Archive for March, 2006

Korean Spam

Friday, March 31st, 2006

I have a Korean housemate, and last night I witnessed her doing a most astonishing thing.

She was eating Spam.

I could not have been more gobsmacked if she had placed a large turd on a plate and started eating that. In fact I would have had plenty to say about that, if and when I could stop laughing. But no. She was taking Spam out of a can, and eating it.

This has been the most incredible social, nay, existential, faux pas I have ever witnessed. There was literally nothing I could say as I watched, astounded, dumbfounded, as the pink, jelly-like substance made its triumphant journey from can, to spoon, to mouth. I sat there as fascinated as an anthropologist might find himself upon happening across a pygmy casually eating her own child. I was transfixed. I was in a zen-like trance of surreal otherworldliness. I still am.

I mean, I have certainly seen the cans in the supermarket, and seen the pictures on the web a thousand times. I guess it just never really registered with me that, somewhere, every day, people are actually eating Spam. Even more mind-blowing is that this was obviously not the first time for her. It is quite possible that a good 10% of this girl’s body is literally composed of Spam.

I just don’t know what to say or do when confronted by a revelation like this, so I just stared and stared as I watched her take spoon in hand, lovingly scooping a quivering blob of the pink, gelatinous substance from the hastily opened can and transferring it tenderly to her salivating maw, whereupon she would chomp down with great gusto, rending the meatlike agglomeration into a frothing pink spittle-paste before gulping it into her enthusiatically gurgling stomach and, thenceforth, embracing it into the very atoms of her flesh.

She bought Spam, she ate Spam. Later tonight or tomorrow, she will be excreting Spam. Her skin is made from Spam, as are her eyes and lips – when her boyfriend kisses her, he will be kissing Spam. She breathes out Carbon Spam-oxide with every breath and if I stay too long in a room with her, chances are that I, too, will become partially Spam. When she picks her nose, she is utilising Spam to extract Spam from an orifice carved from Spam – and will promptly ingest that Spam again. When she passes wind, or blows her nose, a spray of microscopic Spam molecules spray from her like an aerosol.

I still don’t know what to do or say. I am quite literally struck dumb. She … was … eating … Spam!

Song of the Week

Wednesday, March 29th, 2006

Another song from Faith’s excellent debut album Letter to the Future. This one is called Stork.

This album is shaping up to be Album of the Year for me – if I ignore Maniac, of course.

Toothpaste for White Men only

Wednesday, March 29th, 2006

Whitemen, for White Men

Whitemen, for White Men

Domain name prices are too low

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

You know what? Domain name prices are too damn low. And that means that it’s profitable for domain name squatters – aka “scum of the earth” – to just sit on hundreds, thousands, millions of the things, making puny amounts from advertising on every one, but multiplied by thousands adding up to quite a bit – at least enough to cover the re-registration of the domains.

Probably a good half of people looking at those domains are people wishing they could buy them.

Sure, back in the Network Solutions days we all balked at paying USD$35/year for a .com or .net. But at least you knew that people who would pay that much for a domain would actually use it. At least you could GET a domain – maybe not a perfect one, of course. But when you didn’t get one, it was because someone else was genuinely using it, or if not, was paying through the nose to keep it anyway. Not just some scumbag squatter sitting on it with yet another useless “search the web!” page of ads.

Evidently, prices are too low. Now, I’ve benefited from cheap domain names. But such is my loathing for the squatters that I’d pay more, just so they’d have to pay more as well. I’d like prices to double or triple. I don’t want Verisign to get the money, though – maybe it could go to the IETF or some other worthy internet-related cause. Just anything to force the squatters into bankruptcy is fine with me.

Who agrees with me?

Useless Spotlight

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

I always suspect Spotlight of not finding everything on my drive. Here’s an example. I wanted to find some photographs I know are in a folder with “yakei” in the name. So, search term: yakei. No folders show up. I know that’s wrong, and find them myself.

Spotlight search

The search. Notice it’s complete, and no folders.


The folders. Notice there’s three of them here, all with the search string in their name. There are at least another 5 or so elsewhere.

What’s the point of an unreliable search tool? Is this the intended behaviour? Sigh.

TextPattern again

Monday, March 27th, 2006

Having spent the last 2 days playing with textpattern and attempting to shoehorn the look and feel into it that I want I have this to say – 感動した!

Although the learning curve is initially steep, it soon flattens off once you learn the terminology and get yourself out of a blog and dreamweaver template mindset. Soon, the design begins to make sense and you realise that it’s actually much more flexible than you thought, and the apparent initial lack of a lot of important features disappears. I’m very happy with it now, and I’ll be moving 2 web sites to it and maybe more. I don’t think I’d use it as a blog, though, although it does have that functionality – what I’m really looking for is blog-style convenience, though.

