Hey, just because I’m busy doesn’t mean I stopped watching stuff. It’s good!
Archive for October, 2005
Monday, October 31st, 2005Busy
Saturday, October 29th, 2005Busy.
I want one of these
Monday, October 24th, 2005Great Moments on the Internet
Sunday, October 23rd, 2005Are when you see things like this:
Oh, I bet you are!
Favourite DVD
Saturday, October 22nd, 2005I have no idea how I managed to get a high-resolution TS version of this film
but I did, and I love watching it. It’s 2.2G and goes for 22 minutes.
Really lovely high-def movie and I have no idea how, when or from where I downloaded it.
I hate Birds
Friday, October 21st, 2005Noisy little fuckers. Every morning at 4:30am I want to stand on my balcony with a rifle and take them out, MGS2-style. One day i’m going to do that.
If there’s any social-justice-loving hippies dressed as birds hiding in nearby trees, all the better.
UPDATE: The red-blooded men at a Metal Gear Solid 2 strategy page lay out the plan:
Egg Name: Bird Strike
Works On: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty
Publisher: Konami
How it Works:.
1. Go to any outside area
2. Equip a weapon (Sniper rifle recommended)
3. Shoot as many birds as possible
Right on.
Top 10 albums 2005
Friday, October 21st, 2005Were there even 10 albums I loved this year?
Not including soundtracks, here’s my pick:
Rie Fu – Rie Fu
globe – globe2 pop/rock
Jesus. I knew I’d have difficulty coming up with ten, but just three? I must be forgetting something.
PS There are another couple of albums still on “probation” and will be for another couple of months – i wouldn’t say an album is capable of being on a best-of list if it hasn’t had at least 3 months to “mature”. So let’s see.
PPS Band of the year is … wait for it … GLOBE, for the tenth year running!
Faith Restored
Thursday, October 20th, 2005After believing, for the longest time, that American television had descended irretrivably into inanity, what should come along but two fantastic shows to restore my faith. They are, of course, Firefly and Battlestar Galactica. Both are excellent, although Firefly was cancelled, succeeded only by the movie Serenity.
I love good science fiction, and I’ve been particularly addicted to Galactica this season. Highly recommended for anyone who appreciates the genre.
Monk Children With Bunny
Monday, October 17th, 2005Too much to ever learn
Sunday, October 16th, 2005One of my strategies for finding new music is to find some music I know I like, then find out what other people who like them recommend, and download it all. Then I’ll listen to that, find what I like out of that, and repeat. By this process I exponentially increase my library of music, which is not so good, but I linearly increase my collection music I do like, which is the desired outcome, and justifies all the time and effort. By this process, which is everlasting and has been ongoing for a decade now, I always seem to discover new and good music I’d never know through any other source, and constantly seem to have a fresh new collection of music to listen to, stay on top of trends, and I’m often talking about new discoveries I like here.
Well, that’s great for music, but it’s not so good for keeping track of interests. My range of interests is absolutely huge and, following link after link, I always run out of time. It strikes me that it would be at least a full-time job to keep track of everything I am interested in. Like everyone else, I can mitigate the time expenditure to a degree by using certain “news concentrator” blogs, but they can only ever scrape the surface. I just don’t have the time to track everything I want, so I end up missing so much. I wonder how I can possibly deal with this problem, and absorb just enough information to keep track of developments in my theatre of interest, without sacrificing too much?
What I need is some kind of external memory device into which I can just stream trusted information day and night, and refer to it as needed without actually having to input data word by word through reading. This kind of technology seems a little far in the future, to put it mildly. Until then, though, and lacking a dedicated team of researchers, I’ll never know as much as I would like about all the subjects I mentally engage in. I find this very annoying!
Further questions:
- Is it possible to for anyone to generally understand, without succumbing to “jack-of-all-trades” limitations or flawed understanding due to shallow or insufficient immersion in subtleties, or relying on possibly-biased external analysis, any “large” topic at all?
Clazziquai Project
Sunday, October 16th, 2005Following the recommendation of none other than Taku from M-Flo, I recently checked out Korean band Clazziquai Project. Well, I’m very impressed. Recommended. There’s a discography right now on JPS for those who know what that is and I uploaded a sample here. It’s even in English.
