Archive for August, 2005

Anti-globalisation protests in Sydney

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005

There’s a big conference going on in Sydney at the moment, with many CEOs of giant corporations gathered around the Opera House to talk about global domination, etc. Well, with conferences comes protestors, and true to form one can spot more than the normal number of wild-eyed, dreadlocked hippies wandering around the city shaking their fists and waving posters of George Bush with a Hitler moustache. It’s all very funny and totally ineffectual.

Anyway, I’m not sure if that certain type of person who really wants to protest things, no matter how futile, is shrinking in number or they’ve simply moved onto graffitiing trains to express their displeasure with “the man”, but the turnouts this year are just dismal. I was downstairs at lunch and happened to notice a protest forming up around the street – 20 or 30 dishevelled-looking misfits, complete with the zero-budget signs and banners which seem to be de rigeur for the unemployed agitator – absolutely surrounded by 6 police bikes, 2 cars, some normal police and about 12 of the “serious police” – no blue uniforms for them, just these unmarked black jumpsuits with “POLICE” written on the black. Everyone kind of understands you do not mess with those guys, as they only ever appear when there’s something big going down. I have no doubt just 3 or 4 of the black policemen could have subdued the entire group of 20 lefties – they must have been expecting a lot more.

Oh, and the whole time, a black helicopter hovered overhead. Cool!

I went back to get some photos but was too late. Here’s the helicopter though, out my office window:

Police Helicopter
Watching the lefties …

Police Helicopter above a building
Above a building

Rika Ishikawa Challenge

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005

Max Breaker and I have a competition – who will be first to win Rika Ishikawa’s heart upon arrival in JP?

Rika Ishikawa

The competition will be tough, but fair. Let the best man win!

Cast your vote for the predicted winner to the right.

Lone Westerner

Tuesday, August 30th, 2005

Danger - Headlights Compulsory

I think I am the only westerner in this building. We do not need that english sign.

Back to Relation

Tuesday, August 30th, 2005

Well, I’ve done globe2 pop/rock to death. Back to Relation!

God, what a great album. I hate to impugn the other CDs, but it’s probably the only globe album without even one “filler” track.

Pure genius!

Do other bands even matter?

globe - Relation


Monday, August 29th, 2005

Having previously been quite cynical about the new trend of posting self-mixed radio shows in mp3 format on the internet, an activity which has been inexplicably dubbed “podcasting”, I haven’t listened to many. However, I am always on the lookout for new sources of music, and a historically proven way to find good new music is to: 1. find someone who you know you share at least some portion of your musical taste with, and 2. listen to everything else they like and/or recommend.

It’s an inexact science, to be sure, and occasionally degenerates into a kind of musical “carpetbombing” in which one ends up downloading exponentially more and more and listening to next to none of it. However, when it works, it works well. I can say that the great majority of bands and music I rank in my favourites today has been discovered through some combination of guided experimentation and pseudo-random downloading, with results which have genuinely improved my life. This effect is only magnified by the fact that I share musical interests with very few people I personally know.

Anyway, the point of all this is that I finally listened all the way through my first “podcast” tonight. It was Radio MXUT (51M) by Neomarxisme & friends. Very good, and I find myself awaiting a follow-up production.

Unfortunately, it seems no tracklisting is available.

UPDATE: I put the tracklisting in comments, two years late. Marxy is a pretentious westerner-in-japan fuckwit of the most sickeningly common type, but jesus this is a good mix. I’m still listening to it.

“A War to be Proud Of”

Monday, August 29th, 2005

From Christopher Hitchens writing in the Weekly Standard, a very good article arguing the case for the Iraq war, knowing all we do now, that echoes many of my own sentiments on the matter:

Hitchens doesn’t go into several important aspects in this article, such as the necessity to break the controlling position the Saudis enjoy(ed) in oil, a position which guarantees them a near-impunity to fund radical Islamic movements worldwide. But it’s still a very good article for anyone seeking to cut through some of the ludicrous misinformation and naïve blindness surrounding this important issue.

From Normblog.

UPDATE: with a germane quote:

War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

John Stuart Mill

Bunny Report 28/08/05

Monday, August 29th, 2005


A quiet night. Driving soundtrack: Globe: globe2 pop/rock.

running away

Three bunnies were gathered together, but scattered when I drove past. When I came back for a second pass, only this one was left, and some distance away.

Notice mist in the air. This area is a natural basin between two hills, and regularly fills with mist; it can be quite spectacular some nights. Very difficult to photograph though.

I pursued the others ..

hiding by a house

This one was hiding by a house. It ran away from the car and so I got out to chase it.

disappeared ...