This is because I’ve noticed that, due to my incredible innate laziness, if something web-related is too hard and fiddly, I just won’t do it. I’m just sick of fiddling around with fricking dreamweaver, trying to get so and so template just right. Without an automated system, any new page has to start off in DW, and that just gets very old. I had the time and inclination in the past, but not any more – it must be automated, and I must be able to do pretty much everything in a web browser, or it just doesn’t get done. There’s not a lot of excuses for this kind of laziness, but at least I’ve identified it and am working around it by setting up web-based systems to use.

I don’t mind fiddling around with templates and PHP/CMS code ONCE. I’d like to get it right once and then have everything “just work” from then on. There’s no problem mustering that initial discipline to get something looking and acting just right. What kills me later on is the incremental fiddling around just to post this or that. It becomes a barrier, a small one really, but enough so updating something becomes a big enough chore to make you avoid it altogether. This, of course, accounts for the phenomenal popularity of blogs compared to pretty much any other kind of non-professional website – they’re just an order of magnitude (or two) easier to update, if not set up. I’d like that kind of streamlined ease of use for a semi-pro, or even pro, website, and so the search has been for a CMS framework to enable me to create such a thing without a month of programming and tweaking the bloody thing.

Anyway, for now, I’m deliriously happy with the possibilities TextPattern seems to present, and I’ll be sure to link to one of these conversions when it looks something like what I’m aiming at. For now, I’m getting pissed off with my 17″ monitor (much too small for any serious work) so I’ll take a break and go look at some 桜.

Sweet Candy

Monday, March 27th, 2006

They are brighten by special promotion!

Scrape up your many intuition at Ito Yokado, Akabane.

不味い Pepsi Nex

Sunday, March 26th, 2006

I decided to try the new “Pepsi Nex” when it it appeared in my local ライフ.

I have no idea what is supposedly better or even different about this new drink, but why not give it a shot!

Anyway, it’s disgusting and you should avoid it like the plague that it probably contains.

This drink will make you wish you were dead!

HVX200 footage

Sunday, March 26th, 2006

Check out this HD footage taken on the new Panasonic HVX200 DVC-PRO HD camcorder, which retails for around 529,000円 (AUD$6300).

It’s only 720p – the camera can actually do 1080i – but man, that’s beautiful, especially compared to the eye-rape that is the standard DV I’ve been looking at all night.


Sunday, March 26th, 2006

I’ve been searching for a decent open source CMS for a while now for another project, and as I’m sure anyone who has tried to do the same will agree, it’s a miserable prospect. Every free CMS in existence seems to be either hideously ugly, hideously complicated, or most often both. My requirements are actually fairly simple – create a decent-looking minimalist web site and not have to do too much work to maintain it. It seems that every single OSS CMS has been designed to do the job of a combined blog/forum/kitchen sink site, with incredible bloat, complexity, lack of speed and above all – a hideous default install.

I mean is it so fucking hard to come up with a CMS that isn’t a blog, and isn’t a “community site”? Just between you and me, the world has enough community sites, and many times more than enough blogs. Does every article need to be commentable? And I don’t know about you, but I hate sites with more than 2 columns. Serious commercial sites do not feature annoying calendars highlighting recent activity, or “recent comments from the forums”. Sure, you can turn all this stuff off, somehow. But just the fact that it’s left on in these default installs – and i’ve been through a few now – tells me that the authors are not targeting me.

Anyway, after a lot of experimentation, I finally settled on textpattern, which seemed to be the best of a bad lot. It’s still too damn complicated – why can’t CMS authors match the ease of WP for testing out themes, for example? But it’s better than most, and seems to have been designed by someone with at least a rough understanding of the word “style” – just the fact that the name is somewhat cool and stylish instantly sets it above the “Plone” and “joomla!” crowd of obvious made-by-nerds-for-nerds projects.

It seems well supported, common enough, and appears to possess that all-important “critical mass” one looks for before throwing one’s lot in with any open source project. But it’s sure as hell no WP or MT or even Blogger.

Anyway, there’s still a steep learning curve, so I won’t be showing off my efforts yet – but at least I managed to make a decision (took about a month!). The current web site for that domain is actually made in iWeb (lol) so obviously has to go. iWeb is extremely limited, actually, and is basically useless.

Onwards and upwards …….

A use for high-performance processors

Sunday, March 26th, 2006

For all those who say that current processors are overkill for everyday computing needs:

Only 476 minutes to go!!

Any dual G5 owners want to enlighten me as to how long it takes to compress about 5G of DV to native-res multi-pass H264 on their wonderboxes?

UPDATE: now it’s over 640 minutes! Jesus Christ! This had better be good quality.

