully. Major Napier laughed, somewhat artificially, not knowing what to make of this line of inquiry.
   ”Recent events in my life have renewed my appreciation for the virtues of doing things safely,” Hackworth said. Both of the others chuckled knowingly.
   ”You know, when I was a young man, hypocrisy was deemed the worst of vices,” Finkle-McGraw said. “It was all because of moral relativism. You see, in that sort of a climate, you are not allowed to criticise others-after all, if there is no absolute right and wrong, then what grounds is there for criticism?”
   Finkle-McGraw paused, knowing that he had the full attention of his audience, and began to withdraw a calabash pipe and various related supplies and implements from his pockets. As he continued, he charged the calabash with a blend of leather-brown tobacco so redolent that it made Hackworth’s mouth water. He was tempted to spoon some of it into his mouth.
   ”Now, this led to a good deal of general frustration, for people are naturally censorious and love nothing better than to criticise others’ shortcomings. And so it was that they seized on hypocrisy and elevated it from a ubiquitous peccadillo into the monarch of all vices. For, you see, even if there is no right and wrong, you can find grounds to criticise another person by contrasting what he has espoused with what he has actually done. In this case, you are not making any judgment whatsoever as to the correctness of his views or the morality of his behaviour-you are merely pointing out that he has said one thing and done another. Virtually all political discourse in the days of my youth was devoted to the ferreting out of hypocrisy.
   ”You wouldn’t believe the things they said about the original Victorians. Calling someone a Victorian in those days was almost like calling them a fascist or a Nazi.”
   Both Hackworth and Major Napier were dumbfounded. “Your Grace!” Napier exdaimed. “I was naturally aware that their moral stance was radically different from ours– but I am astonished to be informed that they actually condemned the first Victorians.”
   ”Of course they did,” Finkle-McGraw said.
   ”Because the first Victorians were hypocrites,” Hackworth said, getting it.
   Finkle-McGraw beamed upon Hackworth like a master upon his favored pupil. “As you can see, Major Napier, my estimate of Mr. Hackworth’s mental acuity was not ill-founded.”
   ”While I would never have supposed otherwise, Your Grace,” Major Napier said, “it is nonetheless gratifying to have seen a demonstration.” Napier raised his glass in Hackworth’s direction.
   ”Because they were hypocrites,” Finkle-McGraw said, after igniting his calabash and shooting a few tremendous fountains of smoke into the air, “the Victorians were despised in the late twentieth century. Many of the persons who held such opinions were, of course, guilty of the most nefarious conduct themselves, and yet saw no paradox in holding such views because they were not hypocrites themselves-they took no moral stances and lived by none.”
   ”So they were morally superior to the Victorians-” Major Napier said, still a bit snowed under. “-even though-in fact, because-they had no morals at all.” There was a moment of silent, bewildered head-shaking around the copper table.
   ”We take a somewhat different view of hypocrisy,” Finkle-McGraw continued. “In the late-twentieth-century Weltanschauung, a hypocrite was someone who espoused high moral views as part of a planned campaign of deception-he never held these beliefs sincerely and routinely violated them in privacy. Of course, most hypocrites are not like that. Most of the time it’s a spirit-is-willing, flesh-is-weak sort of thing.”
   ”That we occasionally violate our own stated moral code,” Major Napier said, working it through, “does not imply that we are insincere in espousing that code.”
   ”Of course not,” Finkle-McGraw said. “It’s perfectly obvious, really. No one ever said that it was easy to hew to a strict code of conduct. Really, the difficulties involved-the missteps we make along the way-are what make it interesting. The internal, and eternal, struggle, between our base impulses and the rigorous demands of our own moral system is quintessentially human. It is how we conduct ourselves in that struggle that determines how we may in time be judged by a higher power.”


Pointless Shareware

Monday, April 17th, 2006

Check out Panic Software’s Stattoo, a “kewl” product name looking for an application.

Let’s see what we can do with this awesome software:

  • Look at the clock – which is already in the menu bar.
  • Look at the weather – which is already an Apple widget, and a very nice one
  • Check disk usage – obviously the guys at Panic do this every 30 seconds all day, every day, but it can be easily displayed right under the disk simply by adjusting finder preferences
  • check your battery – which is on the menu bar
  • see which song is playing in iTunes – of course anyone wanting to do this has already installed an app like the excellent Synergy or one of the many free imitations
  • Check if you’ve got new mail .. instead of looking at the icon in the dock, I guess
  • etc etc…

Sigh. I like good shareware. I like useful innovation and I pay for it when I see it combined with good implementation.