But finally it hid behind the bush ….

sitting in the field

Sitting in the field …

still sitting ...

Still sitting. You don’t know what to do, huh?

running away

running away …

bye bye bunny!


Macquarie Centre

Macquarie Centre, which is about halfway through “Route 1″

Dear Leader Sho Fukamachi

Dear Leader Kim Il Sho Fukamachi Jong II

very steep road

A very steep road near Dear Leader’s secret fortress.

Japanese Ghost Pictures

Sunday, August 28th, 2005

Inspired by recent discussion about the appearance of apparently supernatural phenomena in photographs, I uploaded some old pictures of mine for your continued interest.

These particular pictures I had for 8 or so years. I had thought them lost but recently re-indexed every picture in my possession using , a process that took over a day(!). I make no claims as to their authenticity or anything else; however, I might say that as far as I know, they predate the era of easy fakes using Photoshop, and if they are fake, they are very good ones.

As always, every picture is a link, click for a full-sized version.

Japanese Ghost Pictures

eerie photographic noise

Starting off, at first glance this is not a particularly compelling case for the existence of ghosts. The “noise” in this photograph could be easily explained by faulty film, double exposure, or mishandling during development.

However, it certainly does look strange, especially considering where they appear to be standing.


A Good Quote

Sunday, August 28th, 2005

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
- Thomas Alva Edison

Edison didn’t invent electricity – I did – but it’s still a good idea to live by.

Harry Potter 4

Saturday, August 27th, 2005

This is looking amazing ..

New Trailer (Direct link .. :-) )

Hermione is looking great. Cho Chang, not so great. Ron is ugly as usual. And what is with Harry’s eyebrows?!

On Music

Friday, August 26th, 2005

Max Breaker writes a fantastic essay about his personal experience with music.

I have a great deal to write about this and will follow up soon …

Resignation Day

Friday, August 26th, 2005

Today is the day I will officially tender my resignation for my current position. I’m contractually obliged to give 3 months notice – I had previously interpreted that to mean 12 weeks, meaning I had 2 weeks to go before I had to do it, but I’ve decided to give my employers the benefit of the extra time and so decided to do it today.

I’ve got my speech all ready. Wish me luck!

UPDATE: My boss has gone home “sick”, meaning I have to wait until Monday. Damn!

UPDATE 2: My friend in admin confessed to me that my boss had actually already guessed I was leaving, because I suddenly seemed suspiciously “happy” and was getting along with everyone really well and not arguing anymore … ha!

UPDATE 3: Due to Japanese visa requirements, I am required to demonstrate a large amount of available cash before I can get the visa I want. Money is no problem at my time of departure, but it is now. I have therefore decided to wait until I receive my (sizeable) tax return before resigning, just in case there is a problem or it is held up somehow. It should be this week, anyhow.

Camera Lust

Friday, August 26th, 2005

From the inimitable Irradiance comes word of the new Canon EOS 5D digital camera:

12.8 Megapixel EOS 5D [...] a new D-SLR category combining a full frame CMOS sensor with a lightweight, compact magnesium alloy body. Weighing just 810 grams, it features a second generation 35.8 x 23.9 mm CMOS sensor, 3 frame per second, 60 Large JPEG frame burst and 0.2 second start up time peration.

Jesus H Christ, they’re some amazing specs.

For those not “in the know” about such things, the most important feature here is the full frame sensor. This solves the problem of the limited field of view that plagues all digital cameras I have ever used. Until this new model was released, to buy a digital camera with a full frame sensor cost over AUD$10,000 .. this is a big breakthrough and I won’t bother pretending I don’t really want it.

With this camera, I could take my bespoke art of Bunny Reporting to a whole new level.

Since the review site Irrad links is so slow, I thought I’d mirror one of the demonstration shots from the new model. Click the thumbnail below to view at full resolution. Prepare to be blown away.

amazing quality ...

Warning, it’s 4.7M in size.

Bunny Report 25/08/05

Friday, August 26th, 2005


facing left

facing left

towards the tree

towards the tree

thinking about the universe

thinking about the universe

iTunes memory

Friday, August 26th, 2005

What is with this memory usage by iTunes?!

a mere 215MB

A mere 214MB! Why not.

Facing Reality

Thursday, August 25th, 2005

A subject that has been on my mind a lot in recent weeks relates to the best way to deal with a painful negative emotion. As anyone who knows me will attest to, I am always searching for “the best way” to do things, despite the fact that theory rarely reflects practice in philosophical matters.

Omitting the usual meandering prose, I will present my ludicrously brief analysis of western and eastern teachings on the matter.

