I have a Korean housemate, and last night I witnessed her doing a most astonishing thing.
She was eating Spam.
I could not have been more gobsmacked if she had placed a large turd on a plate and started eating that. In fact I would have had plenty to say about that, if and when I could stop laughing. But no. She was taking Spam out of a can, and eating it.
This has been the most incredible social, nay, existential, faux pas I have ever witnessed. There was literally nothing I could say as I watched, astounded, dumbfounded, as the pink, jelly-like substance made its triumphant journey from can, to spoon, to mouth. I sat there as fascinated as an anthropologist might find himself upon happening across a pygmy casually eating her own child. I was transfixed. I was in a zen-like trance of surreal otherworldliness. I still am.
I mean, I have certainly seen the cans in the supermarket, and seen the pictures on the web a thousand times. I guess it just never really registered with me that, somewhere, every day, people are actually eating Spam. Even more mind-blowing is that this was obviously not the first time for her. It is quite possible that a good 10% of this girl’s body is literally composed of Spam.
I just don’t know what to say or do when confronted by a revelation like this, so I just stared and stared as I watched her take spoon in hand, lovingly scooping a quivering blob of the pink, gelatinous substance from the hastily opened can and transferring it tenderly to her salivating maw, whereupon she would chomp down with great gusto, rending the meatlike agglomeration into a frothing pink spittle-paste before gulping it into her enthusiatically gurgling stomach and, thenceforth, embracing it into the very atoms of her flesh.
She bought Spam, she ate Spam. Later tonight or tomorrow, she will be excreting Spam. Her skin is made from Spam, as are her eyes and lips – when her boyfriend kisses her, he will be kissing Spam. She breathes out Carbon Spam-oxide with every breath and if I stay too long in a room with her, chances are that I, too, will become partially Spam. When she picks her nose, she is utilising Spam to extract Spam from an orifice carved from Spam – and will promptly ingest that Spam again. When she passes wind, or blows her nose, a spray of microscopic Spam molecules spray from her like an aerosol.
I still don’t know what to do or say. I am quite literally struck dumb. She … was … eating … Spam!