SKILL by Jam Project.
Archive for November, 2005
Song of the Week
Monday, November 21st, 2005Garden Leave
Wednesday, November 16th, 2005Well, I’m finished with work now, and beginning a week and a half of paid leave – “garden leave”, as they call it.
Wonderful stuff. I plan to use my newfound time to catch up on a lot of things – including posting here! Well, let’s see.
Anyway, goodbye to my old job and my hellish morning train commute! Hello, next stage!
Wikipedia’s DB Schema
Saturday, November 5th, 2005Spent an educational half hour reading the SQL creating MediaWiki’s database.
Always interesting to see how others, with years of revisions and refinements, have solved the problems you are yourself grappling with.
Also interesting to see the differences between MediaWiki and, say, WordPress’s schema.
In development news, 1PP is now on its 3rd total DB revision, GP is now a subset of 1PP, I’ve thrown out any method of categorization that isn’t tagging, and started 2 new intranet apps for law firms such as the one I currently work at. The only thing I use PHP for now is for continually dumping and repopulating the DBs …
I might stay in Adelaide for up to a month after moving now. The one thing I need is pure uninterrupted work time, time which is sorely lacking for me here. And I can stay in Adelaide free. But I think I’ll learn from Greg’s mistakes and get BB connected before arriving.
Another big problem that needs solving is the lack of a real server. It’s almost time to just bite the bullet, jump blindfolded from the cliff and buy something on pure faith that it’ll pay for itself in time. Certainly not having one hinders the solidity of a project. Can’t afford RackSpace but might go for cohosting if I can find one cheap enough. Or should I just buy a decent mac laptop and use that as an all-in-one dev tool/test server?
The Primary Teacher
Thursday, November 3rd, 2005One of the kids asked the teacher to help him put his boots on And, indeed, they were really hard to put on. After having pushed, pulled, pushed, pulled in all directions, the boots are on and the kid says to her: “they are the wrong way round Miss!”. The teacher is a bit cross when she realizes that indeed, the boots are on the wrong way round. In short…, a new effort to remove them, and she succeeds in keeping calm until the boots are back on the right feet. And then the kid says: “they’re not my boots!”. This time, she makes a huge effort not to slap him, and calmly asks why he did not say so first. “Good, OK, they’re off” she says and starts again. The kid continues: “they’re not my boots, they’re my brother’s, but mum said I must put them on”. She wants to howl and again puts his boots on. To finish, she stands him up, buttons his coat, gives his scarf to him and asks “where are your gloves?”. The kid answers: “I put them in my boots!”