We can probably say that bands like this are the 2nd wave of unique korean “k-pop” – after the much-hyped “korean wave” of several years ago failed to ignite Asia with its smooth raps, hi-tempo beats and slick production – which unfortunately did everything that j-pop did, but not as well. We now are seeing a new genre of artists emerge from the peninsula, less pretentious, less derivative, more honest and uniquely korean, and thus with a far better chance of success. The fact that half of it is in English doesn’t hurt the prospects for export, either.
I think Japan’s got animation sown up for the foreseeable future, but it’s possible that Korea will start stealing some of the Rising Sun’s domination in asian pop music culture. Korea is certainly riding a wave of popularity of its soap operas right now – stealing Japan’s heart with Winter Sonata of 2004, and establishing a lucrative niche in the greater asian TV syndication market. Music will certainly be helped by this development, riding on the back of this tv-drama push, integrated into opening and closing titles, and in theme and incidental music.
Only a name-change away
Saturday, October 15th, 2005From an Encarta article:
In Eastern Europe between 1989 and 1991, every communist government surrendered its monopoly on political power. Communist parties underwent decisive changes as their regimes gave way to multiparty governments. Bowing to new political realities, most Eastern European communist parties sought to mask their origins by changing their names. Communist was replaced by terms such as socialist, social democracy, democratic socialism, and the democratic left. For example, the Bulgarian Communist Party restructured itself as the Bulgarian Socialist Party.
Ah .. communism is only a name-change away!
(Found whilst trying to find a suitably damning definition of neo-communism)
Favourite Boards of Canada song
Saturday, October 15th, 2005Digitalian reminded me of them; got the new album today. Now this isn’t their most famous track, but it’s still the one I like best. It’s classic BoC – pure lo-fi synthesizer goodness: Iced Cooly.
Next favourite is Aquarius; following that, Roygbiv.
Lovers of BoC may also wish to check out Sun Electric, T-Power and WE. Not all that much relation between these bands other than they’re all old school melodic IDM/electronic, and I like them
Alcohol Review
Friday, October 14th, 2005I bought a lot of alcohol these last 4 or so months. Here’s my brief review:
Heineken: Love it, as you all know.
Baileys: Love it.
Bacardi: HATE it!
Kahlua: Love it!!
Gin: HATE it! LOATHE it!! I even hate the smell it has when I set it on fire. Good for pest control and firebombing people you hate.
Red wine: Not a fan but don’t actually HATE it.
White wine: HATE it!! For gays only, and men who are basically gay.
Corona: So weak it has more alcohol when leaving your body.
Malibu: Not bad but can’t drink much.
Cheap Australian/Dutch beer: I would not pour it on myself even if I was on fire and literally burning to death.
Beer with lemonade: HATE it!!
Cascade: HATE it! Tastes like it has been pre-vomited by someone who was eating leaves, like a giant panda.
Tia Maria: Not as good as Kahlua.
That other stuff: Sigh, it’s OK I guess.
Vodka: OK with orange juice but not interesting.
Strongbow Sweet: Good! Refreshing.
That sums up all current forms of alcohol.
Song of the Day
Friday, October 14th, 2005茜さす 帰路照らされど・・・ by Shiina Ringo.
In other news, a milestone:
Next stop 10,000 – I’m aiming for sometime in 2008. Look out for my acceptance speech, and a string of upcoming articles detailing the secrets of my unprecedented success. Here’s an advance tip: The reader is always right.
Thursday, October 13th, 2005I’ll assume that anyone reading this has already seen it, so if you haven’t and don’t want it completely wrecked, stop reading now.
Linux in Asia
Tuesday, October 11th, 2005After reading an article about the rise in popularity of the linux operating system in greater asia, I decided to do a simple test: go to my favourite chinese-language BT site, and search for both operating systems.
The result? Linux: 10, Windows: 4. Furthermore, the linux results were all software, and windows was all books and reference material.
Doesn’t mean much by itself, but it’s nice to see anyway.
Tuesday, October 11th, 2005I’m 10,840 days old.
