Archive for September, 2005

日本語/english 音楽 mix トレンド

Friday, September 30th, 2005

Listening to the new m-flo album Beat Space Nine I am struck by the extent of the integration between japanese and english. M-flo has always been like this, constantly shifting between the two languages, but the new album is ridiculous – the lyrics often break back and forward several times in the same sentence.

I really like this trend. It makes me happy to hear such cultural integration. A lot changed in 60 years.

Hear an example song here – “Taste your Stuff” originally by Bennie K. Love this song!

beat space nine

Formulating a Drug Policy

Tuesday, September 27th, 2005

I’m someone who, as part of my political thinking, likes to maintain a set of “policies” which I will seriously propose implementing as part of my “Political Game” thought exercise simulation government. I have these “policies” for a great number of topics, and can usually rattle them off on demand. Of course, some are harder, and much bigger, than others.

Anyway, I was recently challenged by Rache Nehemiah to outline, concisely and in policy form, my proposed method for dealing with government control of drugs and drug use. Now, I must confess, I have no idea what to do about this. I’ve got a lot of “gut feelings” about this and that, but nothing concrete. So, over the last few days, I’ve been reading more opinion about it, trying to get a hook, a frame of reference that I can start from. Seems that all anyone else has is “gut feeling”, though, as well – either hardline anti-drug or permissive-at-any-cost total liberalisation and decriminalisation of everything.

So, I would like to start formulating such a policy, and would appreciate any insights ventured by the elite band of technocrats who frequent this cultured mecca of thought and science.


Body Feels EXIT 10 years anniversary

Monday, September 26th, 2005

10 years ago, on the 25th September 1995, Japanese record label Avex Trax released the first single by little-known Okinawan Namie Amuro, “Body Feels EXIT” by Tetsuya Komuro.

Her first and best single, actually, according to me. Ten years goes by very, very quickly.

Body Feels EXIT

Super Girl

Sunday, September 25th, 2005

Super Girl

超级女声 (Super Voice Girl)
A popular tv show in China.

UPDATE with some press pictures from Hunan TV’s very insecure web server ;-) :

Li with male dancers

First Place winner Li Yuchun (李宇春)

Zhou with female dancers

Zhou Bichang (周笔畅), who ended up coming 2nd

Coordinated dancing

Li Dancing. Next to her is He Jie (何洁), 19, who came 4th.


More Li Yuchun. I love the hair!

Insanity of the RIAA

Friday, September 23rd, 2005

Dramatic happenings this week, as the RIAA apparently succeeds in all but shutting down two of the major P2P networks – eDonkey and WinMX were inoperable yesterday, and reports claim that competitors BearShare and Grokster are in urgent negotiations to avoid being sued into the ground by the recording industry’s legal eagles.

“Is this the death of P2P?” cry the tabloids. Well, I can answer that: No. Hell no. Does this instead herald the accelerating popularity of headless, decentralised, virtually untraceable P2P? Why, yes.

Now I’m no economics major, but I do know a thing or two about markets. The P2P “market”, such as it is, is fucking huge. It includes almost every person I know under 40 who has any knowledge at all of the internet, and many people I know over 50, including my boss, in probably every country in the world. It is probably over a billion people. It is insatiable, borderless, and pretty much unstoppable.

So why on earth does the RIAA, or anyone else, think that by closing down a couple of the easier-to-use “newbie” services, they are going to do anything at all to stop the P2P avalanche? There is no stopping it. All it will do is push people into better, more decentralised, harder-to-shut-down services. The obvious answer might be Bittorrent, but even that is a bit hard to understand for new users, and relies on a certain level of knowledge to find what you’re looking for. In fact, Bittorrent, despite its apparent size to many of us, is actually mainly used by the top 5% – the rest is still the domain of kazaa, limewire, et al. Of course, us top 5% probably use more than 50% total of the gross P2P bandwidth consumption, but it was ever thus.

So where are the teeming hordes going to go? Gnutella, probably, or – more likely – new, more robust systems which have not yet gained mass popularity. Overnet is a contender, as is Freenet, which has traditionally suffered performance issues but is supposedly close to solving them. The point is, the users will just go further underground. Closing the existing services only forces people to find new ones, increase their skill, educate themselves. If one follows this to its logical conclusion, within a few years there will be an internet-wide encrypted, anonymous, decentralised file sharing supernetwork, impervious to record company intrusion and accessible to almost anyone. It will be around that stage that the record companies have really, irreversibly, lost.

