Archive for July, 2005

Bunny Report 31/07/05

Sunday, July 31st, 2005


BUNNY SIGHTED! Hiding under a large bush.
Before I could photograph him, he ran into the darkness.
Next time I will be ready.

Song Of The Week 1

Saturday, July 30th, 2005

My song of the week is “パピヨン” (Papillon) by 島谷ひとみ (Hitomi Shimatani). I must have listened to it 50 times in the last 7 days.

If you want, you can download it here.

Bunny Report 30/07/05

Saturday, July 30th, 2005

Around 9:30pm. No bunnies sighted. I await the warmer months.

One Page Politics

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

Check out the page on the right – it’s the first draft of the introduction to my new project, One Page Politics. The aim of the game is to draft the best 1-page summary you can of your political views on a certain subject. Then, I’ll place them all online and they can be voted on or argued against. That will be on another site which I just bought domain names for.

For now, though, it’s just that. Let me know what you think, or submit your entry now and be first up on the new page ..

LCD refresh rates

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

Updated my 2-monitor LCD porn-viewing setup to new(er) Samsung 710Ns, up from 710Vs.

The principle change, apart from slightly updated aesthetics and better contrast, is the improvement in the refresh rate of the screen – up from a sluggish 25ms, which produced annoying artefacts that merely confirmed my general prejudice against LCD screens, to a sprightly 12ms.

Let me tell you, it makes all the difference. I’ve read that the “magic number” for LCD screens, similar to the magic number for CRTs of around 72Hz, a refresh rate below which an annoying flicker becomes visible to the human eye, sits around 16ms.

I am impressed by the improvement – it’s not often that an improvement of a few miliseconds changes anything in real life, but it’s made a big difference in my user experience with these monitors. I still prefer CRT colour, which I find detailed and satisfying in a way which LCDs are yet to match, especially when displaying flesh tones, which is often,but a major milestone in the evolution of the technology, from my perspective and experience at least, has been passed.

Good shit, as I often say to myself.

Health Kick

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

The diet of a single male is often lacking in essential nutrients, vitamins and amino acids, all of them necessary for a healthy, vivacious lifestyle. Bearing this in mind, and regarding the previous fortnights’ intake with a critical eye, tonight I embarked upon a radical program of quenching my body’s thirst for nutritious sustinance and washed a handful of vitamin pills down with my Heineken.

Wholesome country style living, here I come!

Marlboro Menthol vs. Marlboro Lights

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

Bought my first pack of ML for a year tonight. I think I’ll go back to them.

They’re funny things, cigarettes. Like music, they imprint themselves into your life and culture, associating themselves with experiences and memories along the way. To change brands or types of cigarettes is very rare for most people.

So a deliberate change like that can be symbolic. Symbolic of what? Who fockin’ knows, man. Who fockin’ knows.

UPDATE: can’t stand ML anymore, sticking with MM.

Forbidden Music 2

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

Ali Project

They’re good, OK, and I don’t care what anyone says.

Secret Love of Forbidden Music 1

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

Secret love of forbidden music:

Sailor Stars Musical: Sailor Stars
One of the best musicals I’ve ever heard and I don’t care what anyone says. I’m a lifelong lover of the drama and passion of the musical format, but even though there’s a lot of them, it’s hard to find a good one.

If you ignore the annoying voices of the sailors themselves, it’s very, very good.

More as I think of them.

Hello world!

Saturday, July 16th, 2005 is open for business.