Tuesday, October 11th, 2005Well, I’ve successfully ignored the “alternative” programming language Ruby for years now. Through countless posts on Slashdot, breathless testimonials on hundreds of computer-related blogs, personal recommendation, I’ve ignored the zeitgeist with an aura of blissful ignorance. Oh, sure, it’s a wonderfully readable natural language which combines the best aspects of Smalltalk, Java, C++, etc, automatic everything, best thing since sliced bread, etc. Not really my area of interest. I’ll stick with the well-known brands, thanks.
Well, that was before I found out one little thing: Ruby is Japanese.
Well, that changes everything, doesn’t it. According to my time-proven system which automatically ranks anything from Japan higher than competing anythings from anywhere else, that means Ruby is the New Number One!
Work or Play
Monday, October 10th, 2005Following on from a post a few weeks ago entitled 新生活 (new life), I wanted to mention something I have discovered about time management, or rather my woeful lack of it.
Basically I have realised that one should not compromise between “work” and “play”. One should exert himself to the best of his abilities, and then, having achieved something of merit, one should, without guilt or hesitation, dive into relaxation without a second thought. Keep the two separated.
If you don’t separate them, one all too often ends up in this no-mans-land between the two. Not feeling like working, but feeling too guilty about not working to launch oneself into recreation, one can all too easily while away the hours doing essentially nothing. And at the end of it, you realise that you may as well have just did something enjoyable. By not devoting yourself to either productivity or relaxation, one ends up achieving neither. This may sound obvious, but it’s trapped me many a time, and this is the first time I’m making a conscious effort to avoid it.
The symptoms, for me anyway, must be familiar – idle web browsing, sporadic IM conversations, busy work such as cleaning or re-organising files. Checking all those web sites to see if they updated. You see, it doesn’t feel like procrastination, because it’s not fun. But it’s not productive work, either. What it all adds up to is a colossal waste of time.
So, this might sound silly again, but from now on I’m going to try to keep a rule – I’m doing one of these three things at all times: 1. Working on something productive OR 2. enjoying myself without a second thought OR 3. necessary chores, such as sleeping, eating, etc.
I think I picked up this bad habit in the workplace. 10 years ago, I had no qualms about throwing on a LaserDisc whenever I wanted to, or simply playing Tomb Raider all night. But those years of being at work, and not feeling like actually working, but not having the freedom to actually kick back and enjoy myself however I wanted, bred into me a kind of sick time-wasting habit of whiling away the hours clicking links, or downloading things I didn’t really need, or chatting about nothing. Soon enough I found myself doing it at home as well. And now, when I expect myself to work at home as well, I’m doing it to procrastinate from myself. I knew it was stupid – really stupid. But I’m only now admitting it!
I think the final gasp for the old way of thinking was this weekend, when I was toying with the idea of playing Final Fantasy 7 all the way through from the beginning again. Now, that might not sound like a big deal, until you realise the game is way over 50 hours long, maybe more like 70-80. And I was thinking it was a bad idea because “I need to get work done!”. And then I thought about what I was doing that minute, and what I’d done all day. A waste of fucking time, all of it. So it kind of hit me. Fuck it. I’m going to play this fucking game, and enjoy it, and I’m going to work as well when I’m not playing it. There’s no fucking point in trying to fool onesself. Just admit it – having fun is good. And when you’re not having fun, work. Or sleep. Simple.
So, that’s the new rule. Working, or playing, or sleeping. If I’m not doing one of those things, I’ll stop and do one of those things. 頑張ります!! これが私の生きる道!!!
UPDATE: Official theme song for the weekend, and presumably the coming week, is the Advent Children hard rock version of Sephiroth’s theme song: One Winged Angel. Listen to it a few times before you see the movie, for heightened enjoyment when for when you hear it properly in action
UPDATE2: You should REALLY be listening to this track, man. It is very effective. If there’s one thing I like, it’s a really good, apocalyptic song, complete with huge choirs and dramatic themes – and if you know the game, just hearing the name “Sephiroth” will send shivers down your spine. Also see another apocalyptic theme song from Ghost In The Shell a while ago, Torquia, which although slightly more upbeat, can still evoke powerful memories from the series – what’s going on while that song is play is just incredible, and the upbeat sound just lends it more power, a kind of ironic soundtrack to some not-so-creative destruction which, in the context of the major city it’s playing out in, is an amazingly powerful scene.
What, you haven’t seen Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex? What is wrong with you?