Back in Adelaide for a couple of weeks. Boring, sure, but relaxing in a way. I’m surprised by how much I dislike living in my father’s apartment – I’m just too old to live at home these days, for any reason, even for a couple of weeks.
Spent an enjoyable several days driving back from Sydney via the east coast, staying in an awful small town on the NSW-VIC border, and then in Melbourne, which was exactly as gloomy and wet as I expected. Drove 2200 kilometres in 3 days – not bad! And no speeding tickets from MEL-ADL, kind of a first for me. Love the roads coming into SA – compared to Victoria they’re flat, smooth, straight and just slide enjoyably past. I’d like to drive all around this country one day, hopefully in a nice big crusing car, perhaps a BMW 5 series or similar. Even better, an X5 with a kangaroo bar. Something to aim for!
Amusing to discover that I romanticised this place a bit while I was in Sydney, just as I romanticised Sydney when I was here. Human nature I suppose. I probably romanticise Tokyo even more. Reality comes crashing down soon enough, though.
Anyway, a couple of weeks of packing and tying up loose ends, then I’m off. I don’t even have the phone number of anyone else in Adelaide these days, so no distractions catching up with old “friends”. My father has bought this ridiculously huge high-definition television, so I’m having fun watching some movies and learnt more than I ever wanted to know about connecting a PC to an 1080i HDTV to play videos or use Google Earth on a screen longer than I am tall.
Lots of fun but I’m just waiting for the next step now. Only forward!