What can the RIAA, and its sister organisations around the world, do to actually solve their problem? Well, the thing they should have done from day one was to strike an arrangement with Napster. It was the first, and in many ways the best – no P2P system since has had the pure depth and elegance of Napster. I said it at the time, and I’ll say it again – I would have paid for Napster, maybe $20 a month. When they closed it down, they didn’t just generate a tidal wave of perhaps irreversible illwill from every Napster user on earh, but they touched off the start of a worldwide P2P arms race which is only just entering its stride. They had that initial chance, and they blew it. They could maybe try again – come up with their own system, duplicating the orginal napster, and see if people will buy it .. it is probably too late. Everyone has made their own arrangements now.

So what can they do? Well, the obvious answer is to drop prices. I am sorry to say it, but I will not pay AUD$35 for a CD any more. Any CD. I would be reluctant to pay anything over $20, really. But under $20, I start to become interested, and around $12-15 I would probably buy quite a lot. Especially if the disks were not just old 44.1KHz CDs, but new DVDA recordings – I would be very interested in that. My purchasing now has dropped to perhaps 5 CDs a year; at greatly lower prices, it would be 50 or more. Hell, I want to buy CDs, I love owning them. I’m just not paying the current prices and I never will.

Secondly, the online stores. Again, they cost too much. The quality is insufficient. The DRM rules do not really bother me, but then again I don’t have much experience living with them; they might start to annoy me the first time I tried to send a file to a friend. But the big problem is the price. The only tracks I am interested in from the iTunes Store come from the japanese version – they are, of course, globe songs. They are 200Yen each. Forget it – just forget it. I’m just not paying that for three and a half megabytes of 128kbps sound data, no matter how easy it is.

I’d pay $20/month for unlimited download from iTunes. Maybe even $30/month. But that’s pretty much the only way I would ever be a user of such a service. Perhaps if the songs were higher quality I wouldn’t mind, but these prices, for low quality CD rips? Forget it!

The recording companies should not be trying to push people towards their services, they should be trying to pull them. Make the legal downloads higher quality than the mp3s I can download right now, for free. Make the prices reasonable, not more than the comparable plastic CD, which is already ludicrously overpriced. Drop the prices of CDs and introduce higher audio quality – we’ve been stuck at 16 bits for 21 years, for christ’s sake. Stop suing kids and trying to litigate to save a doomed business plan. Produce better music in the first place. Institute a concert ticket discount system for CDs. Add value. Just do something, god damn it, that’s different from what you’re doing now. Because if current trends continue, the chances of any record company on earth seeing the colour of millions like me all around the world’s money are already pretty low, and moving closer to zero every year this continues.

PS Same goes for cinemas, movies and DVDs.

Song of the Day

Thursday, September 22nd, 2005

Grip!, by Every Little Thing. For maximum effect, I recommend playing it for 2 hours on repeat. This will encourage the onset of a trancelike state of heightened acuity, suitable for the devising of military strategy.

In particular, this is the soundtrack to my methodical planning of the invasion of North Korea, with 10,000 armoured troops and 150,000 aerostatic robots at my disposal.

Listen for the synth solo at 3:20 in! This element of the song accompanies, in my mind, an important stage in the opening phases of the campaign, namely the destruction of PyongYang by aerial bombardment, followed by the initial deployment of the mechanised suits beginning their high-speed assault. All of it in widescreen, immersive HDTV.

I wonder how long it will be before revenue from TV audiences can underwrite the total expense of a limited war? How long before it’s a made-for-TV production, like everything else?

I envisage a media production company which does nothing but plan and stage such events, purely for profit, solely for the excitement and approval of its global audience. Is this not the purest form of capitalist democracy? Who the hell would stop them?

I’d watch it. In fact I’d watch nothing else.

Quote of the Day

Thursday, September 22nd, 2005

“The ancients who wished to demonstrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom, first ordered well their own states. Wishing to order well their own states, they first regulated their families. Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons. Wishing to cultivate their persons, they first rectified their hearts. Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extention of knowledge lay in the investigation of things … From the Son of Heaven down to the mass of the people, all must consider the cultivation of the person the root of everything besides.”
- Confucious

Song of the Day

Wednesday, September 21st, 2005

Since the discussion has turned to matters of VELFARRE, I thought it appropriate to upload the “VELFARRE snow club mix” of TRF’s classic “Winter Grooves”.

This was the heyday of not only TRF but VELFARRE itself. They would have been good times. Would have been nice to be there, in the Tokyo winter of Feb ‘95.