But this software is utterly useless. Who the hell wants to put all that information, most of which already has a perfectly good method of display, into their desktop picture where it’s going to be hidden?!

I mean the clock and battery gets me the most. Who the hell do they think wants to pay for a new bit of shareware to write the time and their battery status onto the desktop – instead of looking at it in the menu bar? You have got to be kidding me! Who the hell thought it was a good use of their programming time implementing that gem?

The silly thing is most people using this will have to hit f11 anyway, to move all their windows out the way just to see the program’s information. If you’re going to hit f11 to see the time, weather, etc … why not just hit f12 and see the dashboard?!?!

And the funniest part of this joke is that they want USD$12.95 for this!

You have got to be kidding me. This app is so useless I can’t even be bothered downloading the cracked version. And then this shareware author will complain that the “community” isn’t “supporting” his work.

My friend, you have only yourself to blame.

Song of the Week, South-of-the-Border edition

Thursday, April 13th, 2006

This week’s song is What you know by T.I.

I’ve got mixed feelings about this song. You see, I think it sounds great. I’m a sucker for a rap song with a good sound and nice melody – I just think rap goes really nicely with melody. So, I like to listen to it.

The lyrics are amongst the worst I’ve read, combining utterly lame slang (“knock your block off”?!) with this kind of el cheapo polyester hispanic wannabe-pimp hanging-around-the-walmart-car-park faux-threats. It’s pretty hilarious actually, especially when you consider that a real LA rapper could pick this twiggy mexican up by his neck one-handed and crush his throat like a Coke can.

Still, I judge songs by sound not lyrics, so I still recommend it. You can’t understand a fucking thing he says anyway, so if you want a laugh, click more for the lyrics.


Artificial Red Blood Cells

Thursday, April 13th, 2006

From Kurzweil AI:

Rob Freitas has designed a nanorobotic red blood cell, which is a relatively simple device, it just stores oxygen and lets it out. A conservative analysis of these robotic respirocytes shows that if you were to replace ten percent of your red blood cells with these robotic versions you could do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath, or sit at the bottom of your pool for four hours.

Of course, it’s a few years away yet. But who wouldn’t want this?!

Not mentioned in the article would be the implications for deep water diving. The main problem with diving right now is the necessity to keep breathing while you’re under great pressure. Easy enough to take pressurised air down with you, but much harder to solve the problem of dissolution of nitrogen, which presents all kinds of problems upon the eventual ascent, the most famous of which is the diver’s “Bends”.

Storing pure oxygen in the blood would eliminate the nitrogen problem, and make humans much more “pressurisable”. Obviously it’s not as simple as that, and we don’t actually have these nano-cells anyway. But the possibilities are so fantastic it’s hard not to be excited years in advance …


Wednesday, April 12th, 2006

I decided to clean up the site a bit, removing the most juvenile of the humor and just keeping what I think is actually a positive contribution to the internet.

I haven’t gone as far as Greg, who decided on a whole change of format, engine and philosophy – I’ll just try and reduce the psychosis a little. But on the whole I agree. Much of what I posted here is for my own amusement only – it really has no relevance to anyone else, and shouldn’t really be cluttering up the net to annoy everyone else.

Why is that? What has changed? It could be that I’m being influenced by this country and its concept of 建前. Sure, I have a right to act however I want, post whatever I want. But should I? And I’ve been realising that, much as I criticise the japanese for their lack of individualism and their conformity to social norms, I like them more than westerners, and it’s mainly because of the politeness. It’s a shallow measure of a person, but how else do you judge a stranger but on how they act? And on the internet, everyone is a stranger. It occurred to me that it would behove me to act more in accordance with the traits I find most likeable in others. So, I’ll be making an effort to do that.

Premonition, by Siegfried Sassoon

Sunday, April 9th, 2006

I was stunned upon discovering that one of my favourite poems, Premonition by Siegfried Sassoon, is so rare that I could only find 24 references to it on google.

Well, I’m going to make it 25. Written in 1933 by the war hero Sassoon, it was first published in The Spectator of that year, in response to Hitler’s rise to power. It depicts a chemical attack on Sassoon’s beloved home town of London, England.

