Archive for February, 2006

iPhoto ‘06 is the best app ever

Tuesday, February 28th, 2006

I have to say, now that I’ve been using it a few weeks, I am so damned impressed with iPhoto ‘06. It really is a fantastic app and has improved immensely over the previous version. What a difference full screen mode makes! What a joy to use it is.

Now, it’s not perfect. There’s no easy way to change the tags or titles of photos. Photos dragged out of iPhoto don’t seem to be able to be uploaded directly – they’ve got some proprietary crap still in them, and i’ve had compatibility problems with my php image browser until i reprocess them in PS.

But that’s all just minor quibbling. iPhoto ‘06 is absolutely great and it’s well worth the zero dollars I paid for it.

Japan now #1 for blogs

Tuesday, February 28th, 2006

According to this recent interview with the founder of Technorati, blog posts in Japanese now exceed those in english. A surprising development!

Still, english scrapes past on 28% of 1.2 million posts a day – a mere 336,000 daily. And you can be sure as the sun rises that those 336,000 posts are GREAT!

SSH breakin attempts fixed by fail2ban

Tuesday, February 28th, 2006

Feb 24 20:15:38 fukamachi sshd[6191]: Failed password for illegal user marianne from ::ffff: port 53821 ssh2
Feb 24 20:15:39 fukamachi sshd[6193]: Illegal user marit from ::ffff:
Feb 24 20:15:39 fukamachi sshd[6193]: error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
Feb 24 20:15:40 fukamachi sshd[6193]: Failed password for illegal user marit from ::ffff: port 53893 ssh2
Feb 24 20:15:41 fukamachi sshd[6195]: Illegal user marlene from ::ffff:
Feb 24 20:15:41 fukamachi sshd[6195]: error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
Feb 24 20:15:41 fukamachi sshd[6195]: Failed password for illegal user marlene from ::ffff: port 53966 ssh2
Feb 24 20:15:43 fukamachi sshd[6197]: Illegal user marliese from ::ffff:
Feb 24 20:15:43 fukamachi sshd[6197]: error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER

I get literally thousands upon thousands of these every single day. My passwords are pretty good but hell, I don’t like seeing it. Must add up in bandwidth too, after a while.

# wget
# dpkg -i fail2ban_0.6.0-2_all.deb

Set the number of failed attempts to 5 (up from 2, like in the package’s name), just to give myself some breathing space. After that, the IP is blocked at the firewall level for 60 minutes. Sounds fair.

Instant drop by 99.99% in SSH attempts. Great package! Recommended.

PS. I reverse-dnsed a lot of the IPs attempting breakins, just to see where they were from. I expected lawless countries like China or Russia, but surprisingly the vast majority were from inside the USA. Number one offender was in Chicago, with over 10,000 attempts in a single day! Since it is without a doubt illegal to run automated cracking scripts like that in America, that was an interesting discovery.

Charmmy Kitty is stupid and annoying

Saturday, February 25th, 2006

I hate stupid Charmmy Kitty. And yet it is everywhere.

Fuck you, Charmmy Kitty

Fuck you, Charmmy Kitty.


Saturday, February 25th, 2006

Take a good look at this truck.


Saturday, February 25th, 2006

Yokohama aims to reduce rubbish output by 30% in 2010, compared to 2001. This campaign is sure to succeed now it has been endorsed by everyone’s favourite Morning Musume!

モーニング娘 w/z blue thing
モーニング娘 w/z blue thing

Here is your special green kimono and fan
The Mayor of Yokohama

This entry was not just an excuse to post Morning Musume pictures.

PS Here is the new look:

rainbow 7

Suzuki Ami – Dancin’ in Hip Hop

Saturday, February 25th, 2006

作詞 小室哲哉 & Ami
作曲 小室哲哉
唄 鈴木あみ

Dancin’in Hip Hop or Dancin’in Trance
Where are you going to? Get my club on
Dancin’in Hip Hop or Dancin’in Trance
Where are you going to? Get my club on
Easy going 季節なんて忘れて海で泳ごうか?
Easy going ついでに何もかも忘れちゃおうよ

I’m gonna get my club on tonight
cuz I’m lookin tight feelin alright
Do you wanna roll wit me
Eazy or Hard
Slow or Fast
I sat back cuz I’m the mack the atmosphere was black
wit the strobe light the club was packed
with tha money makas
money fakas
money takers
guaranteed to shake ya

Easy going but I like it hard ×4
Dancin’in Hip Hop or Dancin’in Trance
Where are you going to? Get my club on ×4
Easy going but I like it hard ×4

Looked out my right eye
saw this thug lookin tight
So I thought to myself
Easy‐but why
So I walk over twistin my thighs
What should I say
Hes comin to me
So I play like I don’t even see em
When he smiled
Bling Bling
All could think is
Ching Ching
Momma always told me
take it easy Oh you think
Just cuz ya buy me a drink
or let me puff on that light green
that I’m a put you in my sex scene
What you mean He talkin bout
What he got and who he know
I don’t wanna take you home
I like it hard
But come on an easy approach And I came to get my club on
I know you know either buy me a drink or get yo flow on
And you can go home
Keep it going baby

American Live Action Sailor Moon

Friday, February 24th, 2006

As anyone who knows me will attest to, I have a love/hate relationship with America. This post is about the hate part.