This mix was only available with the Maxi CD Single of Masquerade, another brilliant song off their masterpiece “dAnce to positive” album. Over 10 years later, it’s still an absolute classic, and hasn’t aged a bit. I have bought maybe 5 copies of this album over the years, losing and scratching one and replacing it with another. I have first prints of all the singles. It is pure genius and I still listen regularly.

Anyway, download the song here.

UPDATE: I mean jesus, just look at some of these tracks – they’re all from dAnce to positive:

3 masquerade!




14 Boy Meets Girl
15 samui yoru dakara

All these absolute classics on one album; who could deny that dAnce to positive is one of the best albums of the 1990s – if not all time?

This album was trf’s Faces Places. There is no filler, every single track is brilliant. From beginning to end it blows you away. I doubt it can ever be beaten, ever, by any dance act anywhere in the world.

If you can’t tell by now, I love this album almost without equal; it sits proudly in my top 5 or maybe even top 3 albums of all time in terms of signficance; it is fantastic. For reference the other two albums in the top 3 are probably globe’s Faces Places and Pop Will Eat Itself’s 1990 album The PWEI Cure For Sanity. If it had to be top five, you could add They Might Be Giant’s Lincoln and “animation soundtracks i heard in 1996 onwards” to that list – oh and the rest of globe’s albums, hahaha .. ;-)

Listening to it now, it can still take me back. I’m sitting in my parent’s car, it’s winter in Adelaide, listening to ENGAGED as I drive Chloe and her little sister home. Or I’m driving to work at a service station listening to FUNKY M, waiting for the cool drums breakdown. Every song a memory. I can map out my whole life according to the songs I was listening to at the time. Right up to the present. Just one man has been responsible for about 70% of the songs that actually matter to me.

TK was 36 years old when he made this album. Jesus fucking Christ.

Word of the Day

Monday, September 19th, 2005

alamodality, n

He had a certain unconscious alamodality, no matter what he was wearing.

Suggested variants: alamodatic, alamodacity? It’s from french, supposedly.

Excellent debate

Monday, September 19th, 2005

I watched an excellent, and quite conclusive, debate tonight between left-wing celebrity Arianna Huffington and right-wing professor Victor Davis Hanson on the question: “Is America an Empire”?

If anyone is interested, you can view the 90-minute presentation here.

Quite a good expansion of the two sides’ positions. I am always interested in quality debate, even more so if it focusses upon matters of interest to me. A proper, structured debate between leading lights of opposing forces is very often a good way to test, question and expand one’s breadth of understanding of an issue, and I always listen closely to what the opposition has to say. Genuinely looking forward to the rest in the series. This kind of thing is a wonderful demonstration of the power of the internet to further education across classes and continents.

Actually, to be honest it’s not really a debate at all, it is a massacre. Huffington is totally outclassed – she couldn’t even stay on topic for two minutes before wandering into some misguided rant about Wal-Mart (!) or Hurricane Katrina (?). But where the hell are the real intellectuals of the left? I seriously want to hear some proper persuasion, one way or the other, on any number of interesting topics. I want to be challenged and hear opposing points. And instead we get Huffington – and this is the best she can do? It was embarrassing to watch. Nothing but a confused, rambling tirade about every disconnected “anti-bush” talking point she could think of. But the thing is, this is par for the course with the modern left.

This is the real reason the left is losing ground. Anyone who actually pays attention to what they are saying can’t avoid the conclusion: they are absolutely full of shit. How can they expect to get support when they just make it up as they go along?

Modern left thinking is nothing but a confused mess of half-truths, shallow and woefully inadequate analysis, rapidly changing topics, logical missteps, appeals to race and/or class, and sanctimonious bluster; whatever well-meaning ideals it supposedly started with. It is, quite simply, doomed.

Best movie of 2005?

Sunday, September 18th, 2005

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

It is just great.


Sunday, September 18th, 2005

Walked to Starbucks to buy a coffee. Took some pictures:

looking down towards Victoria Avenue from Chatswood Mall
looking down towards Victoria Avenue from Chatswood Mall

Victoria Avenue
Victoria Avenue

Victoria Avenue
Victoria Avenue w/z Starbucks on the right :-)

Back towards the station
Looking back towards the station

vodafone buildings
and again

My street
My Street

My apartment building
My Apartment Complex



Sunday, September 18th, 2005

According to this page, I am in the 90th percentile for height, and 16th percentile for weight compared to others of the same age. This is with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 20.9. Interesting! For me that is! Hahaha

That means that 84% of people the same age and height as me weigh more. Since I don’t consider myself particularly thin, that means the world is full of big, fat people.

For comparison, Max Breaker, who is shorter and younger than me, but about the same weight, scores 22.5.

How do you score?