Premonition, by Siegfried Sassoon

A gas-proof ghost, I climbed the stair
To find how priceless paintings fare
When corpses, chemically killed,
Lie hunched and twisted in the stilled
Disaster of Trafalgar Square…

Shinjuku 4th April

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

Took these two photos in shinjuku, I like them a lot.


I love the contrast between the japanese rushing around and the two lost foreigners standing there and wondering where they are.


More movement, blurred by the long exposure.

Ultimate Home Network

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

Here’s a quick diagram of my ideas for “the ultimate home network”. It’s expensive, but not TOO ridiculous for a professional home office/media kind of setup, where you need a lot of fast, safe storage, but want to retain flexibility for casual use.

Thoughts? Criticisms? Ideas? Let me know what you think.

Ultimate Home Network

Since this is a general picture, I haven’t added all the music and video equipment but I can assure you that it’s there in spirit :-)

Black Cotton Buds

Wednesday, April 5th, 2006

I never knew black cotton buds existed, so upon seeing them, and bearing in mind my public persona of a black-clad, dilettante l’insouciance, I had to buy them:

Black Cotton Buds

Sorry about the focus, the camera didn’t seem able to focus on a shiny thing like that.

Sakura around Kita Ku

Wednesday, April 5th, 2006

Walking around the kita-most part of Kita Ku.

Sakura Street

Sakura Street

Streets of sakura in kita-akabane.



sakura + lantern

from a cafe in kita-akabane

power lines through sakura

sakura festival

karaoke competition at a sakura festival

sakura along the river

Sakura along the canal.

open space in tokyo

What’s this? Wide open spaces in Tokyo?

Tsunami barrier fortification depot

Supplies for repairs to tsunami barriers, like the one I’m standing on.

wrecked cars

some wrecked cars, some of them very flat

abandoned safe, presumably stolen

abandoned safe, presumably stolen

view along the canal

view along the canal

night sakura

sakura at night in azusawa koen

sakura with lamppost

sakura around the lamppost.

sakura around the lamppost

the end.


Monday, April 3rd, 2006

It seems the New Tokyo Tower has been approved for Sumida! I can’t wait to see this 610m spire built ASAP, as the current 333m Tower just doesn’t cut it anymore.


Man, how cool is it.


Safari Plugins

Monday, April 3rd, 2006

Or, put another way .. “where the hell are all the safari plugins?”

Anyone who knows anything knows that one of the best things about the Firefox browser is the plugins. Anyone who’s used it for any length of time has a personal list of the ones they like the most – there’s the plugin to zoom any image, there’s the plugin to force the browser to remember passwords even if the webpage says it shouldn’t, there’s the plugin to KILL anything on the page you want gone. It’s great.

And tonight I found another great one .. it’s called rikaichan, and it’s basically a hover-over japanese dictionary. Try it, it’s great, really!

But you know .. none of these are available for Safari. Almost no plugins are, and the ones that do exist are hackish, unstable and end up being uninstalled. This is bullshit. I love Safari and wish a proper plugin community existed for it. What’s up, Apple??

UPDATE: Let me just point out that I’m not after some fully-skinnable insecure abomination of a browser, and I generally do prefer Safari. But considering the importance of the web browser in everyday computing tasks, I really miss some added functionality, such as:

  • the ability to save ALL web form passwords. This is disabled by some sites for supposed purposes of security – forcing most people to maintain a plain text file in some easily accessible location contained logins and passwords for their internet banking sites, etc. This is ridiculous and we should be able to force the preferred behaviour. This is addressed on FF via a plugin.
  • the ability to zoom images. As monitors grow along with screen resolutions, images on web pages are just too small. Why on earth can’t we just right-click and select “enlarge image”? This is an annoyance and is solved by FF with a plugin. Extra points for “open video in external player” – invaluable and also on FF.
  • the ability to do an automatic machine translation or google cache lookup or lookup right from a context menu. Again, plugin on FF.
  • It goes on and on. Also, on FF the plugins are auto-updated from a mozilla-run repository, it’s a one-click task. If the non-profit Mozilla foundation can provide such ease of use, reliable, safe and free-of-charge, why can’t Apple?

Logic Express 7.2 Released

Saturday, April 1st, 2006

Happy to see that Apple’s finally releasing their Pro Apps (or in this case, semi-pro) in universal binary format!