Archive for December, 2005


Friday, December 9th, 2005

Back in Adelaide for a couple of weeks. Boring, sure, but relaxing in a way. I’m surprised by how much I dislike living in my father’s apartment – I’m just too old to live at home these days, for any reason, even for a couple of weeks.

Spent an enjoyable several days driving back from Sydney via the east coast, staying in an awful small town on the NSW-VIC border, and then in Melbourne, which was exactly as gloomy and wet as I expected. Drove 2200 kilometres in 3 days – not bad! And no speeding tickets from MEL-ADL, kind of a first for me. Love the roads coming into SA – compared to Victoria they’re flat, smooth, straight and just slide enjoyably past. I’d like to drive all around this country one day, hopefully in a nice big crusing car, perhaps a BMW 5 series or similar. Even better, an X5 with a kangaroo bar. Something to aim for!

Amusing to discover that I romanticised this place a bit while I was in Sydney, just as I romanticised Sydney when I was here. Human nature I suppose. I probably romanticise Tokyo even more. Reality comes crashing down soon enough, though.

Anyway, a couple of weeks of packing and tying up loose ends, then I’m off. I don’t even have the phone number of anyone else in Adelaide these days, so no distractions catching up with old “friends”. My father has bought this ridiculously huge high-definition television, so I’m having fun watching some movies and learnt more than I ever wanted to know about connecting a PC to an 1080i HDTV to play videos or use Google Earth on a screen longer than I am tall.

Lots of fun but I’m just waiting for the next step now. Only forward!

I hate people who have criticisms but no answers

Friday, December 9th, 2005

You know what I hate? I hate people who criticise, but have no plan to make whatever they are criticising better or fix the problem they are complaining about.

Take feminists. They love to complain about the “patriarchy”. They’ll go on and on all day if you let them. But ask them how they could possibly change society in a workable way to fix their grievances, and you draw nothing but blanks. “I don’t claim to have all the answers” they say. Well, in that case, shut up until you have at least some constructive solutions! Women who don’t like the patriarchy have plenty of options. Don’t like male-dominated companies? So start a women-only one! Don’t like men in society? So start a women-only village! Nothing stopping you! Oh, but then they’ll say the reason they can’t do these things is that they’re “oppressed”. Yeah, right. Every male I know works full time from dawn til dusk while half the female population is at home watching Oprah. Don’t tell me about who got a raw deal out of the separation of roles. There’s a reason they don’t show football during business hours on weekdays. Ain’t no men watching “The Bold and the Beautiful”.

And then there’s Iraq. Oh, America has made a huge mistake. Oh, they should never have invaded. So how would YOU have gotten rid of the tyrranical regimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, lefties? Why can’t they write a point by point plan of what they would have done to fix the problem? I know why- they don’t know. But they do know that they don’t like it, and now they’re gonna COMPLAIN!!!!

It just goes on and on. Endless moaning without a single contructive suggestion. Without a single alternative plan. I’ve got a million questions for lefties – ANY lefties – that I just can’t get straight answers to. It leads me to conclude they just don’t know, they HAVE no plan. What can I do? I know there are intelligent people on the left. Millions of them. What the fuck do they think? How can I find out? Every single leftie blog I have ever read is just a mind-numbing stream of sarcastic comments about Bush mispronouncing words. WHERE IS THE PLAN, LEFTIES? Enquiring minds really, actually do want to know.