What I want to do

Saturday, September 17th, 2005

One of the main reasons I want to be rich is so that when I am, and when high-quality cybernetic replacements for the human body become available, I’m going to get one of them and transplant myself into it. I’m then going to go on an uninterrupted killing spree for about 5 years. Oh, it’s going to be great.

Basically I think being some kind of elite robot assasin is the best job I can imagine. Well, being in globe would also be the best. But just think – half the time unstoppable killing machine, the other half international rock star! What could be better?

I hope I don’t get killed crossing the road or poisoned before I have the chance to be repurposed into state-of-the-art silicon and metal. I’m looking forward to my first cybernetically-assisted leap onto the roof of a building, or running with impunity through a hail of government bullets. Perhaps I could gather a group of like-minded cyborgs, and we could dish out brutal justice to the dictators and high-placed criminals of the world. Or just use high frequency blades, monofilament wire and sniping rifles to mercilessly kill anyone who has ever annoyed me as I walk through this parched world.

Of course, it’s a bit unlikely that I’ll ever be a member of globe, and there is also the possibility that the perfection of human-replacement robotics lags behind and I never live to see their introduction. I’d also be satisfied with the life of an industrialist – producing an ever cooler inventory of lethal weapons and hulking, armed transport planes made from carbon fiber. Maybe some autonomous robot warrior machines would be available by that time. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than landing in some remote village in Indonesia and “liberating” the sweatshop workers from both their exploitative, menial labours and also their hopeless, unnecessary lives in a devastating hail of automatic fire. In time, the image of my signature fleet of intimidating black gunships would strike terror into the heart of third world countries everywhere!

Ah, the future. Whatever happens, the future is an exciting place!

DAI Breaks up

Saturday, September 17th, 2005

Sad news. Japanese pop group Do As Inifinity broke up, announcing that their upcoming singles collection will be their last release, and a concert at the Budokan on 25th Nov will be their last.

I used to really like this band, but their hearts have not been in it the last couple of years – you could just tell. So, it was inevitable they would break up; but still, sad. I really wish I could go to that concert.

Favourite album will, therefore, always be Deep Forest; most-loved song 深い森, a song which, for me, will forever be associated with images from the closing scenes of 犬夜叉 2nd series; a wonderful animation with many 懐かしい memories.

Bunny Report Canada Edition

Friday, September 16th, 2005

Thanks to the seasoned world traveller TJ7, we now have the first ever Bunny Report : Canada !

Certainly it seems that bunnies in Canada are far more photo-friendly and inquisitive than their shy Australian cousins.

Thanks very much to TJ7 for his work! It really made my day.

My own bunnies have been in hiding for the last week – several times I’ve driven past the site, with no luck. Let’s hope the newly improved weather entices them back to my warm photographic embrace …

The Sound of Summer

Thursday, September 15th, 2005

Well, it is beginning to feel like summer here in Sydney. And when the weather starts to heat up, I start to play my “summer music” – songs I have ever loved and associated with this time of year. I’ll start posting them.

First up is “Summertime Healing” by Eusebe.

It’s to the tune of “Sexual Healing” by Marvin Gaye. Once, years ago, I was at a party with a friend. We loved this song so much that we hijacked the stereo system and played it nonstop on repeat for 3 hours. Many times, other people would try to access the stereo to change the song. We had to resort to physical restraint to prevent that. It was great.


Tuesday, September 13th, 2005

From the tracker stats of a fairly well-known anime fansubber:

Totals (154 torrents) 58.46GB
seeders: 3936
leechers: 4314
total transferred: 1.41PB
total finished: 3136136
currect speed: 3.10GB/s


UPDATE: just found another with over 3 petabytes. The tracker in question has done 23.8PB this year.

Now I guess the numbers aren’t really surprising when you think it through. I downloaded over 1.2 TB just myself last year, although quite a lot less this year. It would only take a couple tens of thousands people like me to add up to that much. But still, when you multiply it out, the numbers just blow me away. Almost 24 PETABYTES, for a single purpose, non-profit, amateur web site – one of HUNDREDS of such trackers. BitTorrent is fucking amazing.

UPDATE 2: 24 Petabytes is over 1,000,000 times bigger than Max Breaker’s hard disk.

globe2 pop/rock lyrics

Sunday, September 11th, 2005

Since they’re so hard to find, I’ve reprinted them here.

Sincere gratitude to from tkfans BBS for her hard work transcribing from the CD booklet.



Sunday, September 11th, 2005

just 36

Jesus H. Christ. I hope I don’t look like this at 36.

Thank you Jacke at on the globe for the link.