Western Philosophy

The dominant philosophy in contemporary western society is Judeo-Christian.

I can’t find much on the subject of maintaining the best mental state in western literature. Most popular titles and articles refer mainly to the eastern teachings on the subject of inner peace and equanimity.

However, my summary of contemporary western thought on the subject is this. After the fact, this philosophy advocates calm contemplation, objective thinking, and ultimately a kind of inner reconciliation in the face of a severe emotional blow.

I have a few problems with this method, however. Much of what I read sounds suspiciously like brooding, or wallowing in self-pity. Much of western opinion on the subject seems to centre around “protecting the inner child” from the harsh realities of what the world has, or has to, dish out. I reject this kind of “internal protectionism”.

Furthermore, I believe that internal reconciliation, after the fact, does nothing to actually improve one’s ability to weather future storms, or address the possible root causes for the crisis, whatever it may be.

Eastern Philosophy

The dominant philosophy in eastern culture is various offshoots of Buddhism. I have always been interested in buddhist teachings regarding attachment, the relationship between the material world and the world within our hearts and minds, and choices we have to accept or reject pretty much anything from the outer as it attempts to affect the inner.

The most interesting two schools of buddhism are Zen and Vipassana:

Zen Buddhism

In response to a powerful negative emotional experience, Zen buddhism recommends:

  • clearing your mind and not thinking of it at all
  • distracting yourself physically
  • It’s an interesting idea, but I find it too “mysterious”, relying too heavily on the supposedly infinite but in practise nebulous and unmeasurable “power of the subconcious” to quietly rev up and fix all the problems, and improve you to boot, if only you can stop the concious mind interfering for a while.

    Another interesting point is this approaches’ superficial similarity to the princple that, while one is asleep, one’s body will come alive and start mending any damage at a greatly accelerated rate compared to the wakeful state. Well, that’s known to be at least somewhat true. The difference is that the physical repair process is at least partially understood, and physical healing can be measured. Emotional health cannot be so easily represented on a graph, and I submit that one’s perception of one’s own emotional health can vary greatly from moment to moment, and may be particularly susceptible to placebo-like effects and temporary confidences where no real structural improvement has taken shape.

    Most of all, though, the Zen approach just seems too good to be true. Like one of those “lose weight while you sleep!” pills, it seems to promise too much out, with not enough in. I can’t bring myself to fully trust such magical methodologies.

    Vipassana Buddhism

    Advocates the student to:

  • face a problem directly, without looking away, until it disappears
  • examine the critical choices leading to the disaster
  • adopt a doctrine of detachment from emotional reaction and compulsivity
  • In the end I like this approach the best.

    It emphasises a direct confrontation with the problem, and the taking of responsibility for the choices that led up to it. Finally, it encourages one to distance oneself from petty emotion.


    I will add to this entry as I think of improvements to the writing and content. Apologies if it is a bit scattered and lacking polish.

Not Lost In Translation

Thursday, August 25th, 2005

Reading a tech forum, i found a post in chinese, which I can’t understand. But I think I can pick up the core meaning anyway:

给你个XP for Xtra Problem 的名号确实恰当~
可惜我还是 professional的 xtra problem。。。。。。

Great image sharing program

Thursday, August 25th, 2005

Max Breaker told me about this great program for interactively sharing, discussing and viewing images. Another google product, I was skeptical it could possibly be worthwhile, but upon installing it and trying it I’m actually amazed by how good it is, and that I hadn’t heard of it before.

Highly recommended the next time you wish to share, discuss and view images collaboratively.


Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

I uploaded photos of myself and some friends. I want more! Send me your pictures, and I will add them.

See here.

Computer Virus

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

How I love MS Windows. I recently discovered I had not one, but TWO viruses on this computer – and the useless Norton Antivirus 2005 had completely failed to either detect or remove them.

So, uninstalled AV2005 and installed Symantec Corporate Antivirus 10. The very second it was activated, hundreds of “scanning” windows came up – scanning outgoing mail. In other words, my computer was being used as a fricking spam mail server. Again – Norton completely failed to pick up on this. My previous trust in that program is completely destroyed now – I had thought it was the best, despite its plodding performance and huge memory footprint.

Anyway, running the symantec client seems to have cleared the infections and the outgoing mail warnings have certainly disappeared. But I’m suspicious now, and will be investigating other software, like Panda or Kaspersky Lab.

Really, Windows is just hopeless. I naturally am fully up to date with every update imaginable, running latest versions of reputable antivirus software, and I *still* got hit? I can’t get another mac soon enough …

UPDATE: Symantec failed to clean the system. I’ll never use Symantec or Norton again!