In 1994, during the height of Sailor Moon’s popularity, it was proposed that a version be made for American audiences. None of this Tokyo stuff, and get rid of all those japanese cultural references! No, let’s have an utterly, utterly lame – perhaps the lamest thing EVER – politically correct travesty, complete with black senshi, giggling frizzy-haired valley girls, and one of the sailors is in a fucking wheelchair. Accordingly, a demo reel was produced to pitch the proposed show; it was not taken any further, for some reason.

The quality is very bad, it’s videotaped off the screen at a presentation, but you can get the idea. Frankly, it’s probably better than it’s not in higher quality.

Anyway, just watch it – if you can. American Sailor Moon

Favourite Malice Mizer song

Friday, February 24th, 2006

Since Visual Kei is cool again, and also that everyone seems to (erroneously) think I am some kind of lifelong devotee to Malice Mizer and, by extension, Gackt, I thought I’d post my favourite song by the 90s Visual Kei band. Note that it doesn’t even feature our beloved princess Gackt, unless he’s the one playing the piano/organ.

Many people would consider this kind of music to be an unlistenable mess, but it has its charm if you’re in the mindset and are looking for the ideal theme music for your vampire orgy of blood and castles and who knows what else.

Anyway, here it is: 虚無の中での遊戯 which means something about nihility. Pretty much all Mizer song titles involve nihility somehow, so that’s a safe guess.

Mysterious Drink

Friday, February 24th, 2006

What am I?

What is this stuff? I was hypnotised by all the pink flowers. I don’t even remember buying it.

Peanut Cream

Friday, February 24th, 2006

While at good old ライフ I was so curious about what a packet of “stuff” called “peanut cream” was, that I bought it. It turned out to be a weird, creamy japanese interpretation of Peanut Butter. I usually never eat peanut butter, and haven’t eaten it for maybe 10 years. But now, because I bought this damn stuff, I have to eat it all the time.

It’s not so bad actually. Very sweet and creamy. I should take a picture of it.

Peanut Cream w/z satellite dish
Peanut Cream w/z satellite dish

It's peanutty, and it's creamy
It’s peanutty, and it’s creamy

My views on the Iraq War are turning sour

Friday, February 24th, 2006

Sigh. Another horrible bombing in Iraq, by fanatical savages attempting – and not without some success – to foment civil war. This time, it’s crazy Sunni extremists inciting crazy Shiite extremists. Or is it the other way round? Does it matter?

I have always supported the Iraqi war on three main principles:

1. We should do what we can to free people from oppression
2. We should act quickly to plant seeds of democracy in the Middle East before the situation degenerates into World War
3. We should get Iraqi oil on the market in order to end the Saudi near-monopoly

So, 1 “nice guys” reason and 2 “geopolitical necessity” reasons.

But it seems things are just getting worse. Although there is plenty of progress in many areas, I can’t help but observe that the situation is being fundamentally undermined by the very people who should be grasping the hand trying to pull them up. And although only a small proportion of the Iraqi people as a whole are extremists willing to commit violence to further their apocaplyptic ends – why the hell can’t the rest of them at least try to help stop them?


Don’t you hate this kind of blog?

Thursday, February 23rd, 2006

You know what kind of blog I hate? The kind where the author:

1. Rants schizophrenically about a different subject every day, with short shrift to consistency, discipline, or maintaining any kind of long-tern audience appeal
2. Converses whimsically with himself, pontificating uselessly to the ether about whatever extraneous train of “thought” entrances him for the nonce
3. Skips days or weeks at leisure, only to triumphantly return amid a whirlwind of useless new posts, upon finishing which it is time for the next hiatus of random length
4. Writes articles from the perspective of someone who already has a competent grasp on whatever obscure aspect of niche culture is topical, alienating and/or annoying anyone who is not privy to the author’s internal thought processes
5. Writes lists
6. Leaves articles half finishe

2501 most used kanji

Thursday, February 23rd, 2006

If you are learning kanji, you might be interested in this list of the 2501 most-used kanji, in order of usage frequency. I actually had difficulty finding this kind of resource, so thought I’d post it here for anyone else who might want to see it.

2501 Most Commonly Used Kanji

UPDATE: I have no idea why it doesn’t display straight up in unicode. It’s got a unicode header doesn’t it? Anyway, if you can’t see the proper japanese, switch to unicode encoding. (FIXED)

Tokyo Spider Report

Thursday, February 23rd, 2006

Total number of spiders yet seen: 0

What are your hobbies?

Thursday, February 23rd, 2006

Huh? What is a “hobby”? Fuck you. I don’t have any “hobbies” and I look down on anyone who does.

Seriously. I don’t even understand how anyone can have a “hobby”. All of those people with “hobbies” should quit their jobs and get new jobs where they get to do their hobby all the time. And if you can’t do that, find some other thing to do.