UPDATE 2: sigh. After about 9 hours, it finished, and the quality isn’t all that good. Not that DV is so crash hot to begin with, and it’s not even de-interlaced. Looks like I’ll be archiving the iMovie project to one of my extremely expensive DVD-DL disks for now .. I just can’t trust magnetic tape for long-term storage! Don’t really trust DVD either, but I’ll keep them both, and surely one of them will survive a couple of years.

Photoshop Octopus

Saturday, March 25th, 2006

I drew this octopus in Photoshop.


Unicode Weirdness

Friday, March 24th, 2006

Check out the two japanese phrases underneath:


Notice anything different about them? No? They sure look the same to me. Now, try a google search with both of them.

One will get results, the other gets zero.

Now use something like SubEthaEdit to convert them both to, say, MacRoman:


So they are different. But they look IDENTICAL above. What is up? I only noticed because I tried a search with one, and was suspicious when I didn’t get any (expected) hits. I then retyped the damn thing and suddenly I got heaps of hits. I couldn’t see what was wrong with the original, I still can’t. It’s just different in some subtle way and I don’t know enough about unicode to say why.

The point? Always double check unicode, and if in doubt, use text processing tools to do a conversion as above to an “unfoolable” encoding scheme, just to make sure.

UPDATE: It seems these issues are Mac-specific for now.

Happy moments in language learning

Friday, March 24th, 2006

My attempt to learn japanese is now well into its second decade, with precious little progress to show. But there are some small moments of satisfaction, like the one I just experienced!

I always run iTunes in japanese-language mode, because otherwise it screws up the japanese tags, many of which predate proper UTF encoding. So, over the years, I’ve come to operate iTunes basically from pure motor memory – I know exactly where every feature is, and can operate it despite not really knowing what all the crazy little ideographs mean. But just then, when I brought up the dock contextual menu to check the name of the song that was playing – I suddenly realised something. I could understand things I couldn’t understand before – and not just because I’d memorised their positions! And I don’t mean katakana either. Kanji! I could read the kanji!

The ones in question were 次の曲 and 前の曲. Now I’m not even sure of the damn reading of 曲 – i think it’s きょく, could be ぎょく, who knows. But they mean next song and previous song.

OK, OK, I know this is a ridiculous little thing, but it’s still a real sense of satisfaction when you realise that you understand something you didn’t understand before – and especially when it happens in such an inadvertent manner.

Garageband/Reason Wars

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

Well well. It seems that an all-out, trilateral musical war has broken out unexpectedly between erstwhile comrades and TK fans Sho, Max Breaker and Jacke.

Right now “The Last Argument of Kings” Max is winning, with his as-yet unnamed masterpiece mercilessly crushing all in its path. But “Son of Star Wars” Jacke won’t take that lying down – he is plugged into the very galaxy itself, and quickly launches a new, space-based offensive.

“Master and Commander” “Dear Leader” Sho Fukamachi does not even have a god damn MIDI keyboard, but he’s not about to let these upstarts steal the crown of “greatest living musical genius”. So here’s his one-hour GarageBand masterpiece, constructed last night and less than 1/100th finished before he fucking gave up in frustration because he doesn’t even have a god damned midi keyboard, and is clicking the notes in by mouse, fucking god damn it fuck!!!

狩人 – Karyudo 30th anniversary concert

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

I was invited to go to 狩人’s 30th anniversary concert on Sunday the 19th of March.

from the Marunouchi Line

Walking up from the marunouchi line korakuen station.

Walking towards the Dome

Approaching the Dome

Setting up the stage

Setting up the stage





grand finale

Grand Finale

Tokyo Tunnelix

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

Check out some amazing photos from the 11 kilometre Shibuya-Ikebukuro Tokyo Tunnelix underground highway project, construction for which I regularly pass on the bus:

Metal Cavern

Concrete Tunnel

Circle Room


You failed

Monday, March 20th, 2006

A rather harsh message for any mac user trying to view the CM for Asahi’s beer robot “本生ロボッ庫”, which of course I am also trying to get.

You failed, LOSER!

I’ll be in my room crying if anyone needs me.


Monday, March 20th, 2006

Shopping in Korakuen, we saw many Shirotans.


Shirotans がたくさん

Wordpress, Quicktags and Safari

Sunday, March 19th, 2006

I’ve bemoaned the lack of Safari support for WP Quicktags in the past. Not that I’m not hardcore enough to type it out manually. Because I don’t WANT to type it out manually. And my image uploader utility requires those buttons – I’m sick of using Firefox every time I want to upload something.

Now, I’ve discovered a fix. Behold: The Safari Quicktags Workaround. And I used quicktags to make that link.