I never want to describe anything I care about as a “hobby” because it’s like admitting failure. Instead of “What is your hobby?”, substitute “So, what cool person do you pretend you are in your spare time to escape from your otherwise meaningless existence?”

Fuck hobbies. You either really care about something or you don’t. Hobbies are for sissies and softcocks who can’t make the grade. Except for this web site which is a hobby.

Usagi Circus Show Time

Thursday, February 23rd, 2006

The first of a long-awaited series of posts in which I upload obscure tracks from obscure musicals and talk about them as if anyone but me cares.

I uploaded this because it’s probably what everyone expects from a Sailor Moon musical – except, more so. It’s kind of ridiculous that this song even exists, and I can’t imagine what anyone hearing it without knowing the context might think. Anyway, it’s very nice and well-produced. Click the link for the lyrics.

Usagi Circus Show Time!


Whither free speech?

Tuesday, February 21st, 2006

Communist china locks up dissenters, as did its former brethren in the USSR. The Islamic dictatorships in Iran and Syria do it every day. Nazi Germany did it. Saddam Hussein did it. The Monarchs of medieval kingdoms did it. We like to distance ourselves from those repressive countries, and cherish our right to dissent as one of the hallmarks of our superior, more civilised and democratic culture.

And yet yesterday David Irving was jailed in Austria for 3 years for Holocaust Denial. This is a travesty and belies everything we claim to stand for as a civilisation.

Now, I can’t stand Irving. He’s a sloppy, rabble-rousing pseudo-historian, glosses over any evidence that doesn’t suit his preordained conclusions, he’s compromised in personal politics and he’s an anti-semite. I’ve read one of his books, and am not interested in reading any more.

But it should not be a crime to question history. It should never be a crime, no matter how many people it upsets or offends. If what is recorded or accepted to have happened really did, we should be able to win any debate on the merits. These people should be shouted down from a position of academic rigour, clear-eyed analysis and moral high ground.

But no! We locked him up. And by “we”, I mean the entire western civilisation, which is more or less homogenous across all the modern European and post-British states. And I am truly ashamed by this.

In the aftermath of the Mohammed cartoons, who are we to speak out for free speech? In fact, I think we can make a very good case for roughly equating the two. Both Holocaust Denial (ie, questioning history) and publishing cartoons of Islam’s Prophet are actions of speech, actions which obviously upset and offend huge numbers of people, could be said to inflame inadvisable passions, and appeal to the basest elements of dangerous sections of society. By denying the Holocaust, we give ammunition to neo-nazis and anti-semites, by depicting the Prophet we hand ammunition to the radicals ever-keen to whip up anti-western sentiments in their delapidated hovels.

But we sanctimoniously publish the cartoons – or, worse, refrain from doing so but for all the wrong reasons – and yet we imprison the deniers. We publicly scoff in the face of one taboo, and then quietly embrace another. It’s hypocritical, it’s unconscionable, it is a crack in the foundations of our free society and we will all be worse off for it.

Don’t help friends with computers

Sunday, February 19th, 2006

Ah, to know all about computers. Just simple knowledge, from a lifetime of use, can get you so far – it can get you paid employment, it can solve any technological problem, it can open up avenues of revenue and convenience unknowable to the uniniated.

But fucking hell, don’t help your friends with computers. You know why? Because no matter how well you do your job, something will go wrong sooner or later, and then it’s all your fault. Say you reinstall an OS and programs – a huge favour for someone, taking hours upon hours. And then a year later the HD fails. Who is it that the person is going to ring first, an accusing tone in their voice? Why, certainly not the person who sold it to them, or the manufacturer, or a hardware technician. It’ll be you, every time.

The saying is “No good deed goes unpunished”. Fix computers for friends a lot and you’ll begin to believe that with all your heart.

Public Use of Deep Underground Space, Tokyo

Saturday, February 18th, 2006

From a recent newsletter on Kajima’s web site:

In 2000, the Japanese government enacted the Law for Special Measures Concerning the Public Use of Deep Underground Space. This law has made it possible to use deep underground space 40 meters (130 feet) or more below ground for public works without the reconciliation of land rights or payment of compensation in advance, and as a result new construction projects are being implemented. Kajima will take full advantage of technologies for excavating tunnels deep underground, technologies for constructing underground interchanges, and other critical technologies perfected over the years as well as construction methods and materials developed to minimize costs as we seek solutions to problems associated with constructing a new expressway network deep beneath the cities of Japan.

Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Central Loop Shinjuku Line

I’ll post some information on current projects of interest shortly, but I thought this is interesting just in itself. If you’re more than 40m underground, you don’t have to worry about who owns the land above you. Obviously there will still need to be some sort of central approval of construction efforts, to coordinate citywide transport & development strategy, and ensure reconciliation with what would seem to be likely conflicts. But I thought this was a great way of opening up the underground frontier to development, and I’m not aware of similar laws in other cities.

Update: Alice City is composed of the Alice town space by which the ground organization is expanded, the Alice and Alice infra space with the ground backup fanction!

Note that both Alice AND Alice possess the ground backup fanction.